Through the gateways that have opened up do I step into another world.
Wessel ‘24
The process. Tell me what it is. Seriously. There’s this door I see in front of me that never seems to get closer. Wait, what’s this you’re saying…? All these steps, that’s what up? Wtf are you talking about? Stepping through is just bullshit? It’s about paying attention? Sorry, I can’t hear you over all this noise? What was that again?
I’ve been so focused on all these things without actually seeing. Caught in all those spirals and loops.
Late night looking through some pieces meant for this volume, a new song luring me to dance again with it. But, wasn’t it done? Or was it? What are those rules I keep on throwing up in front of myself. So many of them. Walls, thrown up to stop myself, why do I need any enemies when I’ve got myself? If I just tried…
Maybe I’m already through the gate and I just need to catch up with that fact.
I’m already doing.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3 More art at
Nothing like the fresh smell of wtf in the morning to really get you going.
Wessel ‘24
You think understanding and realization would be lasting but let me tell you about my mornings…
Every morning, fresh laid plans meet tool-boxes full of wrenches and with my morning coffee starts the ballet. My system is primed for whatever, and fire is the norm.
I’m so pissed because I thought things would get better the longer I worked at them, but, observing my works, I only seem to be getting more pissed. WTF is up with that?
But, I continue to trust this illusory process. I mean, it seems every time I trust fall into it with an open heart, it works out. I wonder a lot what I’m resisting… I feel the tension and the pain from something but…I thought I was releasing it, not winding it tighter?
That’s why the spirals, which way is up again? Fuuuuuuuuuuck. My system never stops burning.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3 More art at
The wild spins and turns of my everyday inform the underbelly of what goes into each of these pieces. The directions I go, informed by my feelings and expressed by a growing catalog of what I feel are language elements of my art, more understandable and identifiable concepts found repeating in different ways so as to build an understanding of my intentions.
I take a deep breath and try to just feel…there are always strong chords that resonate if I’m listening. Lately, as this collection shows through lots of red and yellows dominating under/over tenuous structures of white and black, balanced by bits of blue…things have been very difficult, as the tone of this book up to this point I hope makes clear. And, that dominate feeling I hope makes itself known, if not through the works, but between the combination of the piece and its title.
Yet, there are calm…calm’ish moments along the path of this chapter that despite the apparent chaos, a deeper pause sits within. This is one of them.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3 More art at
Things are feeling a little funky up in the processors.
Wessel ‘24
There was this odd scratch at the back of my head, my senses barely perceived it. That little question of, ‘I wonder what would happen if…’.
In the tumble-dry electrified state of mind where this was created, which way was up, which way was down, what meant what anymore? I mean, if nothing meant anything and anything could mean something, what was the point? Lots of jagged little ideas draw blood as I create and process, trying to reorientate myself in the midst of everything so I can figure out wtf is going on.
My senses, as they are, need to be re-calibrated, to the up-to-date version of me, not continually trying to run on the old software that got me to the point where I feel so much pain yet when I try and put my finger on what or why it’s suddenly lost in all these other feelings that now have to be dealt with.
I’m sure here are just normal human things, but I cannot say enough, or be hyperbolic enough, when I say I feel on the fringes of existence. Maybe there’s something wrong with me…maybe not enough wrong with me?
Or nothing at all? So jumbled and tumbled I don’t even know anymore.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3 More art at
Like static electricity we try and build up the charge through all that we do that will energize our dreams and make them real. The only way something doesn’t happen is if nothing does, so keep trying.
So, not here? Ok. New path charted. Time to move on again.
Gotta be ok with whatever happens. Important part is to try. Check that box off inside my own head. Otherwise, I’m gonna go crazy always depending on external sources to let me know what’s up. Wherever I’m headed, LFG.
So, not here? Ok. New path charted. Time to move on again.
Gotta be ok with whatever happens. Important part is to try. Check that box off inside my own head. Otherwise, I’m gonna go crazy always depending on external sources to let me know what’s up. Wherever I’m headed, LFG.
Like static electricity we try and build up the charge through all that we do that will energize our dreams and make them real. The only way something doesn’t happen is if nothing does, so keep trying.
Wessel ‘24
Fidgets also available on Solana, Tezos, and Ethereum See website for details:
Spiritual Noise volume 2 42 works of digital abstract art
A journey of personal exploration using brush, color, and stroke to shed light into the dark corners of my heart and mind to understand more. A battle of wills between me and myself as I fight to find ground under my feet.
One more chapter on my creative trek through this world, finished.
I hope you enjoyed this visual experience.
Wessel ‘24
Artworks available on Ethereum, Tezos, and Solana More works at
Wessel ‘24
The process. Tell me what it is. Seriously. There’s this door I see in front of me that never seems to get closer. Wait, what’s this you’re saying…? All these steps, that’s what up? Wtf are you talking about? Stepping through is just bullshit? It’s about paying attention? Sorry, I can’t hear you over all this noise? What was that again?
I’ve been so focused on all these things without actually seeing. Caught in all those spirals and loops.
