We all have our own version of hell; might be the boulder for Sisyphos. or what the water was to Tantalus, anything that could happen in one of the nine circles of Dante's Inferno, maybe an eternal fire under Lucifer's rule, even a visit to any location of that global furniture giant by a typical dude's dude.
Whatever hell might look like to you the real question is whether it is a punishment for us sinners, a warning to those who have not sinned much, or simply a contrasting factor to make the joys of life look even better.
might be the boulder for Sisyphos.
or what the water was to Tantalus,
anything that could happen in
one of the nine circles of Dante's Inferno,
maybe an eternal fire under Lucifer's rule,
even a visit to any location of that
global furniture giant by a typical dude's dude.
Whatever hell might look like to you
the real question is whether it
is a punishment for us sinners,
a warning to those who have not sinned much,
or simply a contrasting factor to make
the joys of life look even better.