"Orbium Coelestium" - a term derived from Latin for "Celestial Spheres" is a generative art collection inspired by the groundbreaking heliocentric model proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543. This collection encapsulates the profound cognitive shift humanity experienced with the realization that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system, fundamentally altering our understanding of the universe as a whole.
My Stats
Orbium Coelestium
3333 $imagine
2548 $imagine
4548 $imagine
3999 $imagine
3555 $imagine
3428 $imagine
3528 $imagine
3558 $imagine
3348 $imagine
3748 $imagine
3548 $imagine
Adventures in Solitude
10000 $enjoy
Pepe in the Storm
wojak crying hoodie
Last Working Hours
Beetle Man on Attack
20 $imagine