Off planet visitor has come to aid humanity in the quest for continued advancement, we have stalled out and have been failing to make progress, the people themselves are doing well, but the overwhelming greed and corruption have ruined all banks and governments, corporations especially tech companies drunk on riches and power have neglected to have proper respect for the planet and it's preservation. Money itself is neutral and harmless, and serves a legitimate purpose, let us not forget the quote is actually: "The LOVE of money, is the root of all evil" ! We see society collapsing all around us with the Epsteins, Weinsteins, and P. Diddy's of the world disregarding laws of man and universe alike. All great civilizations before us have ended, it's our own arrogance to think we are immune. The inter planet visitor known as Elon Musk has attempted to help us save our species, but he has been attacked and ridiculed by the rich and powerful, as Elon has come to help the entire planet, and the rich only want to help themselves. Sad day on the midway, if we're not careful, proverbially speaking the entire carnival will leave town.
Bigfoot has always been rough and tumble, with very poor hygiene. He killed and ate animals, $enjoyed terrifying humans, over time this just became routine, his normal behavior... One day after hunting he went into the lake to cool off and seek refuge from the mosquitoes. The water felt nice, there was a cool breeze, the birds were chirping happily. He realized he felt like he was floating, with the buoyancy in the water ... he closed his eyes and imagined himself on a cloud. He felt different, he couldn't explain it, he didn't understand it. Many sensations washed over him, and it was a perfect storm of weightlessness, good hygiene, absence of mosquitoes. He felt good, for once he didn't feel like a monster. His normal mood was rage and hunger, he lived to kill and eat, as a means of survival.... But now, all his basic needs had been met, and for the first time he felt free. He felt alive. He felt... well, he was surprised, but he... he was so confused, he couldn't understand what he was feeling... it just didn't make sense... but there was no denying it... He felt pretty !!! He seemed dainty almost floating in the water... No bugs on him... and his course hair was all matted down from the water and he seemed slender... He found some beautiful flowers near the lake and put the stems behind his ears to wear them... He found a lost cell phone and ordered a Gothic Lolita dress from Temu in mens adult 7x, he's nervous, he's apprehensive, he doesn't know what the others might think, but he's decided he doesn't care, he's going to be free and live his best life, because he feels pretty.
The culmination of your efforts endeavored in the previous week have resolved and now the weekend lay before you to be sacrificed ! Throw caution to the wind and attack the weekend with the passion and fervor of a whirling dervish ! You may not get the chance to grow old, or die of natural causes, live in the moment and you can be free !
Cheshire grins, as he knows the secret of how to win, at the game of life, live beneath your means and avoid strife... he keeps speaking in sing song rhymes... and the most important thing, says the cat, is . . . as he continues speaking both the words and the cat fade away into thin air
Anime and ice cream are a couple of the favorite things of Chiyo. Ice cream is great during the hot summer, and also to remember the hot summer and long for it's return.
Summer 2024 is behind us, but suns out = buns out ! Here on the South Texas coast it's expected to be 89F tomorrow (31.67 to non Americans) so it's extended summer and the party rolls on !
Self destruction can be pretty when you're young, but get it out of your system or die, as it's pretty ugly when you're older... the faster you live, the faster you will die, is it better to burn out or fade away ?
The term “irie” itself derives from Rastafarian culture and is commonly used to describe a state of feeling good, peaceful, and content. In the song, "Feeling Irie" Gregory Isaacs beautifully captures that sentiment and expresses how being in a mellow mood can lead to a sense of tranquility and happiness. Chillax my brothers, they've got the power, but we've got the numbers !
The Great Apes have organized and are secretly running much of the organized crime in many cities. They also enjoy the finer things in life, yes, like soft serve in the park.
Chat GPT running on smart phone with text to speech, speech recognition, a solar panel to power, and automaton billy his motors and sensors taken from drones, allowing a remote to drive, and programmed states such as 'walk cycle'. Let's crowdsource it and make it happen, it wouldn't be creepy or anything.
Supernatural clown has reduced roller coaster & it's patrons down to fit into the clearical sphericle zorb for his entertainment pleasure. The perpetual ride that never ends. It was fun at first, but like LSD and oral, at some point you just want to get off!
School prepares children for work of adult life by indoctrinating them into blindly following orders and eliminating critical thought, to do as your told, no matter how ridiculous. The education offered is mostly one of punctuality, sitting still, stifling daydreams of freedom, attempts to kill hope, and the free spirit. The very things one ACTUALLY needs to succeed and set yourself apart. They want cogs in a wheel, uniformity, not individuals, nor entrepreneurs.
