This piece was typed in PETSCII characters (Commodore 64 charset) for the Newtro's Onchain Summer collection, celebrating the Latin American "Fake summer".
Cómo puede ser que te alboroten mis placeres // How can my pleasures disturb you? Just mint it! :)
This is 100% Petscii characters - painfully typed in an old computer.
This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's March 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists.
The orange monster
Typed animation in petscii characters.
Everything’s going to be OK ✨
The birth of Ada Lovelace
The birth of Ada Lovelace
Santa YHLQMDLG | Onchain Summer
This piece was typed in PETSCII characters (Commodore 64 charset) for the Newtro's Onchain Summer collection, celebrating the Latin American "Fake summer".
Bongo cats
100% PETSCII characters and lalala 🎵
VIII - La fuerza (Strength)
This was typed in PETSCII characters while missing my cat with all my heart u_u
Read my lips <3
This is me when I mint something
Just mint it! :)
This is 100% Petscii characters - painfully typed in an old computer.
This piece is part of the "Arts And W3B artists' onboarding workshop" collection, as the result of Newtro's March 2024 onboarding workshop to web3 for Latin American artists.
Princess Motomami
Retro bizcochito full petscii text art pixel mode dot com
Smooth goose
PETSCII & swag.
Jurassic PETSCII, handcrafted character by character (open image in a new tab for more details).
Japanese snow monkeys.
IX - El Ermitaño (The Hermit)
XVIII - La Luna (The Moon)
100% PETSCII and the support of my cats.
XIII - La Muerte (Death)