whoever pulls this off will be an even greater hero than even Luigi. the dumpster fire and Chief has already done far more harm and will be if he isn't already responsible for far more death and suffering than any singular health insurance CEO. on the subject of health he's already jacking up prescription drug prices, and rolling back protections against infectious disease. not to mention the attitude his administration took on Covid already having caused countless deaths and mass suffering.
your boss pays you the least they can get away with while they make bank off your work? they're eating you. the landlord charges you the better portion of your paycheck for rent so they don't have to do a real job themselves while they let your apartment fall into disrepair? they're eating you. your insurance provider refuses to pay out when you need the money you gave them for an emergency? they're eating you. you where tricked into taking out a high interest loan for ether education or basic needs and have already paid it back several times over yet may never be able to pay it off? they're eating you. some AI trainer stole your work to get a machine to copy it "generating" cheap knockoffs of what you put your life and soul into, even stealing your identity through style mimicry as well? they're eating you.
regardless of what they believe when they are truly desperate everyone prays to something or someone. Atheists will call it therapeutic, polytheists may regard it as survival magic, and monotheists prayer. but when someone's home is bombed or burned down, or their life otherwise ruined there is much others can do for them. if you have extra cloths, food, cash, or a place they can take shelter that will do much more than simply absolving yourself of any need to take action or even to speak out that others may help or stop hurting them by just saying you'll pray for them when you could do much more. Don't let faith become a crutch to enable non-action. There's a place for prayer but if you are able to do more you should. in all seriousness do ask yourself "what would Jesus do", or "what would Hecate do", or any number of other gods and prophets, or great leaders known for their compassion.
it seems a bit messed up and telling that some people think it's an insult to point out that someone believes and is willing to fight for there to be basic ethics in tech, and such things as worker's rights, human rights, and the integrity of a craft.
the simple fact regarding generative AI and LLMs specifically is also that the vary basis of how LLMs are made as well as most often used is a human rights violation and violates worker's rights as well.
though also, the things about screwing people over is that in doing so you set the stage for and even normalize the conditions and practices that would enable the same thing to be done to you. so if you use generative AI, you may think you're getting one up on artists, writers, musicians, etc. right now but don't think for a second someone isn't stealing your own personal data and work to among other things create a cheap digital copy of yourself to use as a slave and replace you. even if you don't think you're it's target or victim right now, you're still in it's crosshairs and it's in your own best interest to join those opposing generative AI. as well as just the decent thing to do to fight against LLMs.
Is leaving prisoners caged in the path of a hurricane not cruel and unusual punishment?
in the path of Hurricane Milton many Florida prisons refused to evacuate their inmates, arguably this fits the definition of cruel and unusual punishment which is suppose to be banned under US law. For many it is a sentence to death by drowning while quite often prisoners in the US are sent to jail for minor crimes or may of not even committed any crime at all or are held despite it being known that they are innocent with the various flaws and corruption in our justice and policing systems.
Large Language Models, which are the basis of modern generative AI are created by taking the work and personal data of thousands of people without their consent and increasingly often explicitly against their will in order to create plagiarism software that "generates" poor quality knockoffs of the work of other people. in many industries though particularly in the arts, literature, and programing this software is being used to try and replace the human workers who's work was stolen to create it, adding insult to injury they aren't just being replaced with a machine but a machine that was build on their own work in order to plagiarize their work, both of which has done significant harm to actual artists and workers in creative industries. so i beg of you all please boycott all LLM generative AI and speak out against it in whatever way you can. shame those who use it and if you can boycott them as well. #luddite #luddites #AntiAI #protest #SupportArtists #AIIsTheft
she towers
Death of the Spray Tan Emperor
spark of the beast
Save the USA, Slay the spray tan beast!
the dumpster fire and Chief has already done far more harm and will be if he isn't already responsible for far more death and suffering than any singular health insurance CEO. on the subject of health he's already jacking up prescription drug prices, and rolling back protections against infectious disease. not to mention the attitude his administration took on Covid already having caused countless deaths and mass suffering.
eat the rich
the landlord charges you the better portion of your paycheck for rent so they don't have to do a real job themselves while they let your apartment fall into disrepair? they're eating you.
your insurance provider refuses to pay out when you need the money you gave them for an emergency? they're eating you.
you where tricked into taking out a high interest loan for ether education or basic needs and have already paid it back several times over yet may never be able to pay it off? they're eating you. some AI trainer stole your work to get a machine to copy it "generating" cheap knockoffs of what you put your life and soul into, even stealing your identity through style mimicry as well? they're eating you.
thoughts and prayers
key lotus and eyes
lofi vampire night
the window
happy new fear
wip face
I am proud to be called a Luddite
the simple fact regarding generative AI and LLMs specifically is also that the vary basis of how LLMs are made as well as most often used is a human rights violation and violates worker's rights as well.
though also, the things about screwing people over is that in doing so you set the stage for and even normalize the conditions and practices that would enable the same thing to be done to you. so if you use generative AI, you may think you're getting one up on artists, writers, musicians, etc. right now but don't think for a second someone isn't stealing your own personal data and work to among other things create a cheap digital copy of yourself to use as a slave and replace you. even if you don't think you're it's target or victim right now, you're still in it's crosshairs and it's in your own best interest to join those opposing generative AI. as well as just the decent thing to do to fight against LLMs.
newwave vampire bride
Gen AI is a human rights violation
old shoes
anti-theft castration device
Is leaving prisoners caged in the path of a hurricane not cruel and unusual punishment?
in the path of Hurricane Milton many Florida prisons refused to evacuate their inmates, arguably this fits the definition of cruel and unusual punishment which is suppose to be banned under US law. For many it is a sentence to death by drowning while quite often prisoners in the US are sent to jail for minor crimes or may of not even committed any crime at all or are held despite it being known that they are innocent with the various flaws and corruption in our justice and policing systems.
apple tree
AI is Theft
#luddite #luddites #AntiAI #protest #SupportArtists #AIIsTheft
the burlap man
coffin and keys
WIP hair in face
creature face sketch