Lo, in the heart of Aerindor, there lay a darkness, thick as nightfall and vile as a curse. Its strength, a hundredfold, struck fear across the land, and its presence was yet unyielding. Thus, the dark force still lived, spreading shadows in its wake
Nut November
COOMER Wizards
Dungeons & Dripp 🛡️
The only Coom on Mars
Dungeons & Dripp
Dungeons & Dripp
Dungeons & Dripp
Coom Wizard
Merlin Edition
Dungeon 🐉
Chapter II: The Calling of the Noble Knights
Chapter I: The Foul Presence of the Dark Force
Chapter I: The Foul Presence of the Dark Force (Intro)
Doge Coom
Indubitably 間違いなく