The children are taught the hypocrisy inherent in the system at an early age as the powers that be condemn drugs whilst simultaneously over prescribing prescription drugs to those very children to stop them from acting like children. 1. Drugs are bad, don't do drugs 2. Take these drugs because you run around and talk too much Moral: Corporate profits are more important than a normal childhood
Take a peek behind the curtain. You were led to believe it was only a simple sphere. Only a glowing ball. But no, my friend, be astounded at a glimpse of the inner workings !
The next hit is the only thing that matters to some people. Thats the nature of addiction. Make good choices kids, if you take a wrong turn or two you can head down an ugly road.
It was a rough summer with brutal heat, it seems to be going out with a whimper. Lots of rain, and cool fronts beginning to arrive and provide much needed respite as we fall into autumn and the unknown with all the manufactured drama of political divide. What will this years distraction be ? Covid 2.0 ? Monkey Pox? China attacks Taiwan? Ukraine vs. Russia continues, Israel vs Hamas is never ending, Iran is getting itchy as is North Korea and they don't want to miss out on the fun. Chatter suggests the end of cash, the collapse of the economy, introduction of 'digital money' (centralized and all the worst of crypto, it will be surveillance, tracking and taxing tool). Today is September 10th, 2024. We can revisit this in the future and see how much actually happened.
Do you have too much money ? Allow Cascade Financial Services to ease your burden. We offer sales in multiple dominations. No longer are you limited to collecting a single .jpg ! No sir, ma'am or other modern gender you invented ! Through our current state of the art Zorb technology you can purchase 10, 100, or even 1,000 digital collectibles at once ! We are professionally trained to collect your money and assure you it will be spent wisely on hookers and weed. We have the experience and know how to receive your money safely. No need to wring your hands wondering how to spend your extra crypto, send it our way with our guarantee we will have as much fun and pleasure as possible enjoying the funds. Your participation is appreciated. Have a nice day !
Fast talkin, jive walkin, if you always tell the truth you don't have to worry about keeping your story straight ! Life's easier if you don't talk out of both sides of your mouth !
The trash is piled on the curb like mountains, filth everywhere, homeless, drug addicts, psychos, crazies, the rats are fed up and demand better ! It's gotten unsafe for down trodden rodents in the thriving metropolis' getting cast off food, avoiding vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians is very stressful. We outnumber you, make a concession and throw some leftovers in the street, you're not going to eat it anyway... be considerate won't you?
Sullen man ignores flowers. How do beautiful flowers not lighten the mood ? Change your attitude and you may very well change your latitude. Choose to walk on the sunny side of the street. Choose the light, in a time, when too many already choose darkness !
It's a dogs life, if bitches are getting you down, turn that frown upside down, and put some smoke in the air, and be like Frozen... "Let it go" !
We're equal rights sexist around here, quasi-clever cuz 'bitch' is a female dog, so I couldn't resist, but the male counterpart is at least equally likely to be an asshole, count on that... so that old road runs both ways, know that. I'm not taking sides. I've got my boys backs, but I sure do love some ladies... just take care of yourself and you'll have a full time job !
Lost for centuries, this giant carved head is presumed to have been a ruler in the ancient past. Their people may have died out long ago... or a descendant may have a blowgun aimed at the neck of our photographer even as we take this very image.....
This beautiful beach is a tropical paradise, as long as you show up with gifts. They like shoes, and t-shirts especially. Liquor is also popular. If you show up with gifts you are an honored guest ! If you show up empty handed... you ARE dinner !
Woodland creatures gather for a feast. A ritual of sorts. This is kind of awkward, as there wasn't really supposed to be any witnesses... only participants... please join us, you can, um, be the honoree... please get comfortable in that, um, hot tub, relax, disregard the carrots and onions in there, it's supposed to be good for your fur. we are paying tribute to those before us who have fallen, and we are making a sacrifice and an offering.... of... our time... that's all. it's okay, please get comfortable. We'll sing some hymnals and light some candles, you'll like it you'll see... do you like wine ? We have some nice bottles of red for you . . .
Do not mistake this temptress as 'vulnerable' she is a trained killer, and while you are safe around her, unless you wish her ill or attempt to touch without her permission, or your a designated target... she is ready to dance all night and is great fun, unless you try to FAFO !
Feral children attack in the urban jungle, raised on neglect and inattention, nourished on 4chan and ogrish, numb and desensitized to violence, can't rationalize working when they can simply take, sociopaths manufactured by indoctrination of corporate greed via barrage of the lies of media lies & advertising creating desire of luxury goods that are inaccessible to average people. Ferocious minors will devour the bankers and politicians that flipped the switch of sociopathology with no way or intention of turning it off. Eat the rich !
