Intertwined we are together like webs of a spider and everyone is already bitten by this heartbeat like a spider caught in the web of destruction who will make it out alive ,without the belief in the heartbeat we’re entangled caught and left for prey, know yours ,mine is God ,God is the Lord Holy Heart Beat (LHHB) facts remain the same we all have a heartbeat and we beat together it’s our common ground there is no more color of skin or color of a eye all their is ,is equality among us ,this beating drum pumping bluish blood coursing through all our veins all who beat ,is in this club and this club is LHHB and is God on earth have reverence for one another God is presently alive and well in us amen. c,lewis iii 02/15/25
Here I am waiting on you ,hoping to spread the word that maybe someone like you all would be ticked enough to wonder about the heartbeat ,God on earth ,His in dwelling spirit in you and me. He’s alive and well was lost but now He’s found in the only possible place He could be ,I looked high ,I looked low and all around , no God any where , of course He’s in these atoms holding them all together ,but He’s not in this stuff around us ,like He’s inside you and me for He’s the wittiness that see all ,we can’t hide from Him for He’s the creational force of the heartbeat He is LHHB (Lord Holy Heart Beat) reverence is what He deserves that’s to all who beat to His drum. It’s our common ground we all stand on ,together in equality a harmonious place he resides ,we pulse together with this creational force we should all call God’s , that’s a reality we should all embrace.
2/15/25, 9:30 PM
2/14/25, 5:06 AM
2/14/25, 5:02 AM
2/13/25, 11:00 PM
2/13/25, 4:47 AM
He’s alive and well was lost but now He’s found in the only possible place He could be ,I looked high ,I looked low and all around , no God any where , of course He’s in these atoms holding them all together ,but He’s not in this stuff around us ,like He’s inside you and me for He’s the wittiness that see all ,we can’t hide from Him for He’s the creational force of the heartbeat He is LHHB (Lord Holy Heart Beat) reverence is what He deserves that’s to all who beat to His drum.
It’s our common ground we all stand on ,together in equality a harmonious place he resides ,we pulse together with this creational force we should all call God’s , that’s a reality we should all embrace.