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GM Farcaster episode 57, February 5, 2024 Show Notes and Links – some of the casts & stuff we talked about: IT’S HAPPENING: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xb266ea00 Video is here! And we couldn’t be happier! warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x48458b4c And video also turned us into fail whale: warpcast.com/sdv.eth/0x3c179b05 Warpcast team priorities: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x4ca62147 Pins in channels: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x32342a05 Active badge requirement now at 400: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xbc947957 Yes, Kyle you do need to update and restart AGAIN: warpcast.com/v/0x85671cdc Frames are now privacy preserving: warpcast.com/v/0x149840ad Frame Fridays text input: warpcast.com/v/0x954cfdb6 And THIS is why we can’t have nice things: warpcast.com/danr/0x90ee6d6d The safety of frames: warpcast.com/v/0x83c4e084 twitter.com/dwr/status/1752035892456530392?s=46&t=N80rptBytKhSU-csz4Akrg So about that OG nft… warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x0d427884 Farcaster requires proof of work: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x0d427884 Farcaster 101 and other great advice: warpcast.com/jess/0x210b5267 warpcast.com/christin/0xd525a05b warpcast.com/emmanuel/0x91141ee5 Are you ready for FarCon anon: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x871d471c And some other casts we didn’t get a chance to chat about: Heading to the top of the charts: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xe7e67ddb Fun with perl: warpcast.com/perl/0x2e534a0f Outcasters Snapshot 030 and rankings: warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0xd2964f0a warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0xc042e2d1 outcasters.xyz/snapshot-030 The moment @ted has been waiting for: warpcast.com/ted/0x04120d52 And our musings elsewhere: Learn more about sponsoring GM Farcaster: paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/gm-farcaster-sponsorship-opportunities Adrienne: Some of the Things: January round-up someofthethings.substack.com/p/january-round-up FC Scenius Lexicon project: paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/the-farcaster-scenius-lexicon And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/four-old-college-friends/id1700592867?i=1000631680007 Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof: paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof GM Farcaster weekly recap for last week: paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/gmfarcaster13 AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live along with a new GM Farcaster FAQ: paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/gm-farcaster-faq AND GM Farcaster is now available everywhere you get your podcasts including YouTube, Apple podcasts and Spotify!
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thanks for the intel 💖
First Mint! Woot!
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