Waldo Peccary lived during the Ottonian Renaissance as a colleague (pet) of philosopher and theologian Bruno of Cologne who led the school of Reims during that time. Waldo was a cultured swine, walked upright, ate with a knife and fork, and in fact could clearly speak Latin ! He was a fierce defender of the universal rights of both man and beast, he was recognized across three provinces for his accomplishments, he was also rumored to be quite delicious at his graduation and following celebration ! Pig Latin was born and enjoyed a short life before being relegated to 6th graders and pimpled teens around the world. Thank you and good night.
Waldo Peccary lived during the Ottonian Renaissance as a colleague (pet) of philosopher and theologian Bruno of Cologne who led the school of Reims during that time. Waldo was a cultured swine, walked upright, ate with a knife and fork, and in fact could clearly speak Latin ! He was a fierce defender of the universal rights of both man and beast, he was recognized across three provinces for his accomplishments, he was also rumored to be quite delicious at his graduation and following celebration ! Pig Latin was born and enjoyed a short life before being relegated to 6th graders and pimpled teens around the world. Thank you and good night.
This girl I know needs some shelter She don't believe anyone can help her She's doing so much harm, doing so much damage But you don't wanna get involved You tell her she can manage And you can't change the way she feels But you could put your arms around her I know you wanna live yourself But could you forgive yourself If you left her just the way you found her?
In the outlying territories, the districts are patrolled and protected by Enforcers. The Enforcer named Mongrel is a fearless animal that prevents outsiders from entering the district with prior written permission and the appropriate paperwork to prove it.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, but the branch manager Mr. Thistle pushed the silent alarm against the polite warnings of consequences. FAFO ! He learned today ! The bank is FDIC insured, why try to be a hero ? On the plus side he will look cool and mysterious in a pirate eye patch the rest of his natural life.
A parade of clowns swarm the small towns like a plague of locusts, infecting the minds of those who witness the court jesters dance of the burned out witless, gaping maws with drooling grins, come one, come all, we're your friends. Pick your poison... do you like beer ? Grab a few pints, we all float down here !
Interstellar traveller zips through around the universe at speeds almost defying physics, he's avoided Earth as he's seeking intelligent species, the humans are fraught with greed, corruption, and self-interest, an absolute recipe for dystopian outcomes. Join the cosmonaut and come fly, let's manifest utopia of shared resources, but also shared labor, and shared outcomes ! No 1% to hog assets and enslave the masses. Be weary of centralized 'crypto', remember NOT your keys, NOT your crypto... Meaning if YOU do not control the crypto you do NOT own it, get a hardware wallet ! If your crypto is parked on kraken, kucoin, binance, or especially coinbase you are NOT in control of your money. DYOR ! HODL ! It's coming soon ! People get ready !
Impasto is very thick application of paint, often not with a brush but a trowel, meant to be full of energy and impulse, it's dynamic and seemingly alive from the rapid application and buildup. Meant to be viewed large, of course !
Ahoy Scallywags ! GM to you, hope you're enjoying a nice stout cup of coffee this morning to start your day ! The seas and the men can both be disagreeable and downright rough from time to time, you must keep your wits about you. You never know when you may need to draw your broadsword and separate a man from his hand or his arm ! It gets their attention this ! I swear by it, they seem to have less fight in them when they can look down and see their sword on the deck still being gripped by their, used to be, "Good" hand ! Ahhhhhhh ah ah ah come back tonight and i'll regale you with more tales from my times in port chasing booty !!! Treasure chests of bullion and coin, but also skirts and the treasure buried beneath them petticoats !!! Stay safe friends !
It's a Hot Summer and Pepe is at the beach, he not really a Lifeguard, he just hope to give a lady mouth to mouth... or that 'Hind Lick" manuever he's heard about ! Them ladies laying down in bikini's with their eyes closed better watch he, Pepe think they "drowning" and need "saving" ! and he's coming in HOT !!!
While ramen is absolutely a Japanese dish, it was introduced by Chinese immigrants who brought their noodle making technique ! Noodles can vary but traditionally seems to be the unique texture of noodles made with 'alkaline water'. Ramen noodles are firmer with more 'bite' to them making them ideal for easy slurping without the noodles breaking
Not to be confused with Pho which is distinctly a Vietnamese dish with clear broth and flat rice noodles, also delicious but really only similar at first glance, ramen has heartier toppings and the ramen noodles are more substantial. Pho noodles tend to be more cooked, silky with delicate texture.
Please be sure to try both to find their similarities and differences, you are sure to enjoy both, but may prefer one. I bid you long life and safe passage.
