Share what turns you on. . What lights your spark? What do you like to talk about with others? What motivates you? . Identify it, and once you do what you do, do it every day and share it. That's what it's about. . Technique: Digital illustration.
I dreamed that I was in my kitchen, it was morning and I was making breakfast. Suddenly I see a cockroach on my coffee cup, I shoo it away with my hand. While I was preparing my toast I see how the counter begins to fill with cockroaches. They are everywhere, there are more and more of them. I try to kill them with insecticide, and they are immune. Maybe I can crush them, I thought. But they had a shell that protected them. A voice-over tells me, the only way to get rid of them is to eat them.
Can you imagine how you would feel if you had to put a live cockroach in your mouth?
I dreamed that I was in a lagoon of black water. While swimming the water begins to thicken and its color turns black. The water is so thick that I can't move anymore. Suddenly sticks begin to come out of it, they are connected by spider webs. On them are giant spiders, weaving their webs. As I watch his work, the black water begins to swallow me. Even if I swim, I can't get out of it. A spider approaches me and tells me, if you grab one of my webs you will be able to get out. The terror, the fear, the phobia. What generated rejection in me was now my way out, my salvation. I grabbed the fabric to avoid sinking into the black sea. The spider approached me and told me "what you avoid is out of fear. But even with fear, you are able to act and sustain yourself." . What fear stops you? What are you stopping doing because of fear?
I'm in a city and I'm walking down a long street that seems to have no end. In the distance I see an orange cloud, suddenly I begin to see orange lights that rise to the sky and begin to form constellations. As I approach the cloud, I see glowing scorpions, creating luminous spheres that they send to the sky. Constellations form in the sky, but they are firearms, and they launch lightning bolts against the buildings of the city. Everything starts burning, buildings, people, cars, the constellations destroy everything they touch. I continue walking, I see that my sneakers shine as I go and the scorpions walk with me. I hear someone tell me, sometimes you have to destroy to create again.
I'm in the sea, I feel like I can breathe, knowing that I won't drown calms me down. I feel a pain in my arm, I see that a piece of skin is coming off and scales are beginning to appear. At the same time my feet turn into fins, the nails come out, the phalanges of the fingers break, I feel the bones crack. Now I am part of the water and my body needs to adapt to the environment. I wake up thinking about two things, changes, transitions can be painful, but they are necessary to inhabit a new territory. . Technique: AI + photoshop Canvas 25cm x 25cm 300 dpi
I am inside an elevator, going up to the top floor of a building. Suddenly the walls begin to move, the space is getting smaller, I'm afraid of being crushed to death. The feeling of suffocation, anxiety, fear and a voice that tells me: . "When you're scared, just breathe, to stay calm. If you look up, you'll be able to get out through the top. Sometimes it's just a matter of being calm and changing your point of view." . Technique: AI + photoshop Canvas: 25cm x 25cm 300 DPI
I dreamed that I was at the bottom of the ocean diving. Orange eels were swimming around me, they were very bright and soft. Suddenly they begin to coil around my body. The eels immobilize my limbs, preventing my movement. With little air left I thought... "I'm going to die." I think death by drowning is one of the most traumatic ways to die. The body collapses, in silence, the lack of oxygen generates the sensation that you are inhabiting darkness. The body needs air, therefore it involuntarily generates inhalation, causing the person to swallow water. Then the body generates a cough to remove water from the lungs, but this causes more water to enter them. Little by little the lungs fill with water and they collapse. They say that then a state of calm and tranquility occurs since the brain does not have oxygen. Finally, cardiac arrest occurs. This whole process can last between one and five minutes. Will there be a worse and more distressing death than this one? . Technique: AI + Potoshop Canvas: 25cm x 25cm 300 dpi
I dreamed that I was in a museum. While walking through the exhibition he transforms into a boat. The ship goes deep into the sea and begins to sink. I run, I try to get out of it. I find a door through which I can leave. When I open it I see the immensity of the sea, the ship while the ship was sinking. The boat sucks me into the depths, I swam but couldn't reach the surface. An angel rescues me and takes me to the shore. When he leaves me he tells me "remember that when you enter the eye of the storm, everyday life and routine will be what saves you from getting lost." . Technique: AI + Photoshop Canvas: 25cm x 25cm 300 dpi
I dreamed that I was in a room; Heads stuck out from the walls and spoke to me, each one told me something different and I couldn't hear my own voice. Each head had its opinion formed about my life and my decisions... But you know what? None of them were mine, decisions are not made with the head, nor by listening to outsiders, decisions are made with the heart. . Technique: AI + photoshop Canvas: 25cmx25cm 300 dpi
