10000 $enjoy 101 $imagine I'm leaving after finishing the rest of my homework. Thank you. I changed my account from Livingstone Daisy to Shasta Daisy. 0508✧
24.04.29. 33 $enjoy I'm sending you a small amount after using up the tip. I'll come often!! Have a great day!! I'm minting! ♥Full of luck♥ Thank you... 💕✧
Artistic Sculptures Of High-Heeled Shoes 1
Vibrant Crimson Decorative Bowl 1
Vibrant Crimson Bowl 1
Elegant Round Ceramic Bowl 1
Elegant Ceramic Bowl 1
ColGeometric 2
Geometric 1
mythical 2
mythical 1
Bloom 7
Bloom 6
Bloom 5
Bloom 4
Bloom 3
Bloom 2
Bloom 1
enjoy art 6
enjoy art 5
enjoy art 4
enjoy art 3
2500 $Enjoy ✧
enjoy art 2!!!
enjoy art 2
enjoy art 1
butterfly 1
80000 $enjoy ✧
enjoy cat 11
Cyborg cat
80000 $enjoy ✧
1111 $enjoy ✧
Autumn’s nice~ but all these events are making it exhausting 40000 $enjoy
✧J’ai des courbatures partout~
40000 $enjoy ✧
67543 $еnjoу ✧
It's Monday. A day to stay up late~ 111111 $enjoy
✧enjoy cat
1111 $enjoy ✧
40000 $enjoy ✧
100000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg dog 2
mint for mint? ✧
45000 $enjoy ✧
45000 $enjoy ✧
90000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg dog 1
100000 $enjoy ✧
good~~ ✧
nice dog ✧
도면 나왔으니 만들기만하면.... ✧
08.24 자주봬요^^ ✧
40000 $enjoy ✧
40000 $enjoy ✧
70000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 12
이번주는 바쁘네요... ✧
22222 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 11
41000 $enjoy ✧
40000 $enjoy ✧
100000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 10
33333 $enjoy ✧
얼마만인지...파도타고 들어와서 업어갑니당~ㅎㅎ ✧
22222 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 9
22222 $enjoy ✧
50000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 8
44444 $enjoy ✧
07.29 굿 ✧
11111 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 7
다녀갑니다 ✧
06.25 멋져요^^ ✧
Cyborg cat 6
18000 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 5
Cyborg cat 4
we are enjoyooor !!!
100000 $enjoy 250 $imagine ✧
230000 $enjoy 365 $imagine ✧
Cyborg cat 3
사이보캣~ ✧
299999 $enjoy 24444 $imagine ✧
200000 $enjoy 250 $imagine ✧
114111 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 2
300000 $enjoy ✧
113111 $enjoy ✧
Cyborg cat 1
300 $enjoy ✧
300 $enjoy ✧
12445 $enjoy 27777 $imagine ✧
Life is colorful 21
nice cat ✧
Life is colorful 20
It's a beautiful cat~! ✧
33333 $enjoy 10257 $imagine ✧
Life is colorful 19
50000 $enjoy 이건 두번째~ 속이 시원 ㅎ 이번 한주도 깡촌에서 즐거운 한주~
✧Life is colorful 18
50000 $enjoy the joy of giving rather than the joy of receiving~~ 좋은 하루~
✧love it!!! 11111 $Enjoy ✧
오랜만에 반가운 인사~ ✧
206 $imagine
I am so grateful for this time. I'm here to repay your gratitude. Please just accept it without replying this week. ✧
Life is colorful 17
5555 $enjoy 15151 $imagine ✧
20000 $enjoy 1111 $imagine ✧
Life is colorful 16
1123 $enjoy 19999 $imagine ✧
100 $imagine ✧
2500 $enjoy 6255 $imagine ✧
Life is colorful 15
nice cat ✧
2222 $enjoy 13333 $imagine ✧
Life is colorful 15
Life is colorful 14
Have a good day ✧
have a good day~ ✧
101 $imagine
I'm leaving after finishing the rest of my homework. Thank you. I changed my account from Livingstone Daisy to Shasta Daisy. 0508 ✧
It is so colorful. I love it. ✧
Life is colorful 13
amazing ✧
so cute~:) thank you~
matmin wanryo 0511 ✧
2500 $enjoy 8800 $imagine ✧
5/9 5000 $enjoy Nice artwork!! very impressive
✧Life is colorful 12
it is nice cat. ✧
It is so cool cat. The color is beautiful. ✧
1111 $enjoy ✧
Beautiful cat~:) 33 nft mints.