Pathology results of Zorb sphere dissection are in. Hot Blockchain Summer is in effect ! Upward trajectory only is the foregone conclusion, after planar removal of the orbs outer surface it can be revealed The Orb itself is looking up and to the right the prophecy has been foretold and the immediate future shall play out accordingly. We shall attack the day and let all who hath ears to hear our mighty roar as we storm up the charts and refuse to be silent anymore ! LFG !!!!
Through scientific and cooking processes sugar can be manipulated in shape, size, color, density etc. This entire scene was constructed by a talented pastry chef. In the heat it will slowly melt and caramelize and be reduced to a goopy mess. All in life is temporary. Remember energy can be neither created nor destroyed, merely transformed. The carbon atoms of our body are only temporarily shaped as people. YOU are a temporary state of being. Embrace it, $enjoy it, while you can. As we all shall return from whence we came. Gaze upon this frozen moment of time and the beauty of it's being, existing in a relative flash between states of being. Entropy is the only constant. Because sugars burn easily when exposed to flame, the handling of sugars risks dust explosion. The risk of explosion is higher when the sugar has been milled to superfine texture. Find the balance my friend, that is the trick in all things. Best of luck to you.
Follow Your Bliss
Artist: satyrday
Date: Oct 26, 2024
Mississippi Moon
Standby for Launch
Bi-curious Bigfoot
Stay Loco
Friday Flowers
Cheshire Cat
Ice Cream
Hot Tub
Feeling Irie
Business Monkey
AI Chat Agent
Kitten Picnic
Catwoman - Retro
Coaster Zorb
The Awful Truth
Hypocrisy of the system
1. Drugs are bad, don't do drugs
2. Take these drugs because you run around and talk too much
Moral: Corporate profits are more important than a normal childhood
Inside the Zorb
West Side Girl
Spare some change ?
Summer 2024 Ending
Cyclopean Kisses
Cascade Financial Services
Allow Cascade Financial Services to ease your burden. We offer sales in multiple dominations. No longer are you limited to collecting a single .jpg ! No sir, ma'am or other modern gender you invented ! Through our current state of the art Zorb technology you can purchase 10, 100, or even 1,000 digital collectibles at once ! We are professionally trained to collect your money and assure you it will be spent wisely on hookers and weed. We have the experience and know how to receive your money safely. No need to wring your hands wondering how to spend your extra crypto, send it our way with our guarantee we will have as much fun and pleasure as possible enjoying the funds. Your participation is appreciated. Have a nice day !
King of the now !
Enemies, accumulate
Be safe, have fun = Have a nice trip!
Skate Higher
Open Your Mind
Call me a pussy, one more time !
Rats demand better !
Sullen Man
How do beautiful flowers not lighten the mood ?
Change your attitude and you may very well change your latitude. Choose to walk on the sunny side of the street. Choose the light, in a time, when too many already choose darkness !
Cannabis Canine
We're equal rights sexist around here, quasi-clever cuz 'bitch' is a female dog, so I couldn't resist, but the male counterpart is at least equally likely to be an asshole, count on that... so that old road runs both ways, know that. I'm not taking sides. I've got my boys backs, but I sure do love some ladies... just take care of yourself and you'll have a full time job !
Jungle Artifact
you're going to get what you deserve
Tiki Paradise
Woodland Creatures
Hard Candy Killer
Feral Children
Smart Pig Spoke Latin
Smart Pig Spoke Latin
. . . can I go with you ?
She don't believe anyone can help her
She's doing so much harm, doing so much damage
But you don't wanna get involved
You tell her she can manage
And you can't change the way she feels
But you could put your arms around her
I know you wanna live yourself
But could you forgive yourself
If you left her just the way you found her?
Enforcer: Mongrel
Hasty Exit - Clown Robs Bank
Planet Zora
all together friend
meatbag and insectoid alike
reptilian, shapeshifter, bipedal no matter
all welcome, one love, respect
Clown Train
do you like beer ?
Grab a few pints, we all float down here !
City Skyline - Abstract Impasto
Ice Cream
Oh Hai 👋
Pirate Toucan GM
come back tonight and i'll regale you with more tales from my times in port chasing booty !!! Treasure chests of bullion and coin, but also skirts and the treasure buried beneath them petticoats !!! Stay safe friends !
Beach Pepe
Craving Ramen
Not to be confused with Pho which is distinctly a Vietnamese dish with clear broth and flat rice noodles, also delicious but really only similar at first glance, ramen has heartier toppings and the ramen noodles are more substantial. Pho noodles tend to be more cooked, silky with delicate texture.
Please be sure to try both to find their similarities and differences, you are sure to enjoy both, but may prefer one.
I bid you long life and safe passage.
Zorb Dissection
Refined Panorama