There is an inexplicable synchronization between the movie The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon. They call this event The dark side of the rainbow. The film is from 1939, the album was released in 1973. The origin of The dark side of the rainbow is a mystery, in 1994, a group of fans began talking about it on the web and then it spread to the radio and the collective. The synchronization is notable, because the scenes from the film match the music on the album. If this album is played from the third roar of the MGM lion that appears in the opening credits of the film, coincidences are observed between the rhythm of the lyrics, the thematic change of the songs and the events of the film. The members of the group Pink Floyd have denied having been based on or being inspired by the film, as has the sound engineer, Alan Parsons. This effect produced by the match that occurs with the two works is described as an example of synchronicity, defined by psychologist Carl Jung as, "a phenomenon in which two events appear to be related but the connection is not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality". There is also the phenomenon of apophenia, defined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad as the experience that consists of perceiving patterns, connections or both in random events or in apparently meaningless data. There are more than 100 coincidences, and not all of them have the same strength or are so obvious, there are many parts in which the coincidences do not seem to occur so naturally, but when the image and the sound meet, the result is wonderful. Curiously, the images are synchronized and it seems that the Pink Floyd songs are made to accompany Dorothy on her adventure to return home. . Technique: Digital illustration in procreate Canvas: 21cm x 29.7cm 300 dpi
I'm on a plantation, I have red hair and my clothes are printed with plants. I walk through the vegetation and see dragonflies that appear shining among the leaves. They suddenly begin to burn and fall on the plants, causing them to catch fire. I don't run, I stay and watch the fire around me. I feel hot in my hands, when I look down I see that there are flames in them. I am surprised to see the fire, I make a click and a flame appears on my fingers, I didn't know I could handle fire and its intensity; . Until now.
Canvas: 20cm x 20cm Technique: AI + Photoshop 300 dpi
Imagine without seeing, in an alley where cockroaches abound. You are still, you can't move. They approach little by little and begin to climb your body, you feel their sticky paws running over your extremities. You want to take them off, but your arms and legs are immobile. You are alone, you don't see or move, you can only feel. What do you feel? can you feel the disgust? the impotence? You want to scream but you can't, your lips are stuck together. You can only breathe, as fear takes you completely.
Digital illustration made with procreate Canvas: 21cm*29.7 300 dpi
I dreamed that I was in a forest. The moon illuminated the sky. While walking through the forest, I see that around my feet there were small red mushrooms. In the distance I saw a pomegranate tree looming timidly. I walk up to it and on the floor I find a fruit that tripled its original size. While I crouch down I see a green owl approaching me and perching on a branch of the tree and staring at me. When I open the grenade inside, a yellow flash comes out, it blinds me. Then the owl tells me, "You are lost and the way back home cannot be found with your eyes."
Piece made with artificial intelligence from text to image and photoshop. Canvas: 20cmx20cm 300dpi
This work has as its topic the fear of rats. When thinking about how to represent it, I asked myself, what would the rat feel when it saw a zombie girl? Will the rat be afraid too? to be eaten, to have her life end, to feel pain because the girl wants to eat her and dismember her. I think what is terrifying is in the everyday. Fear and terror appear when something seems indefinable to us and at the same time seems familiar. If there is something that defines a person, it is their fears. Tell me what you're afraid of and I'll tell you who you are.
Digital illustration made in procreate + AI Canvas 21cm*29.7cm
She is the one who says goodbye and dispels fears. When you are afraid, invoke this image. Close your eyes and think of something that scares you, put it in your hand, close it and then say: "I take you in my hands and with a breath I take you away from my body, mind and heart. You no longer exist" So be it. It's done.
Canvas: 21cm x 29,7cm Digital illustration made with procreate
After Ofion broke the egg of creation, Eurynome took it in her hands, from each half came fire, water, air and earth. Ophion, having completed his task, was transformed by her into a constellation, which he named Serpens. The goddess divided it into two parts: Serpens Caput, which represents the head of the snake, located to the west. Serpens Cauda, representing the tail, to the east. Eurinome is now tasked with uniting the elementals to shape the world.
Attention I had planned to close this collection here, but if the elementals recive 50 mints I will continue the story.