Late night looking through some pieces meant for this volume, a new song luring me to dance again with it. But, wasn’t it done? Or was it? What are those rules I keep on throwing up in front of myself. So many of them. Walls, thrown up to stop myself, why do I need any enemies when I’ve got myself? If I just tried…
Maybe I’m already through the gate and I just need to catch up with that fact.
I’m already doing.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3
More art at
Insert chaos here
Wessel ‘24
You think understanding and realization would be lasting but let me tell you about my mornings…
Every morning, fresh laid plans meet tool-boxes full of wrenches and with my morning coffee starts the ballet. My system is primed for whatever, and fire is the norm.
I’m so pissed because I thought things would get better the longer I worked at them, but, observing my works, I only seem to be getting more pissed. WTF is up with that?
But, I continue to trust this illusory process. I mean, it seems every time I trust fall into it with an open heart, it works out. I wonder a lot what I’m resisting… I feel the tension and the pain from something but…I thought I was releasing it, not winding it tighter?
That’s why the spirals, which way is up again? Fuuuuuuuuuuck. My system never stops burning.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3
More art at
Fidgets Process (Night Mode)
Light gone.
It all keeps going.
When you get down to it, it’s just another night. One foot in front of the other. All systems go.
Wessel ‘24
More art at
Fidgets Process
Wessel ‘24
More art at
!!! ✧
Wessel ‘24
The wild spins and turns of my everyday inform the underbelly of what goes into each of these pieces. The directions I go, informed by my feelings and expressed by a growing catalog of what I feel are language elements of my art, more understandable and identifiable concepts found repeating in different ways so as to build an understanding of my intentions.
I take a deep breath and try to just feel…there are always strong chords that resonate if I’m listening. Lately, as this collection shows through lots of red and yellows dominating under/over tenuous structures of white and black, balanced by bits of blue…things have been very difficult, as the tone of this book up to this point I hope makes clear. And, that dominate feeling I hope makes itself known, if not through the works, but between the combination of the piece and its title.
Yet, there are calm…calm’ish moments along the path of this chapter that despite the apparent chaos, a deeper pause sits within. This is one of them.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3 More art at
Wessel ‘24
There was this odd scratch at the back of my head, my senses barely perceived it. That little question of, ‘I wonder what would happen if…’.
In the tumble-dry electrified state of mind where this was created, which way was up, which way was down, what meant what anymore? I mean, if nothing meant anything and anything could mean something, what was the point? Lots of jagged little ideas draw blood as I create and process, trying to reorientate myself in the midst of everything so I can figure out wtf is going on.
My senses, as they are, need to be re-calibrated, to the up-to-date version of me, not continually trying to run on the old software that got me to the point where I feel so much pain yet when I try and put my finger on what or why it’s suddenly lost in all these other feelings that now have to be dealt with.
I’m sure here are just normal human things, but I cannot say enough, or be hyperbolic enough, when I say I feel on the fringes of existence. Maybe there’s something wrong with me…maybe not enough wrong with me?
Or nothing at all? So jumbled and tumbled I don’t even know anymore.
Excerpt Spiritual Noise Vol 3
More art at
!!! ✧
Fidgets Luck Generator (Night Mode)
Light gone.
It all keeps going.
Like static electricity we try and build up the charge through all that we do that will energize our dreams and make them real. The only way something doesn’t happen is if nothing does, so keep trying.
Wessel ‘24
More art at
Fidgets Redirect (Night Mode)
Light gone.
It all keeps going.
So, not here? Ok. New path charted. Time to move on again.
Gotta be ok with whatever happens. Important part is to try. Check that box off inside my own head. Otherwise, I’m gonna go crazy always depending on external sources to let me know what’s up. Wherever I’m headed, LFG.
Wessel ‘24
More art at
11111 $enjoy ✧
This is where I’m at right now.
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
More works at
Fidgets Redirect
Gotta be ok with whatever happens. Important part is to try. Check that box off inside my own head. Otherwise, I’m gonna go crazy always depending on external sources to let me know what’s up. Wherever I’m headed, LFG.
Wessel ‘24
More art at
Forgot to tip! 11111 $enjoy
Those thoughts, those feelings, those ideas, hopes, dreams, discard them all.
Roll the dice again.
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
More works at
!!! ✧
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
More works at
1111 $Enjoy ✧
Fidgets Luck Generator
Like static electricity we try and build up the charge through all that we do that will energize our dreams and make them real. The only way something doesn’t happen is if nothing does, so keep trying.
Wessel ‘24
Fidgets also available on Solana, Tezos, and Ethereum
See website for details:
Spiritual Noise Volume 2
42 works of digital abstract art
A journey of personal exploration using brush, color, and stroke to shed light into the dark corners of my heart and mind to understand more. A battle of wills between me and myself as I fight to find ground under my feet.
One more chapter on my creative trek through this world, finished.
I hope you enjoyed this visual experience.
Wessel ‘24
Artworks available on Ethereum, Tezos, and Solana
More works at
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
Volume 2
More works at
Beyond tomorrow
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
More works at
Again and again, into the mix. Scrapping off, building up, setting anchors and pushing forward.
Wessel ‘24
Excerpt from my digital abstract series, Spiritual Noise, an ongoing exploration of emotions, ideas, and expression of internal states.
More works at