"And so, furtively, timidly, in solitude, at night, I indulged in filthy vice, with a feeling of shame which never deserted me, even at the most loathsome moments, and which at such moments nearly made me curse. Already even then I had my underground world in my soul. I was fearfully afraid of being seen, of being met, of being recognised. I visited various obscure haunts."
Inspired by Gloria Anzaldua's "Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza," "Nepantla" represents the state of in-betweenness, where individuals grapple with conflicting cultural forces.
Dog Sitting
10/28/24, 8:15 PM
Morning Trolley Ride
10/23/24, 10:12 PM
Who cares
Head Like a Hole
No more homelessness.
Dancing McNuggets & the Buttfuck Gang
Process of Evolution
7777 $ENJOY
Emotional Overload
Non-Symphonic Naturism
-Notes From the Underground
Drown: The Day I Was Hungry but Had No Money
The Night I Learned That Santiago was an Aubergine
Code Art 2
My First Code