Serpens is a constellation that is divided into two parts among the 88 constellations in the sky. Half of it is to the east of the constellation Ophiuchus, with the tail of a giant snake extending along the Milky Way towards Taurus; The other half is located to the west of the constellation Ophiuchus, with the head of a giant snake, adjacent to the constellation Shepherd and the constellation Corona Borealis; The middle part of the giant snake is covered by the bottom of the Ophiuchus clock. The head and tail of this giant snake were tightly held by the snake man, and the middle part became the snake man's belt. The brightest star in the constellation Serpens is only 3 meters, so although this constellation is long, it is not very eye-catching. The area is 637 square degrees, ranking 23rd. The brightest star is in the constellation Serpens α (Unukalhai) (visual magnitude 2.63). The latitude variation is fully visible between 80 ° and -80 °. The best observation month is July.
OSCE TE IPSUM = KNOW YOURSELF In the Temple of the God Apollo, it was written know yourself, before entering the temple these words greeted you. The oracle neither says nor hides, but rather indicates, says Heraclitus. Who I am? Where I go? What path do I want to take? What do I feel? Do I see the signs? Pay attention to the signs and you will be able to reveal reality as it is. Know yourself and you will touch your soul, know yourself and you will travel the entire world. "This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's March 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists."
The Goddess Eurinome transformed into a bird and placed an egg on the great ocean of chaos. Then he told Ophion, the snake, to surround him completely, until the egg cracked. When the egg breaks, the cosmos and the world will be born. . Canvas: 21cm*29,7cm Technique: digital illustration in procreate
Mircea Eliade says that the egg shows a rebirth, which manifests itself in the repeated and cyclical creation of the world. Eurynome, the goddess of all things, created the snake Ophion, while she danced he was invaded by desire, they both let themselves be carried away by passion until they merged into one thing. Digital illustration made with procreate Canvas: 21 cm * 29,7 cm Jpg file
The Cosmic Egg is inspired by the book "The hero with a thousand faces" (work of Joseph Campbell). For the Maori tribe and the Egiptians, the origin of the World starts with the idea of a cosmic egg. An egg is a birth and an inexhaustible universe. This is my first mint, the beginning of a new cosmos Digital illustration created with procreate.
Share what turns you on
What lights your spark?
What do you like to talk about with others?
What motivates you?
Identify it, and once you do what you do, do it every day and share it. That's what it's about.
Technique: Digital illustration.
Eat cockroaches
Can you imagine how you would feel if you had to put a live cockroach in your mouth?
How will it feel?
Phobia as a lifesaver
What fear stops you?
What are you stopping doing because of fear?
Orange lights
I am water
I feel a pain in my arm, I see that a piece of skin is coming off and scales are beginning to appear. At the same time my feet turn into fins, the nails come out, the phalanges of the fingers break, I feel the bones crack. Now I am part of the water and my body needs to adapt to the environment. I wake up thinking about two things, changes, transitions can be painful, but they are necessary to inhabit a new territory.
Technique: AI + photoshop
Canvas 25cm x 25cm
300 dpi
"When you're scared, just breathe, to stay calm. If you look up, you'll be able to get out through the top. Sometimes it's just a matter of being calm and changing your point of view."
Technique: AI + photoshop
Canvas: 25cm x 25cm
300 DPI
154451 $Enjoy
137731 $enjoy
Just feel
Technique: digital illustration
Canvas 21cm x 29cm
300 dpi
130111 $enjoy
Reality check
Technique: digital illustration
300 dpi.
I'm bored
Technique: digital illustration in Photoshop
Canvas: 21cm x 29cm
Technique: digital illustration.
Canvas: 21cm x 29.7cm3
00 dpi
Die drowning
Suddenly they begin to coil around my body.
The eels immobilize my limbs, preventing my movement.
With little air left I thought... "I'm going to die."
I think death by drowning is one of the most traumatic ways to die. The body collapses, in silence, the lack of oxygen generates the sensation that you are inhabiting darkness. The body needs air, therefore it involuntarily generates inhalation, causing the person to swallow water. Then the body generates a cough to remove water from the lungs, but this causes more water to enter them. Little by little the lungs fill with water and they collapse. They say that then a state of calm and tranquility occurs since the brain does not have oxygen. Finally, cardiac arrest occurs. This whole process can last between one and five minutes.
Will there be a worse and more distressing death than this one?
Technique: AI + Potoshop
Canvas: 25cm x 25cm
300 dpi
The ship goes deep into the sea and begins to sink.
I run, I try to get out of it. I find a door through which I can leave. When I open it I see the immensity of the sea, the ship while the ship was sinking.
The boat sucks me into the depths, I swam but couldn't reach the surface.
An angel rescues me and takes me to the shore. When he leaves me he tells me "remember that when you enter the eye of the storm, everyday life and routine will be what saves you from getting lost."
Technique: AI + Photoshop
Canvas: 25cm x 25cm
300 dpi
Silence the voices
But you know what?
