#BIC Beincom (BIC) is a social community network powered by both Web2 and Web3 (Blockchain) technology - a great platform for those who want to build their own small inner circle, company/organization, or even huge fan community, to connect people truly and deeply.
another year, another dumpster fire
last meal
Headphones On
7777 $enjoy
screen time
infinite window
Coconut Tree Summer
Summer Fun
yesser! hot boy summer 10000 $Enjoy
Pride Merch
Drink for 3
Smoke Break
Creating Creation
The Grim Screener
Enjoy you lucky mfers that saw this before sell out <3
May Day Mayday
Call Waiting
1111 $imagine
Puff, Puff, Pass
100 $enjoy
Puff, Puff, Pass
1000 $enjoy 20 $imagine $higher
ㅤ ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ( つ┳⊃ ε (_)へ⌒ヽフ ( ( ・ω・) ◎―◎ ⊃ ⊃ 22222 $Enjoy
111,333 $enjoy
LOVE it $11111 $ENJOY
happy 4/20 john 42000 $ENJOY
Death and Taxes
created on April 6, 2017
based +++ 111 $ENJOY
690 $ENJOY