Little jade baby dragon in honor to the Wooden Dragon, for the Lunar Year! He was craved from digital speheres for my friends at Soul Feeder pary that is happening at 24th Feb. in Oxy Club Berlin.
Drekavac (Cyrllic: дрекавац, Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [drɛkaʋats], literally "the screamer"), also called drek, drekalo, ždrakavac, ždrekavac, zdrekavac, zrikavac, krekavac, cviljek, kukac, vriskavac and deravac is a cryptid in south Slavic lore. - From Cryptid Wiki
Ningen, the enigmatic humanoid fish often likened to a merman, remains a mysterious cryptid, discovered by elusive encounters with fishermen in the waters of Japan.
Indrid Cold, commonly known as the Smiling Man, is an allegedly humanoid entity. The nickname comes from the being's tendency to smile at almost everyone that encountered him. It is said that he still visits West Virginia to this day. - Cryptid Wiki
The Bermuda Beast is a colossal beast that’s said to live in the Bermuda Triangle. It is said to jump out of the water and catch planes in mid air, causing them to crash, and may or may not eat them. This hypothetical creature seem to be an alternative explanation to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. If it exists, it would be one of the biggest creatures that has ever lived.
King Wüfelstein, sovereign of the Fluff Hegemony, is the father of Princess Fluffy Lord. Together, they oversee the East Block of the Spiral Galaxy, standing in opposition to the Pizza regions of the Infidel Gastro.
In the vast expanse of the Beefycake Saga universe, he assumes the role of one of the less prominent antagonists, pledging allegiance to the Hegemony's cause.
Queen Fluffenstein, ruler of the Fluff Hegemony, is the mother of Princess Fluffy Lord. Together, they govern the East Block of the Spiral Galaxy and stand in opposition to the Pizza regions of the Infidel Gastro.
In the expansive Beefycake Saga universe, she holds the role of one of the less prominent antagonists, aligning herself with the Hegemony's cause.
Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. I’m meeting a girl (real one) in half an hour (wouldn’t expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don’t DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you’ll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don’t expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and not a situation I can pass up for some meaningless Discord degenerates (because ill be meeting a girl, not that you really are going to understand) this is my life now. Meeting women and not wasting my precious time online, I have to move on from such simple things and branch out (you wouldnt understand)
Я не уверенна,что я прям таки ищу,нет острой необходимости😁Друзей хватает,но так чисто для разнообразия в общении,было бы круто познакомиться с !душевно-здоровым человеком(женского пола),с которым можно запилить разговоры от восхищенной философии до разбора крипты, DeFi протоколов. Простое общение, где можно вдруг, послать друг-друга к черту и не прилипать к обидам.Без слезного геморроя жертв,без игр в треугольники.
можно писать на dmail
13 years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared from all radars of the crypto community. On December 12, 2010, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin left his last message on the BitcoinTalk forum.
06.10.24, 01:01
Golden Jade Melkior
Jade Dragon
He was craved from digital speheres for my friends at Soul Feeder pary that is happening at 24th Feb. in Oxy Club Berlin.
9 : 5
Gen. Dolph Smoker Lundgren
Plavi Pas
AerOS for Panteros I.
Lars Kartofel
Beefycake Gastronaut
AerOS for Panteros II.
AerOS for Panteros III.
Croatian Ipanema
enkidu 8
Tre limoni incatenati
Casino Lemon Royal
Altered State
limoni e cipolle in ceppi
Lone pomegranate
5 Ana
4 Marta
3 Mate
2 Zalazak
1 Svitanje
Window II.
Window I.
Screenshot 010701281124
Screenshot 20240107014506
- From Cryptid Wiki
Ningen full body
Indrid Cold
- Cryptid Wiki
Bermuda Beast
Red Goblin
Blue Goblin
Fish tank
Fruit of the loom 2/2
Fruit of the doom - lemons
Fruit of the loom 1/2
Dog ate dog 2/2
Dog ate dog 1/2
Royal Guard
Fluff Hegemony
SD Captains Room
SD kitchen
Infidel Gastro
SD hollodeck
Knight of the bird empire
Salsa standing
Knight of Fluff Hegemony
Green Flufflander
SD special - entrance scene
SD Bridge
Jimbo Lushi
Hi Salsa
Smol Space Devil
born by the stars
Fluff Lord - Dark Knight armor
Broken Ertyk
Beatrice 5000
Double headed God
Delivery team
Baklava Pasha
Broken Flowers - Pink Planet
Broken Flowers - scene
Bird Guard
Fluff Lord Gear Two
This mint is 1 Month long
After this one comes real shark!
Shark eyes
One eye on the Heavens
One eye on Earth
Real eyes sea
real lies
King Wüfelstein
In the vast expanse of the Beefycake Saga universe, he assumes the role of one of the less prominent antagonists, pledging allegiance to the Hegemony's cause.
Queen Fluffnstein
In the expansive Beefycake Saga universe, she holds the role of one of the less prominent antagonists, aligning herself with the Hegemony's cause.
dolph lundgren
Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 20.07.33