This work tries to express the network and the construction given by the many parts, expressed in colors, each one essential, each one a key point that supports the next one.
"LATAM CULTURE BUILDERS is a collection curated by Newtro that redefines the role of the BUILDER on the internet, creating a space for artists and cultural managers to reflect on their impact in the emerging web3 culture. This reflection fosters the development of more sovereign identities and cultural expressions.
Adopting new technologies is part of a global dialogue, enabling the development of sovereign identities. Tokenizing art, forming communities, collaborating, teaching, and incorporating emerging technologies are key aspects of this decentralized network of cultural managers, artists, and communicators, who are advancing blockchain technology adoption from Latin America to the world.
Marsha P. Johnson has been considered one of the most important activists in the confrontations with police during the Stonewall riots. In the early 1970s, Johnson and her friend Sylvia Rivera co-founded the organization Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR); together they participated in gay liberation marches and radical political actions. In the decade In 1980, Johnson continued her street activism as a respected organizer and marshall of ACT UP. Along with Rivera, Johnson was a “mother” at STAR House, handing out clothes and food to help drag queens, trans women and young people who lived on the Christopher Street docks or at her house on the Lower East Side of NY. In July 1992, Johnson's body was found floating in the Hudson River, not far from the West Village Pier, shortly after the Pride March. Police ruled the death a suicide. Johnson's friends and supporters said she was not suicidal, and a poster campaign later claimed that Johnson had been harassed on the day of her death near where her body was found. Demands to have the police investigate the cause of death were unsuccessful. After a strong campaign led by activist Mariah Lopez, the New York Police Department reopened the case in November 2012 as a possible homicide.
Carlos Jáuregui was born in La Plata on September 22, 1957 and died in Buenos Aires on August 20, 1996. He was 38 years old.
He is recognized and remembered for being the first president of the Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) between 1984 and 1987, and for leading, in 1992, the first Gay Lesbian Pride march in Buenos Aires. In 1991 he also founded the Gays for Civil Rights Association. He helped promote the first civil union project and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the anti-discrimination clause of the Constitution of the City of Buenos Aires.
It is not real that there are separations between life and death, between light and darkness. Believing that they are separate things gives us fear and anxiety, being able to see that everything is part of the same circle gives us peace and understanding of the universe.
"Wu wei" is a term of Chinese origin, a concept that describes an important aspect of Taoist philosophy. "Wu Wei" could be translated as "not doing", but rather as "doing without doing", or "doing without ego", like a plant that grows without effort, without expecting anything.
This work is a metaphor for the mycelium and the creative and constructive union of the community. Together we are a deeper and more primordial force, and at the same time, simpler.
This piece was made in community and collaboration as a part of the NewtroArts’ "Mycelium & Miscellany" collective drop on the Zora network. Newtro is a community of artists and cultural managers aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain.
best day in lake
bored and worried
in the sky with flowers
Refugio Lopez
i can't believe what i saw! / nouns aliens
the whole world in a flower
*+* SpArkLiNg *+*
in the forest collecting art
another universe
150000 $Enjoy
spring hope
well of souls
bright days bring hope
don't look back
like pearls
apunte azul
Potrerillos, Mendoza, Argentina
i'm an optimistic
Super flowers artworks !!!
video killed the radio star
I’m fiiiiine, totally
351499 $Enjoy
amazing! 174041 $enjoy
It's happening all the time
growing in the right place
inner summer
For newtro’s onchain summer collective collection
experimentation 01 - the creation of the world
Diversity Builds Ecosystems
"LATAM CULTURE BUILDERS is a collection curated by Newtro that redefines the role of the BUILDER on the internet, creating a space for artists and cultural managers to reflect on their impact in the emerging web3 culture. This reflection fosters the development of more sovereign identities and cultural expressions.
Adopting new technologies is part of a global dialogue, enabling the development of sovereign identities. Tokenizing art, forming communities, collaborating, teaching, and incorporating emerging technologies are key aspects of this decentralized network of cultural managers, artists, and communicators, who are advancing blockchain technology adoption from Latin America to the world.
1 comment = 1 chance
Follow @Newtroarts to discover more about it"
/) /) ପ(˶•-•˶)ଓ ♡ /づ づ 11111 $Enjoy
<3 <3
26095 $enjoy
∧,,,∧ („. .„) 🍓⊂ ) 50449 $Enjoy
Colors Explanation
137731 $Enjoy
Yeeeeaaah!! Love the coloresssss :) 236531 $enjoy !!!
Self Portrait
Collect and support an artist
120001 $enjoy
51,647 $ENJOY
Marsha P. Johnson
In July 1992, Johnson's body was found floating in the Hudson River, not far from the West Village Pier, shortly after the Pride March. Police ruled the death a suicide. Johnson's friends and supporters said she was not suicidal, and a poster campaign later claimed that Johnson had been harassed on the day of her death near where her body was found. Demands to have the police investigate the cause of death were unsuccessful. After a strong campaign led by activist Mariah Lopez, the New York Police Department reopened the case in November 2012 as a possible homicide.
love your artt amii♡♡ 250112 $ENJOY
Carlos Jáuregui "In a society that educates us to shame, pride is a political response"
He is recognized and remembered for being the first president of the Argentine Homosexual Community (CHA) between 1984 and 1987, and for leading, in 1992, the first Gay Lesbian Pride march in Buenos Aires. In 1991 he also founded the Gays for Civil Rights Association.
He helped promote the first civil union project and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the anti-discrimination clause of the Constitution of the City of Buenos Aires.
Zorb Storm
10000 $Enjoy
Colorful Heart
Thanks for all the love, queen 🦄
<3 <3 3 50000 $enjoy
Beetle king
Colors and their magic
18763 $Enjoy
90000 $ENJOY
10000 $Enjoy
The melting of the sun
Shines like the sun
Zorb Invasion
It's real?
Zolar System
Y te voy a buscar.
Rainbow Eclipse
22456 $ENJOY <3
first attempt to escape
10000 $ENJOY
stellar movements
We are all
that mysterious guy that you really like
little new old things
Something is always about to happen
hasta que mis ojos sepan
todas las verdades del universo
Voy a reposar en ese rio
para entender cómo funciona
el paso del tiempo
Pero antes
Voy a aturdirme en esta ciudad
y así aprender el bálsamo
que puede ser el silencio
Voy a mirar esa flor
until my eyes know
all the truths of the universe
I'm going to rest in that river
to understand how
the passage of time works
But first
I'm going to stun myself in this city
and learn the balm
that silence can be
Who is moving at the right time?
New Life
finding the balance is necessary, awesome artwork, amazing description contextualizing the meaning to you ✨
Wu Wei
Unity is not an illusion
This piece was made in community and collaboration as a part of the NewtroArts’ "Mycelium & Miscellany" collective drop on the Zora network.
Newtro is a community of artists and cultural managers aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain.
Beautiful work!!! Love it 🍄 ❤️ 🍄 133984 $enjoy