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Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of a lush valley, lived a person whose name resonated like a gentle melody: Jeanne. Jeanne was a simple soul, but she had a heart filled with dreams and curiosity. In her younger years, she had heard about those flying wonders called airplanes, which could carry people to distant horizons.

Jeanne had never had the opportunity to fly until an opportunity presented itself. It was a spring day when she received an invitation to join her family for a very special reunion in a faraway country. This invitation was more than just an invitation; it was an open door to the unknown, a chance to soar to new horizons, quite literally.

The first time Jeanne set foot on an airplane, she felt like a bird freed from its cage. As the aircraft ascended, her heart beat to the rhythm of the turbines, her eyes filled with wonder at the sight of the shrinking earth below her. She felt both small and immense at the same time, as if the entire world lay open to her in a majestic ballet of clouds and infinite blue sky.

During the flight, Jeanne couldn't help but feel a powerful emotion welling up inside her, a mix of pure joy and deep nostalgia. She looked out of the window, watching cities and landscapes pass beneath her, wondering what it must feel like for birds to soar through the skies. And then, unexpectedly, the tears came. They trickled gently down her cheeks, carrying with them memories, hopes, and dreams.

Jeanne remembered her grandmother, who had once told her stories of distant travels and extraordinary adventures. She recalled all the times she had watched airplanes fly overhead, wondering what it was like to soar so high. And now, she knew. She finally understood what it meant to leave the solid ground behind and soar into the unknown.

Since that day, Jeanne has only flown once more, but every time she's in the air, tears come to her eyes. They're not tears of sadness, but tears of gratitude and wonder. Because with each flight, she feels, as Ed Sheeran so aptly describes in his song, carried by the music of the wind and by the fragile beauty of this world that offers its most stunning spectacles from the sky.

And so, every time Jeanne takes to the air, she knows that she carries with her not only her own dream of flying but also the dream of all those who have ever looked up at the sky and dreamed of touching the stars.
