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Tertium Genus

Sonified data that translates each frequency and rhythm percentage according to legislation status of the right to change legal gender (2023). This is the legal recognition of sex reassignment by permitting a change of legal gender on an individual's birth certificate. As of 2023, many countries still do not recognize a third gender, reflecting varying levels of acceptance and understanding of non-binary and gender-diverse identities. In these countries, legal documents such as passports and national IDs typically only offer male and female gender options, excluding non-binary individuals. This lack of recognition can lead to challenges in accessing services, legal protections, and social acceptance. Countries without third gender recognition include much of the Middle East, parts of Africa, and several nations in Asia and Europe. Conversely, more countries are recognizing a third gender, showing growing acceptance of non-binary identities. In India, over 5 million people identify as hijra and other non-binary genders. Germany's "diverse" gender marker, introduced in 2019, is increasingly used, with thousands opting for it. In the United States, around 1.5 million adults now identify as non-binary. Argentina's non-binary ID option, added in 2021, has been utilized by thousands. Countries like Australia, Canada, and Nepal also report rising numbers of people registering under third gender categories. This legal recognition is vital for the rights and acceptance of non-binary individuals.
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i hope this message finds you well

‘I hope this message finds you well’ exposes the unsettling realities of deep fakes and surveillance culture, revealing the erasure of sex, democracy, and how it exposes collective trauma in our human landscape. Employing GAN faces and retina scans, the piece transforms the human form into a chilling embodiment of the techno-consensual era. Phenotype-faces merge into a single human entity that absorbs programmed emotions. Hypnotic eyes are wet with tech-gaze. Body-tech scans of the artist serve as reminders that we’re all unwilling subjects when we step outside. One can clearly sense the weight of political erasure, big money gaslighting, and the post-pandemic ‘shitification’ that underscores, numbs, and manipulates our thoughts and emotions. Ultimately, the message challenges and questions our perception of real human truths vs politico-digital manipulations merely disguised as manufactured proto-human aspirations.

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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