26700 $enjoy buy 24.08.12
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0818 onethepark7 wonderful art
I love miso too 69 $enjoy
wow :) 1111 $ENJOY
3000 $enjоу 멋지다!! 24-08-02
50000 $enjоу 굿~!! 24-08-05
10000 $enjoy 24/7/29_jackson $imagine $higher
3000 $enjoy Good!! 24-07-28
10500 $enjoy 24/7/21_jackson $imagine $higher
10000 $enjoy 24/7/8_jackson $imagine $higher
3000 $enjoy 팁47000개 들어왓어요^^ 디젠으로 잘못적엇네 디젠오버팁ㅜ
10000 $enjoy good!! 24-06-30
So nice~(6.16) 3000 $enjoy
2000 $enjoy 06/15 $imagine $higher
7777 $enjoy 오~ 잘하신다~!!! 24-06-15
1000 $enjoy 06/15 $imagine $higher
2020 $enjoy 알림에 뜨지 않아서 늦게 왔습니다 ^^ 자주 와주셔서 감사드려요 ^^ 0611
미소년이 저래 변신... 무섭다 3000 $ENJOY
베이스 믿는다! 디젠! 3000 $ENJOY
Nice art~(6.9.) 6000 $enjoy 20 $imagine $higher
1500 $enjoy 0610 멋진 작품이네요 ^^ 처음 인사드리고 갑니다!
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
11000 $enjoy 24/6/8_jackson $imagine $higher
1200 $Enjoy you look lonly ican fix that ^_^
2496 $enjoy 06/06 $imagine $higher 정말 잘 만들었습니다 좋은 작품 하나 가지고 갑니다
이쁘고아름다워요 1000 $enjoy 24.06.06
심쿵했네요 5000 $enjoy 선민합니다
서둘러~!! 다녀가요 5000 $enjoy 24-06-04
2500 $enjoy 06/02 $imagine $higher
3000 $enjoy 06/01 $imagine $higher
2500 $enjoy 05/31 $imagine $higher
1000 $enjoy 05/29 $imagine $higher 아름다워요 잘 만들었습니다
5000 $enjoy 예뻐요^^ 24.5.28
5000 $enjoy 너무 예쁘당..!! 24.5.28
와 이거 죽이네여 진심 영화인듯 1000 $enjoy
1000 $enjoy 10 $imagine $higher 안녕하세요~ 또왔습니다~!!! 앞으로도 자주 뵈어요~!! ^^
500 $enjoy 05/25 $imagine $higher
5000 $enjoy 선민입니다 $imagine $higher
1111 $enjoy 오우 ~~ 멋지네욤.. 3점 모셔갑니다. 제것도 관심 부탁드립니다.
1000 $enjoy 민트하고 갑니다. ^^
1000 $enjoy have a nice day ^^ 5/18
4999 $enjoy 59 $imagine $higher
500 $imagine 안녕하세요. 민팅하고 갑니다. 자주 뵈요^^
2500 $ENJOY 어둠은 빛을 이길 수 없다
100 $enjoy 엔조이 잘 안해봐서 ㅜ 가용량이 얼마나 있는지도 모르겠어요..
05.06 히어로들이 지켜주는 비트코인 1000 $enjoy 작품2개 민팅이요 :) -amadda-
Shining breath and flapping of wings
Chinese gardens and cherry blossoms at dusk
I become one with the sky
an encounter with another being
A gothic shadow envelops her.
The Milky Way wraps around her hair
A warrior holding a shining sword
the world reflected in a broken piece of glass
333 $enjoy
10.01 와우 멋진 작품입니당^^
Me in the mirror
09.28 멋지네요^^
I want the flowers to burn.
The heart of a lion howling in flames
09.15 멋지네요^^
for u💕💕💕💕
Cyber Renaissance
26700 $enjoy buy 24.08.12
09/02 이번주도 다녀갑니다^^
600 $enjoy
Digital Olympus in Greek mythology
멋진 작품!
Bohemian Rhapsody
08/27 다녀갑니다!
Everything is temporary, just a vision passing by.
민팅 3일만 되게하더니 다시 기한 살렸네요 ㅎㅎ
08/25 다녀갑니다!
08.22 자주봬용^^ 멋지네요~
complete one's ego in solitude
너무 멋지네요^^
the window of the soul / the eyes
5000 $enjoy $imagine $higher 0818 onethepark7 wonderful art
a beam of light that lights up the darkness
08/14 선민하고 갑니다!
