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✎ 139 266 37 NEW COMMENTS
just discovered your work - absolutely hooked.
luvit!! amazing textures!!!
on john
se escucha su canto!
on john
what the picture
on john
Amé este pinojohn!
Will you say yes to me if I offer?

Will you say yes to me if I offer?
Will you say yes to me if I offer? M?
jajja muy bueenosss!! qué preciosos personajitos amigooo!!! :)))
12345 $enjoy !!!
marioneta cósmica ☄️
on george
hermoso arte!
La escena cuando entra a la cancha en el Nápoles. Que hermosura hermano
que hermoso ver esto en su día!!!
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
on george
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
on Harold
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
on HeMan
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
🕊️Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵
Pinocchiooooooooo <3 tremenda nave!
reno 12, alto auto, los repuesto, son barato' <3
te van a chorear pinocho sali de ahi
Te vas a humedecer ahí Pinochito!
on Harold
57777 $enjoy
on Harold
on george
Very hamsom
love this paradise
Hermoso amigo!
on HeMan
Great work!
looks good
choo choo, subtle train coming rgru
oooooooh love it! As always, Pinnochio served some amazing landscape porteño, I love your multiverse. Cheers from Villa Crespo.
welcome to duloc, such a perfect town
aaawww, little worlds having their own adventuresss
first class chap
sweet little things, its gonna be alright!
bubbles in the sky with diamonds, nice piece!!
10000 $Enjoy
LOOK AMZING take my nft
a donde se ira con esa heladerita?? que intriga
me encanto el pinocho metiendo birrita en la vereda
sleeping face down seems really uncomfortable if you’re pinocchio idk
Pino está mirando al chorizonte listo para arrancar con su plan maestro 20000 $enjoy
me encanta esta obra amigo !
Big boy pinocchio
I love this dude, big Pinocchio rules
nice~ cute pinocchio 111 $imagine
He looks afraid of something! 111 $imagine
gymnocchio ♥♥ haha
Big indeed!
168250 $enjoy
Pinocchio love u✨
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Pinocchito post vacay, you can do it friend! Hang in there! Love youuuu <3
PINOCCIO !! 🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼 12345 $ENJOY !!! 🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼🥺🎩💌💟🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💛🏇🏼
looking good, P.
18000 $ENJOY
Beautiful Pinocchio!
una hermosura <3 17536 $enjoy
perfect 1111 $Enjoy
great amigo, scanned?
This is awesome!!
love 200 $Enjoy
Me encanta 100000 $enjoy
waaw love this pinoccio :D me sorprendiste, me encanta esta obra , un gusto tenerla en mi coleccion :)
11111 $ENJOY
I love this amazing Pinocho!!
That's me the first time I took a subway in BAires.
What an amazing series. Love the details and all the cool characters!
Carranza ❤❤❤
Amazing piece!
<3 <3 <3
Pinocho is from Palermo
one day I want to go down to the subway and see you pino 🤎
mi subte fav ♥️
Linea directa a Ministro Carranza
Love your style! 👌+++
this painting is beautiful, so much detailss! love it
Chill lil buddy, I just came back to see if you wanted any flamin hot. There's a bodega on the corner. 🙂
Esta serie del subte está increíble! <3
Está vendiendo chipacito, Pinocchio?
   o--^    |    ^--o
          / \
I love this series!
Woow awesome piece. Love it 🔥 +++
🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌🚅🚈🪂💙 SAN JUAN 💌
this pinocchio is so cute ♥
I love this one!
I'm a big fan of Pinnochio's adventures.
las ratitas ❤️
Incredible work! Love the little noggles!

Please consider applying for a small grant in the upcoming Artist Program rounds. More info at ArtistProgram.org
underground places where the people meet
The aura of routine and good vibes <3
Próxima estación, millonario
la familia rata me mata
Me encanto esta pieza Valen!!
Wow! Journey to the underworld! :-)
Amazing piece my friend! 
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aaaah, I love that parallel universe of Subways and Pinocchios with glasses ✨
Love it ! Only glasses ;-)
I love this piece. The details are amaizing!
¡Precioso! 💙💙💙
what a beautiful morning :D amazing artwork !!!
(👍≖‿‿≖)👍 impresionante👍(≖‿‿≖👍)
I like how they all have long noses XD
really like this one, looks funny
Buenos Aires 🚇
dejen subir primero a la familia de ratoncitos por favor!
Pinocchio feels no cold and fears no land!
Beauuutiful work my friend!!
this looks like a Pinocchio 007
I always want to be wherever Pinocchio is.
my kind of season! Only love for pinochitos <3
I love pinocchio fishing ❣️
Haha his eyes are everything haha
It's a hard winter! ⛸⛸
I love Pinocchio and his adventures
increidible work, love it!
I would drink a fernet with pinocchio.
One of my fantasies is to spend a complete afternoon with Pinocchio.
pinocchio you are everything that's right!