2024-08-25 NFT 민팅해요:) 10005 $Enjoy
12000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 대한민국 화이팅!!!! 선민하고 가요^^ 8/5)
10010 $enjoy $imagine $higher 저번 주 선민 감사해요^^ 넘 이쁘네요~~~! 8/5)
20000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0709 감사합니다!!
6월 2일 2개 구매해요!^^ 항상 감사합니다^^ 2000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
2000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 멋지네요!! 2개 구매해요^^ 5월26일
1001 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0526 uriduri9585
너무 이뻐요 ㅎ 놀러오세용~ 3000 $enjoy 05.26
5000 $Enjoy 놀러왔다 갑니다. 제껏도 놀러 오세요^^
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 111개 해갑니다~! 디젠으로 설정된 작품 찾아주시면 더 감사할거같습니다~~!!
너무 멋진 사진이라 담아가요~~ 200 $enjoy
1000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 4-3-3 구경하고갑니다 ^^
1000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 4-3-4 구경하고갑니다 ^^
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 멋진 바다네요~^^ (20240421)
2010 $enjoy $imagine $higher 맞민트하고 가요~
소중히 담아갑니다~우리 맞민해요^^ 1510 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 04.22
5000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 좋은곳 놀러 가셨군요~
5000 $enjoy 24/4/13_jackson $imagine $higher
1000 $Enjoy $Imagine 민트및 팔로우 하였습니다 ^^
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 몽돌 쌓은게 예쁘네요 (20240421)-두번째
24.4.11 돌쌓기 엔조이쌓기~^^ 100 $enjoy $imagine
꽃이 너무 이뻐요 :) $IMAGINE 301 $ENJOY
500 $enjoy 맞민팅 부탁 드려욤. 파캐스터 아뒤 @WLSDNRDL0217 입니당
맞민트 하구 가요 파워풀님 감사합니다 ^^ 778 $ENJOY
24.4.11 좋은 추억이 담긴 작품이에요~^^ 100 $enjoy $imagine
$imagine 100 $enjoy 꽃 예뻐요^^ 첫번째 민팅하고 갑니다~
PM 06:30
선민하고 갈게용~ 10/07
풍경 좋네요~ 09/22
선민 9.15
Between light and darkness
Yeosu daytime sea
0902 반사 다녀갑니다^^
맞민 8.26
2024-08-25 NFT 민팅해요:) 10005 $Enjoy
여름아 부탁해
for you~ (08/18)
Olympic 1st
0808 선민 감사해요~!
12000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 대한민국 화이팅!!!! 선민하고 가요^^ 8/5)
8/5 for you~
Diamond rose
10010 $enjoy $imagine $higher 저번 주 선민 감사해요^^ 넘 이쁘네요~~~! 8/5)
For you~
7/14 나머진 내일또올게용
for you~
B.R green dia
20000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0709 감사합니다!!
for you~
맞민 2024.7.2
나머지는 낼갈께요!!! 0701
B.R yellow dia
선민 2024.7.7
선민 2024.7.7
B.R red dai
Red Diamond
0624 선민왔어요
0623 감사합니다
0616 담아갑니다~!
Blue Diamond
White Diamond
My enjoy profile.
축하드립니다! 06/09
Enjoy planet. Anyone can enjoy something at any time.
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
Beauty of the universe
RARE Diamond
6월 2일 2개 구매해요!^^ 항상 감사합니다^^ 2000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
3000 $enjoy
0601 이쁜 다이아몬드 가져갑니다^^
Jeju Island Cocktails
Apple man
Is it morning or evening?
민팅 5/26일
2000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 멋지네요!! 2개 구매해요^^ 5월26일
1001 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0526 uriduri9585
Goood!!!!! 05 26
11000 $enjoy
너무 이뻐요 ㅎ 놀러오세용~ 3000 $enjoy 05.26
Flowers that bloom in the evening are prettier
Summer is comming
5/26일 민팅
5000 $Enjoy 놀러왔다 갑니다. 제껏도 놀러 오세요^^
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 111개 해갑니다~! 디젠으로 설정된 작품 찾아주시면 더 감사할거같습니다~~!!
Milky Way
6000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
10200 $enjoy $imagine $higher
Do we walk after seeing someone’s footsteps?
10100 $enjoy $imagine $higher
my old hero super man.
5/15 민트 남겨요~ 노익장은 살아있다!!
I can feel the mystery of the universe.
너무 멋진 사진이라 담아가요~~ 200 $enjoy
My old Hero.
Nice image
민트하고갑니다 ^^ 0512
A crystal ball that will grant my wish. what is your wish?
20 $imagine
Walking through time on a street in Taiwan.
My ham hypercar. I picked up my car and picked you up~
24/5/5 맞민 부탁드립니다 :) 1
That year, that spring, we
맞민 감사요
감사합니다. 24.04.29
have a good day :D (04.28)_1
Love isn't one color, it's ten colors
Love isn't one color, it's ten colors
Love isn't one color, it's ten colors
Make your own macaroons
have a nice day :D (04.28)_2
More beautiful and pure than an 18-year-old flower.
Minecraft Mona Lisa
1000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 4-3-3 구경하고갑니다 ^^
4/22 밤에 선민팅해요, 맞민팅 부탁드려요!
A glass of Maldives in a mojito
1000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 4-3-4 구경하고갑니다 ^^
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 멋진 바다네요~^^ (20240421)
2010 $enjoy $imagine $higher 맞민트하고 가요~
It was said that there was light, and it was said to shine, and it did shine.
소중히 담아갑니다~우리 맞민해요^^ 1510 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 04.22
두개 가져갑니다~
A puppy with a pretty smile at a veterinary hospital
girl and cat
'Mansu and Lu' childhood
Magic fire at Checheon 'In the Valley' Camping Site
With her in a paradise called Maldives
5000 $Enjoy $Higher $Imagine 좋은곳 놀러 가셨군요~
Need healing?? Come to Wando Marine Healing Center
5000 $enjoy 24/4/13_jackson $imagine $higher
풍경너무이쁘네요 ㅠㅠ
100 $ENJOY
Raining in the sea in front of Yesong-ri Beach
1000 $Enjoy $Imagine 민트및 팔로우 하였습니다 ^^
1000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 몽돌 쌓은게 예쁘네요 (20240421)-두번째
24.4.11 돌쌓기 엔조이쌓기~^^ 100 $enjoy $imagine
F-3 There are also men and women in flowers
꽃이 너무 이뻐요 :) $IMAGINE 301 $ENJOY
500 $enjoy
F-2 flowers and love
522 $Enjoy 0410 완료
wide sea wide world
on 10Apr2024 (white)
The last sunflower
500 $enjoy 맞민팅 부탁 드려욤. 파캐스터 아뒤 @WLSDNRDL0217 입니당
Remembering my nephew's childhood.
맞민트 하구 가요 파워풀님 감사합니다 ^^ 778 $ENJOY
Remembering memories from Okinawa
24.4.11 좋은 추억이 담긴 작품이에요~^^ 100 $enjoy $imagine
It's not wrong, it's just different. You are just like that too.
$imagine 100 $enjoy 꽃 예뻐요^^ 첫번째 민팅하고 갑니다~