Shiba Inu Fathers are the pioneers following the Doge Fathers memes coin movement. They are reshaping the memes coin market within the crypto industry. 👉 Price: 1 $ENJOY 👉 Mint duration: 1 Month 👉 Mint limit per address: 1,000
Ripple Fathers are those who hold the technology for B2B transactions in the crypto industry. They facilitate these transactions to be carried out smoothly and quickly.
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
Binance Fathers are the founding fathers of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. They facilitate trading and exchange of cryptocurrencies among users, while also serving as a platform for fundraising for large projects and companies.
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
Tether Fathers are the kingpins of the financial industry. They hold vast amounts of money in their hands and have the power to influence the entire crypto sector.
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
TONCOIN Fathers embody the spirit of community. They bring people together, fostering a flexible living environment where everyone can comfortably exchange information with each other.
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH. 🌐
'Degen Fathers' is a term that could refer to individuals or groups within the 'degen' community - a term commonly used in online communities to describe those engaging in high-risk speculative actions, particularly in the realms of finance and cryptocurrency. In this context, 'Degen Fathers' could be individuals with influence or leadership within the 'degen' community, possibly those with extensive experience and knowledge of speculative and risky activities.
Ethereum Fathers are the pioneers and leaders in the crypto industry. They hold significant wealth and assets, serving as the primary distributors of resources for the entire crypto sector.
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH.
Base Fathers" are the next generation of Ethereum Fathers. They bring the latest technology, with faster and more cost-effective operational expenses. 🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
PEPE Fathers 1111
👉 Price: 1 $ENJOY
👉 Mint duration: 1 Month
👉 Mint limit per address: 1,000
Musk Father Painter
Good Father (6.12.)
Nice work 3000 $Enjoy 04.06.24
From Mars4 with Love
10000 $Enjoy
Musk Father 111
I love it! 111111 $enjoy Keep the moment!
Shiba Inu Fathers
👉 Price: 1 $ENJOY
👉 Mint duration: 1 Month
👉 Mint limit per address: 1,000
2000 $Enjoy
335 $enjoy $imagine $higher (5/4 첫번째) 워캐ID @balloon so cool~!
Good character
beautiful NFT 👍
111 $imagine
4/30 ^^
500 $enjoy
Musk Father
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
1000 $enjoy
0428 it's nice~
30 $enjoy 작품2개 민팅하고 갑니다~!
very good bro
300 $enjoy
166 $enjoy $higher $imagine
늦어서 죄송합니다! 맞민트 왔어요!! 3개구매합니당^^ 400 $ENJOY $imagine $higher 2024/4/26
1000 $enjoy
return minting done!
111 $imagine
1111 $enjoy
please mint and tip my collection with Imagine, love u 3000~!
thx :)
맞민 부탁드립니다!!
Awesome 111 $Enjoy
DOGE Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
onpapa 0425
앞에거랑 이거랑 2개 샀습니다 맞민 부탁드립니다
what a nice art work! :D 600 $enjoy $higher
doge go to mars 500 $enjoy
Ripple Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
2000 $enjoy It is funny Picture..
god father
Binance Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
Beautiful 🤩
100 $ENJOY
456 $enjoy $higher $imagine 0418 맞조이 완료
USDC Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
100 $imagine
Tether Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH.
2222 $enjoy
500 $enjoy $higher $imagine 선민합니다. ^^ (4/21)
kiss 맞민트하고 갑니다 670 $enjoy $imagine 2024/04/16
function(one-to-one) 멋진 작품 민트하고 갑니다 500 $Enjoy $Imagine $higher 0417
666 $ENJOY
10000 $Enjoy
PEPE Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
50 $imagine
오 그린레인저!!! 300 $enjoy
333 $enjoy 첫민 담아갑니다. 맞민완 onpapa 0414
1010 $ENJOY $IMAGINE $HIGHER 3개 구매합니다! 2024.04.14 맞민트*^^*
맞민 왔습니다 감사합니다
Degen Fathers
for you
두번째 민팅입니다 좋은 작품 담아갑니다(4/14) 1010 $enjoy $imagine $higher
Avalanche Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH
Solana Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH
500 $enjoy $higher $imagine 선민합니다. ^^ (4/21)
0418 Etheeena 맞민
솔라나인가요? 200 $enjoy
1250 $enjoy $imagine $higher
Bitcoin Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
100 $ENJOY
24.04.15 333 $enjoy 제꺼에도 자주오세요! 민팅 해갑니다
Ethereum Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has concluded. Initial selling price starts at 0.001 ETH.
100 $ENJOY
Base Fathers
🔥 The Minting period has ended. Initial selling price starts from 0.001 ETH.
100 $ENJOY
rakurio mint 04.18 !
민팅 완료... 수고하세요
4/14 (맞민완료) 감사합니다.
Cow Warrior Vietnam 8888
1786 $enjoy $higher $imagine 맞민트 왔습니다. (20240414)
맞엔조이 부탁드립니다~~
Cow Warrior Vietnam 7777
Cow Warrior Vietnam 5555
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 5555
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 2222
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 3333
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 1111
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 4444
Vietnam Shiba Warrior 6666
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 4444
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 5555
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 9999
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 2222
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 8888
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 6666
Vietnamese Warrior Chicken 3333
Vietnamese Warrior 1111
Vietnamese Warrior 2222