None of them were mine, decisions are not made with the head, nor by listening to outsiders, decisions are made with the heart.
Technique: AI + photoshop
Canvas: 25cmx25cm
300 dpi
The film is from 1939, the album was released in 1973.
The origin of The dark side of the rainbow is a mystery, in 1994, a group of fans began talking about it on the web and then it spread to the radio and the collective.
The synchronization is notable, because the scenes from the film match the music on the album.
If this album is played from the third roar of the MGM lion that appears in the opening credits of the film, coincidences are observed between the rhythm of the lyrics, the thematic change of the songs and the events of the film.
The members of the group Pink Floyd have denied having been based on or being inspired by the film, as has the sound engineer, Alan Parsons.
This effect produced by the match that occurs with the two works is described as an example of synchronicity, defined by psychologist Carl Jung as, "a phenomenon in which two events appear to be related but the connection is not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality". There is also the phenomenon of apophenia, defined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad as the experience that consists of perceiving patterns, connections or both in random events or in apparently meaningless data.
There are more than 100 coincidences, and not all of them have the same strength or are so obvious, there are many parts in which the coincidences do not seem to occur so naturally, but when the image and the sound meet, the result is wonderful. Curiously, the images are synchronized and it seems that the Pink Floyd songs are made to accompany Dorothy on her adventure to return home.
Technique: Digital illustration in procreate
Canvas: 21cm x 29.7cm
300 dpi
waauuu *-* 90000 $enjoy
100000 $enjoy
73037 $Enjoy
Dream 0
I don't run, I stay and watch the fire around me.
I feel hot in my hands, when I look down I see that there are flames in them.
I am surprised to see the fire, I make a click and a flame appears on my fingers, I didn't know I could handle fire and its intensity;
Until now.
Canvas: 20cm x 20cm
Technique: AI + Photoshop
300 dpi
Fear of cockroaches
What do you feel? can you feel the disgust? the impotence?
You want to scream but you can't, your lips are stuck together.
You can only breathe, as fear takes you completely.
Digital illustration made with procreate
Canvas: 21cm*29.7
300 dpi
5358 $enjoy
64646 $Enjoy
50505 $enjoy
sueño 2
While walking through the forest, I see that around my feet there were small red mushrooms. In the distance I saw a pomegranate tree looming timidly. I walk up to it and on the floor I find a fruit that tripled its original size. While I crouch down I see a green owl approaching me and perching on a branch of the tree and staring at me. When I open the grenade inside, a yellow flash comes out, it blinds me. Then the owl tells me, "You are lost and the way back home cannot be found with your eyes."
Piece made with artificial intelligence from text to image and photoshop.
Canvas: 20cmx20cm
31111 $Enjoy
Fear of rats?
I think what is terrifying is in the everyday. Fear and terror appear when something seems indefinable to us and at the same time seems familiar.
If there is something that defines a person, it is their fears.
Tell me what you're afraid of and I'll tell you who you are.
Digital illustration made in procreate + AI
Canvas 21cm*29.7cm
3000 $enjoy
70000 $enjoy
Blow away your fears
"I take you in my hands and with a breath I take you away from my body, mind and heart. You no longer exist" So be it. It's done.
Canvas: 21cm x 29,7cm
Digital illustration made with procreate
15000 $enjoy
333 $enjoy 111 $imagine
1111 $enjoy
233 $enjoy 53 $imagine
The Elementals
I had planned to close this collection here, but if the elementals recive 50 mints I will continue the story.
$higher $imagine 3000 $enjoy
This is a really interesting work. I like it because it's cute and the pictures are clear.
I hope the intriguing story continues.
ㅤ ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ( つ┳⊃ ε (_)へ⌒ヽフ ( ( ・ω・) ◎―◎ ⊃ ⊃ 22222 $Enjoy
In the Temple of the God Apollo, it was written know yourself, before entering the temple these words greeted you.
The oracle neither says nor hides, but rather indicates, says Heraclitus.
Who I am? Where I go? What path do I want to take? What do I feel? Do I see the signs?
Pay attention to the signs and you will be able to reveal reality as it is.
Know yourself and you will touch your soul, know yourself and you will travel the entire world.
"This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's March 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists."
The creation
Canvas: 21cm*29,7cm
Technique: digital illustration in procreate
30303 $enjoy
Goddess of new beginnings
Digital illustration made with procreate
Canvas: 21 cm * 29,7 cm
Jpg file
Cosmic egg
This is my first mint, the beginning of a new cosmos
Digital illustration created with procreate.