Any shortcomings will be covered next week.
thank you ✧
Life is colorful 11
WOW! ✧
It is so cute cat. It's nice to be able to see more realistic facial expressions when you zoom in. ✧
No matter how i look…. it doesn't seem like a work created by AI~
3400 $enjoy 2300 $imagine $higher ✧
Life is colorful 10
It is so colorful. It looks alive cat. I like this cat. I mint it! ✧
파캐 아뒤 wlsdnrdl0217 입니다. ✧
33 $enjoy
I'm sending you a small amount after using up the tip.
I'll come often!! Have a great day!!
I'm minting!
♥Full of luck♥
Thank you... 💕 ✧
7000 $enjoy ✧
enjoy cat 8
I love cat. It is really good. ✧
2323 $enjoy
please mint and tip my collection with Imagine or Enjoy, love u 3000~!
Higher ✧
mint please ✧
Life is colorful 9 (맞X)
Thanks to the cat, I'm always grateful. mat-x ✧
Life is colorful 8 (맞X)
Life is colorful 7 (맞X)
근데 설마 직접 그리신 건가요?? ai 아니고, 디지털 드로윙 느낌이…10000 $enjoy ✧
2002 $enjoy 1004 $imagine ✧
111 $imagine
777 $enjoy ✧
enjoy cat 7 (맞X)
enjoy cat 7
민트왔어요^^ 3개구매합니당! 4월27일 제꺼도 보러와주세용^^ 305 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧100 $imagine ✧
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
0421 사진 너무 멋져요! ✧
Life is colorful 7
77 $imagine ✧
48 $imagine ✧
100 $imagine ✧
enjoy parachute
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
1004 $enjoy $higher $imagine 색감 이뿐 낙하산 담아가요~ 천사같은 마음 나눠주셔서 오늘도 감사합니다 240420
✧Life is colorful 6
100 $imagine ✧
This is an impressive piece of work. 0425 ✧
40 $imagine $higher 멋진 작품 4/25일 선민하고 갑니다 ✧
4/23 ✧
2000 $enjoy $higher $imagine 계속 보게되는 매력적인 그림 민팅해요 240420
✧500 $enjoy $imagine $higher 24.04.19 1번째 민팅완료~ 자주소통해요 ㅎㅎ
✧무언가 끌리는 느낌!!! 3장 담아갈게요!! ㅎㅎ ✧
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher ✧
3000 $enjoy $imagine $higher ✧
5000 $enjoy $higher 04.18 구매, 작품 늬낌있네요^^
✧멋져요!!ㅎㅎ ✧
enjoy cat 6
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
0421 넘 멋진 작품! ✧
5 $imagine ✧
작품 너무 멋집니다 작가님!!ㅎㅎ ✧
워캐 jk1212 입니다 ✧
워캐 ky1024입니다 ✧
500 $imagine $higher 매력적인 작품 맞민완료 4월18일 ✧
04.17 민팅왔어요:) 우리 맞민해요 :) 행운의 777 $enjoy 드리고 갑니다 :) -amadda-
✧민트왔어요 제제 4/17 ✧
10 $ENJOY $IMAGINE $HIGHER 4월17일 몸이안좋아서 맞민트가 늦었습니다~! 3개구매합니다^^
✧2024 0417 ✧
enjoy cat~ $higher $imagine 500 $enjoy
✧Life is colorful 5
(05/03 답쪼이~~임혜진씨가 안계셔서 엥조이 더 두고 가융) ✧
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 04.28. 구매
✧809 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
a delicious red😊 1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
✧500 $ENJOY ✧
민팅완료:) 4/16 ✧
enjoy cat 5
1000 $enjoy $higher 0506-2 onethepark7
✧100 $imagine ✧
이것도~ ✧
2000 $enjoy $higher 04.18 구매, 고양이는 못참쥬ㅋ 넘 멋진데요?
