In the vastness of the universe, where every star is a promise and every galaxy a whisper, how can we think we are alone? The elements of life, scattered like stardust, weave a tapestry of possibilities in every corner of the cosmos.
En la vastedad del universo, donde miles de millones de galaxias se extienden como un lienzo estrellado, cada una resplandeciendo con el brillo de incontables soles, la posibilidad de que nuestra Tierra sea la única cuna de la inteligencia parece tan improbable como un solo grano de arena en una infinita playa cósmica.
1920x1080px. 16:9. 29.97 fps 32 sec. HDTV (1080p) MP4 H264
art, animation, lyrics and music by JPBilowus July 2024
"with the head in the clouds" by JPBilowus. A paper collage that was enhanced and upscaled with SD, then digitally retouched on PS.
This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's June 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists.
_ Sparkle is associated with opulence and unrestrained luxury. Our ancestors saw water as a symbol of wealth and well-being, possessing it was a real treasure, it meant the difference between living and dying.
Despite our sophistication and progress, we are still attracted to that which satisfies our most essential needs. In this case, water. Vital and primordial, it remains a magnet for our souls.
_ Lo brillante se asocia con la opulencia y el lujo desmedido. Nuestros ancestros veían en el agua un símbolo de riqueza y bienestar, poseerla era un auténtico tesoro, significaba la diferencia entre vivir y morir.
A pesar de nuestra sofisticación y progreso, aún nos sentimos atraídos por aquello que satisface nuestras necesidades más esenciales. En este caso, el agua. Vital y primigenia, sigue siendo un imán para nuestras almas.
_ Lo brillante se asocia con la opulencia y el lujo desmedido. Nuestros ancestros veían en el agua un símbolo de riqueza y bienestar, poseerla era un auténtico tesoro, significaba la diferencia entre vivir y morir.
A pesar de nuestra sofisticación y progreso, aún nos sentimos atraídos por aquello que satisface nuestras necesidades más esenciales. En este caso, el agua. Vital y primigenia, sigue siendo un imán para nuestras almas.
_ Sparkle is associated with opulence and unrestrained luxury. Our ancestors saw water as a symbol of wealth and well-being, possessing it was a real treasure, it meant the difference between living and dying.
Despite our sophistication and progress, we are still attracted to that which satisfies our most essential needs. In this case, water. Vital and primordial, it remains a magnet for our souls.
best view on 1920x1080px
best view on 1920x1080px
press "P" to get a screenshot PNG
the Badajoz drunkard
by JPBilowus
e.l.e.c.t.r.i.c _99_ s.h.e.e.p
wep! found it! here it was!
I Want to Believe
In the vastness of the universe, where every star is a promise and every galaxy a whisper, how can we think we are alone? The elements of life, scattered like stardust, weave a tapestry of possibilities in every corner of the cosmos.
En la vastedad del universo, donde miles de millones de galaxias se extienden como un lienzo estrellado, cada una resplandeciendo con el brillo de incontables soles, la posibilidad de que nuestra Tierra sea la única cuna de la inteligencia parece tan improbable como un solo grano de arena en una infinita playa cósmica.
1920x1080px. 16:9. 29.97 fps 32 sec.
HDTV (1080p) MP4 H264
art, animation, lyrics and music
by JPBilowus
July 2024
stepping without the ground
by JPBilowus
July 2024
with the head in the clouds
A paper collage that was enhanced and upscaled with SD, then digitally retouched on PS.
This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's June 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists.
5769x5906px 24 bit
(49x50cm 300dpi)
June 2024
with love from JP
Despite our sophistication and progress, we are still attracted to that which satisfies our most essential needs. In this case, water. Vital and primordial, it remains a magnet for our souls.
_ Lo brillante se asocia con la opulencia y el lujo desmedido. Nuestros ancestros veían en el agua un símbolo de riqueza y bienestar, poseerla era un auténtico tesoro, significaba la diferencia entre vivir y morir.
A pesar de nuestra sofisticación y progreso, aún nos sentimos atraídos por aquello que satisface nuestras necesidades más esenciales. En este caso, el agua. Vital y primigenia, sigue siendo un imán para nuestras almas.
A pesar de nuestra sofisticación y progreso, aún nos sentimos atraídos por aquello que satisface nuestras necesidades más esenciales. En este caso, el agua. Vital y primigenia, sigue siendo un imán para nuestras almas.
_ Sparkle is associated with opulence and unrestrained luxury. Our ancestors saw water as a symbol of wealth and well-being, possessing it was a real treasure, it meant the difference between living and dying.
Despite our sophistication and progress, we are still attracted to that which satisfies our most essential needs. In this case, water. Vital and primordial, it remains a magnet for our souls.
1566 $enjoy 543 $imagine