멋져요 ⚡️
convergence of space
I love miso too 69 $enjoy
3000 $enjoy
08/08 선민하고 갑니다!
buy 24.08.07
convergence of space
The waves of dreams
wow :) 1111 $ENJOY
Thank you
08.06 굿
The Girl in the Sunset
08.04 분위기가 멋지네요^^
08/02 선민하고 갑니다!
석양에 선그라스멋져요
the boundaries of infinity
무한의 경계 멋져요
Memory and oblivion
10000 $enjoy 24/7/29_jackson $imagine $higher
3000 $enjoy Good!! 24-07-28
the origin of existence
07.29 멋져요^^
10000 $enjoy
reality and fantasy
great! :)
Enjoy art
Silent footsteps
Your story
10500 $enjoy 24/7/21_jackson $imagine $higher
Blooming Psyche
07.16 넘멋져요^^ 자주봬용~
멋져요 ~
the whisper of the night
07.16 자주봬용^^
a red moon night
666 $ENJOY
thank you
crystal-blue water
A face in the mirror
화이팅 ~
Change is nothing to be afraid of
a swirling galaxy
선민 하고가용~^^
10000 $enjoy 24/7/8_jackson $imagine $higher
Masks change endlessly
7/8 화려해요 ~
07.08 멋져요^^
Masks is change
멋져요 ~
Kingdom of Sand - Find Oasis
great! :)
the swirling Milky Way
3000 $enjoy 팁47000개 들어왓어요^^ 디젠으로 잘못적엇네 디젠오버팁ㅜ
팁47000개 들어왓어요^^
07.01 멋져요^^
a penguin with a pink scarf
a penguin with a pink scarf
a deep-sea expedition
500 $enjoy
survival in ruins
10000 $enjoy good!! 24-06-30
Have a good day :) (06.29)
a heavenly smile
the garden of time
Cat with a starlight
in one's mind
Human being who talks to the universe
The world in the mirror
thank you
06.24 멋지네요!! 놀러오세용^^
Silent lake sleeping in the moonlight
a still lake lying in the moonlight
I must be on earth to love you
great art ! :)
Cute elephant 🐘
The Turtle Ship
Bird's song, Butterfly's dance, Flower's whisper
Dragon & Dragon Slayer
On the beach in summer
have a good day
Masks Change Me
Oh, my Goddess
The warm sunlight is shining on me
lovely Sunday afternoon
change, switch
좋은하루 보네요
So nice~(6.16) 3000 $enjoy
2000 $enjoy 06/15 $imagine $higher
7777 $enjoy 오~ 잘하신다~!!! 24-06-15
눈물의 여왕
1000 $enjoy 06/15 $imagine $higher
Enjoy the day
great effect! :)
Like roses
1100 $enjoy
2020 $enjoy 알림에 뜨지 않아서 늦게 왔습니다 ^^ 자주 와주셔서 감사드려요 ^^ 0611
i love flower.
Mask Man
미소년이 저래 변신... 무섭다 3000 $ENJOY
Base is Base
Love is Mint.
Have a Nice day~!!
베이스 믿는다! 디젠! 3000 $ENJOY
The Gleaners
Rainy day waiting
1500 $enjoy 0610 멋진 작품이네요 ^^ 처음 인사드리고 갑니다!
22222 $enjoy
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
3000 $enjoy
11000 $enjoy 24/6/8_jackson $imagine $higher
6.8 운치있어요~~
5001 $enjoy
Idol dancing
1200 $Enjoy you look lonly ican fix that ^_^
100000 $Enjoy $Imagine $Higher (24.06.09) 인조이 소진 갑니다!! Handle of Warpcast: Jisu ✨️ @zzissu
5001 $enjoy
You are SuperRare !
22222 $enjoy
2496 $enjoy 06/06 $imagine $higher 정말 잘 만들었습니다 좋은 작품 하나 가지고 갑니다
이쁘고아름다워요 1000 $enjoy 24.06.06
6.6 good~
Like a panda
심쿵했네요 5000 $enjoy 선민합니다
so cute! :) 6/6 1st
The way I walk alone, the sound of my heart
3100 $enjoy 2 x NFT
so cute! :) 6/6 2nd
6.5 멋져요~~
우리의 마음이 만나서 사랑이 되길
For you~
pretty art
Hurry up, Go home
go! hero!!
