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low key forgot ducks can fly
1. Ducks have waterproof feathers thanks to a special gland near their tails that produces oil.
2. A group of ducks on water is called a “paddling,” but on land, they are called a “waddle.”
3. Male ducks are called “drakes,” females are “hens,” and baby ducks are called “ducklings.”
4. Ducks have a special way of keeping their feet warm in cold water—by pumping warm blood from their body to their feet and cold blood from their feet back to their body.
5. The quacking of a duck doesn’t echo, and nobody knows why (or maybe it’s just a myth!).
6. Ducks can sleep with one eye open and one half of their brain awake to stay alert for predators.
7. The famous cartoon character Daffy Duck first appeared in 1937.
8. Ducks have three eyelids: an upper, a lower, and a “nictitating membrane” that works like goggles underwater.
9. Some ducks have been known to surf! They ride waves, just like people do.
10. Ducks have been domesticated for over 500 years—quack that!
11. A duck’s bill is made of keratin, the same stuff as human fingernails.
12. Ducks can turn their heads completely backward to preen their tail feathers.
13. Some ducks migrate more than 3,000 miles each year—talk about frequent flyers!
14. Ducks have excellent vision and can see in color.
15. Ducks communicate with more than just quacks—they also grunt, whistle, and make other sounds.
16. There’s a type of duck called the “whistling duck” because it whistles instead of quacking.
17. Ducks are omnivores and eat everything from plants and small fish to insects and even small amphibians.
18. A duck’s quack can be incredibly loud—some species can quack as loud as a jet engine!
19. Mallard ducks are known for their “dabbling,” where they tip forward in the water to feed on plants and insects.
20. Some ducks, like the Mandarin duck, are so colorful they look like they belong in a rainbow.
21. Ducks often “adopt” ducklings that aren’t their own if they get lost.
22. Ducklings imprint on the first moving object they see, which is usually their mother but can sometimes be a human or even a toy.
23. The wood duck has claws on its feet for perching in trees.
24. Ducks can fly at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour.
25. The Northern Pintail duck has the longest tail feathers of any duck, earning it the nickname “Sprig.”
26. In the wild, ducks can live up to 10 years or more.
27. Ducks have a sophisticated system of vocalizations and body language to communicate with each other.
28. Some ducks dive to catch their food, while others, called “dabblers,” stay on the surface.
29. Ducklings are born with their eyes open and can walk and swim within hours of hatching.
30. Ducks’ feet don’t have nerves or blood vessels, so they never feel cold, even in icy water.
31. A duck’s bill contains many tiny sensory nerves, allowing them to detect food in the mud or water.
32. Ducks often “upend” themselves in the water, with their heads underwater and their tails sticking straight up.
33. There’s a type of duck called the “Muscovy duck” that hisses instead of quacking.