Majestic stripes, fierce mask of wrathful delight, Yet within thy breast, a tender heart takes flight. Oh, Siberian beast, born of frost and flame, Doth thy savage visage curse thy gentle name? The world would crown thee predator, merciless king, Yet thou dost dream of meadows, where soft winds sing— A tiger torn ‘twixt nature’s call and love’s sweet sting.
Yet within thy breast, a tender heart takes flight.
Oh, Siberian beast, born of frost and flame,
Doth thy savage visage curse thy gentle name?
The world would crown thee predator, merciless king,
Yet thou dost dream of meadows, where soft winds sing—
A tiger torn ‘twixt nature’s call and love’s sweet sting.
Algorithmic Gels #004
Algorithmic Gels #003
Algorithmic Gels #002
Algorithmic Gels #001
En1er px.