✧1500 $enjoy $higher $imagine 기억에 오래남을거 같아요~인상적인 그림들 좋아요!! 행복한 한주 되세요 240418
✧워캐 jk1212 입니다 ✧
워캐 ky1024입니다 ✧
1000 $degen $imagine $higher ✧
enjoy cat 4
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
맞민 왔어요! 20240414 ✧
to the moon! ✧
해킹땜에 계정 새로해서 다시 민팅해요 2가지 종류 한번에 다 했어요 $imagine $higher 1000 $Enjoy 0412 워캐 jk1212 입니다 이게 새로 만든 아이디입니다
✧enjoy cat 3
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
해킹땜에 계정 새로해서 다시 민팅해요 2가지 종류 한번에 다 했어요 $imagine $higher 1000 $Enjoy 0412 워캐 jk1212 입니다 이게 새로 만든 아이디입니다
✧$imagine $higher 500 $Enjoy 0411 워캐 ky1024입니다
✧맞민 부탁드려용!! :) 1000 $ENJOY 2024/4/10 다녀갑니당~
✧감사합니다. ✧
enjoy cat 2
$imagine $higher 500 $Enjoy 0411 워캐 ky1024입니다
✧enjoy cat 1
(05/03 답쪼이~~임혜진씨가 안계셔서 엥조이 더 두고 가융) ✧
mythical time 5
$imagine 화이팅입니다 ✧
3000 $enjoy ✧
$Imagine 501 $Degen 우앙 작가님 여기 계셨네요. 너무 좋아요 그림.
✧mythical time 4
2222 $enjoy $higher $imagine 신기한 영상작품 담아가요 240421
✧3000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 어캐 움직이는 거에요 ? ^^
✧3000 $enjoy ✧
Life is colorful 4
800 $enjoy 80 $imagine $higher ✧
to the moon~ ✧
505 $enjoy $higher $imagine 멋진 오토바이네요~^^ (20240412)
✧3000 $enjoy ✧
$imagine good color☺️ 300 $enjoy
✧Life is colorful 3
3000 $enjoy ✧
Life is colorful 2
$imagine 501 $enjoy 맞민왔습니다. 감사합니다. 2024.4.10. @everwood
✧3000 $enjoy ✧
Life is colorful 1
감사합니다. ^^ ✧
500 $ENJOY ✧
$imagine 500 $enjoy 감사합니다.
✧nice👍 $imagine 300 $enjoy
✧3000 $enjoy ✧
mythical time 3
3000 $enjoy ✧
100 $enjoy ✧
400 $enjoy ✧
mythical time 2
3000 $enjoy ✧
nice vibe 300 $enjoy $imagine
✧$imagine 500 $enjoy 감사합니다.
✧감사합니당 😆 ✧
mythical time 1
3000 $enjoy ✧
잘 보고 갑니다 :) 300 $enjoy $imagine
✧retro mini 1
great job ✧
3000 $enjoy ✧
retro porsche 1
3000 $enjoy ✧
retro vespa 2
3000 $enjoy ✧
retro vespa 1
3000 $enjoy ✧
Dance of the Rainbow
3000 $enjoy ✧
500 $enjoy ✧
Sky Ballet
3000 $enjoy ✧
enjoy cat
3000 $enjoy ✧