isadora. a beautiful black girl, relaxing in her elegant robe near the window of her apartment. she was a law freshman, neurodivergent, and took me in when I was kicked out of home in 2015.
seven. seven eggs floating in the sky, one of them hatched. a baby bird appears and finally knows freedom, by singing. completeness. triumph. good news.
one. a single egg contrasting with a monochromatic background. individuality, ego, boundaries, the indivisible. the pre-big bang atom. the new. the pearl.
an egg inside of an egg inside of an egg
harsh dialogues
touch grass
a beautiful black girl, relaxing in her elegant robe near the window of her apartment. she was a law freshman, neurodivergent, and took me in when I was kicked out of home in 2015.
𝁧ェ𝁧𝁧ύ𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧𓈰 𝁧𝁧 𖮇 𝁧 ꍿ𝁧𝁧 ᯿𝁧𝁧𐚺 𝁧𝁧 𞲙 𝁧 𝢬 𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧 𝁧┐(‘~` )┌𝁧𞋁 𝁧𝁧𝁧 𝁧𝁧ԅ⽈ 𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧 𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧𝁧 𝁧 𝁧 𝁧𝁧 𝁧𝁧 𝁧 ᛕ ދ𝁧𝁧 𝁧𝁧🮀𝁧 𝁧։𝁧𝁧 𝁧𝀴𝁧ꆠ𝁧𝁧 𝁧𔑬 𝁧𝁧𝁓 222222 $enjoy
seven eggs floating in the sky, one of them hatched. a baby bird appears and finally knows freedom, by singing. completeness. triumph. good news.
two free-range eggs on the corner of a table, one is about to fall. a cat observes the force of gravity. the couple. the other. the first union.
a single egg contrasting with a monochromatic background. individuality, ego, boundaries, the indivisible. the pre-big bang atom. the new. the pearl.