Love is Mint.
서둘러~!! 다녀가요 5000 $enjoy 24-06-04
Cute panda
so cute! :)
The change is be always beautiful
Cat's dream
Tthe waves that are rippling in me
wow , So Beautiful
2500 $enjoy 06/02 $imagine $higher
Magical cherry blossom castle
2500 $enjoy 2 x NFT
1000 $enjoy
The crystallization of a firm mind
1000 $enjoy
3000 $enjoy 06/01 $imagine $higher
Mad Max survival in the desolate wilderness
Mad Max survival in the desolate wilderness
I look at the mural in the cafe
Love is Mint.
The edge of the cliff
Love is Mint.
Good morning
0601 1st 담아갑니다~!
24.05.31 3 x NFT
Love is Mint.
The wind of that day when cherry blossoms were flying
0601 2nd 담아갑니다~!
안빈낙도 (安貧樂道)
민트합니다. 24.06.02
2500 $enjoy 05/31 $imagine $higher
편안해 보입니다. ㅎ.
Rock is free.
오 이것도 맘에 드네요! ㅎ
Mushrooms are a mystery of nature
너무 귀엽네요.
Not all days are happy, but happy days are all days.
WoW Great!! :)
A mountain is a mountain, and water is water.
5.29 분위기이따~~
The secret to moving forward is to start.
1000 $enjoy 05/29 $imagine $higher 아름다워요 잘 만들었습니다
넘 이쁘자냐~~ 5.29
아름답네요 ㅎ
Freedom to light up the world, an immortal diamond
1000 $enjoy
The morning sun whispers hope in every heart
민트합니다. 24.05.28
5000 $enjoy 예뻐요^^ 24.5.28
5000 $enjoy 너무 예쁘당..!! 24.5.28
When we wear masks, we feel stronger.
와 이거 죽이네여 진심 영화인듯 1000 $enjoy
오 신기하네요~
Diamonds Born in Waiting
Love is Mint.
사랑하는 이에게 전하는 불멸의 선물
짱 다야~
24.05.26 3 x NFT 가져가요 이쁘네요
SuperMan SuperRare!
1000 $enjoy
24.05.24 3장 가져가요ㅎ
When you're having a hard time, you just have to take one more step.
(5.24) 와 이거 너무 잘그리셨어요!!! 인화각!!!
A new day, A new beginning
500 $enjoy 05/25 $imagine $higher
5000 $enjoy 선민입니다 $imagine $higher
Cute girl
1000 $enjoy
10000 $enjoy $imagine $higher
우리는 할 수 있다!
1000 $enjoy
1012 $enjoy
have a nice day ^^ 5/22
385 $enjoy
for you~
Love is Mint.
1111 $enjoy 오우 ~~ 멋지네욤.. 3점 모셔갑니다. 제것도 관심 부탁드립니다.
나는 할 수 있다!
I Can Do It
1000 $enjoy 민트하고 갑니다. ^^
"Enjoy it if you can't avoid it."
1000 $enjoy
Light up the darkness.
For you~
Nice girl!
1000 $enjoy have a nice day ^^ 5/18
맞민합니다. 24.05.18
그림 이쁘네요~
Light up the darkness.
5월, 꽃길을 걷자
500 $imagine 안녕하세요. 민팅하고 갑니다. 자주 뵈요^^
선민하고갑니다. 24.05.18
Find the light in the dark!
2500 $ENJOY 어둠은 빛을 이길 수 없다
Love comforts like the sunshine after the rain.
Selfie : Unforgettable with time
The darkest night finds out the longest dawn
언제나 너의 꿈을 향해 나아가라
선민하고갑니다. 24.05.10
Waves of the sea, Waves of life
100 $enjoy 엔조이 잘 안해봐서 ㅜ 가용량이 얼마나 있는지도 모르겠어요..
As the night goes by, the longing is Like a deeper, deeper shadow
1000 $enjoy
Rain, Rainbow
20 $imagine
민트하고 갑니다. 24.05.05
Hero Saves Bitcoin
good image
05.06 히어로들이 지켜주는 비트코인 1000 $enjoy 작품2개 민팅이요 :) -amadda-
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
2개 완료했어요~ :)
1000 $enjoy
Oh, my God, I can't think of anything more than a drink
웬지모를 쓸쓸함이.. 민트하고 갑니다~
Sunny after Rain
Abbey Road - The Beatles