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literally no cap
I'm inspired by this. Might do this with my favorite Scotch
12345 $Enjoy
Fabulous! · 👓 🔵 · 88888 $Enjoy
👓 🟣 · 222222 $Enjoy
12345 $Enjoy
10000 $enjoy
3333 $enjoy 🤟🏾
Many Zorb enthusiasts have wondered about the mysterious origin of the royal blue Zorb sequestered in a back room at the Zorbitecture Institute. Encased in glass to preserve its magic, the Zorb serves as a touchstone for advanced students in search of a design vision for a new Zorbitecture project. 🔵 219175 $ENJOY
The auxiliary kitchen in the north wing at Black Stone Sanctuary is always kept spotless so it can serve double duty as an impromptu gathering spot for mid-afternoon tea service. On cold winter days, guests convene under the copper Zorb lamp to partake of quiet, simple joys. 🟤 208172 $ENJOY
on 238
300 $enjoy
on 423
10000 $enjoy
on 394
For builders of Zorbish rock gardens, concentric circles are the magic formula that unlocks design harmony and elegance. This eye-catching exemplar features 13 small stone Zorbs arranged around a larger Zorb in the center. 190032 $ENJOY
6969 $enjoy
6969 $enjoy
on 238
Zorbtopia #238, known as the "Kintsugi Zorb," embodies the Japanese art form of Kintsugi. This philosophy celebrates imperfection by repairing broken pottery with gold, highlighting its history rather than hiding it · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
on 423
A hidden door on the base of Zorbtopia #423 might explain why museum goers thought they saw someone inside the seemingly empty exhibit · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
on 350
In order to bid on the “Zorb Diamond” at auction, bidders will need to own Zorbtopia #350 · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
7777 $ENJOY
200100 $enjoy
1000 $enjoy
When Zorbitecture enthusiasts gather for their annual conference, they book the swanky hotel in central downtown Zorbtopia. In the main lounge, the seating arrangement is designed to focus attention on a frosted ivory Zorb, bringing a sense of calm to the circle. ⚪ 169380 $ENJOY
Zorbish yoga and meditation studios are often booked solid for months in advance. This one earns rave reviews for its healthy plants, fresh air flow, natural wood floors, comfy cushions, and ambient glow from mini-Zorb salt lamps. 🟠 172286 $ENJOY


on Eon
on Mirage
I love this picture
on Eon
Best not to attempt a staring contest · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
on Mirage
Mirages can take many forms · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
on Lumi
Discovers a Zorb only viewable at night · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
on Terra
“__________ Incognita” · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
Top-ranked graduates of the Zorbitecture Institute can apply for a coveted spot in the immersion program. With all expenses covered through the Zorbish basic income, Zorbitects live on campus and work on projects that suit their talents best. 77777 $ENJOY
on Aurora
This is rather remarkable as it was created four (4) months prior to the spectacular light display seen from earth · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
Lots of buzz in the hospitality industry right now as Zorb installations are the new crowd favorite · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
In the contemplative wisdom traditions practiced by Zorbish mystics, it's customary to recognize the most wondrous and colorful of Zorbish visions with a prayer and a slight bow of the head. 🔵 175741 $ENJOY
There will be times when you need to get carried away · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy
1111 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy
Warmer temperatures warrant cooler apparel and a Zorb made of Aerographene, the lightest material on Earth · 👓 🔵 · 333333 $Enjoy
30000 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy
10000 $enjoy
If you like scholarly tomes and creative uses of stone in interior design, take time for a leisurely visit to the Black Stone Sanctuary research library. Built around the mysterious Black Stone Zorb, the library contains many rare books and ranks among the most unique architectural works in Zorbtopia. 🖤⚫🖤 74886 $ENJOY
This may be hard to believe but a Zorb’s strength lies in its roots · 👓 🔵 · 55555 $Enjoy
10000 $enjoy
Each morning, before the Zorbish restorative yoga classes begin, instructors arrange all the props in a circle around the luminous sandstone Zorb. With soft ambient lighting, thick hemp-insulated walls, and restful acoustics, the whole space imparts a sense of serenity. 🟠 99999 $ENJOY
on 420
1111 $Enjoy
on 420
69 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy
At the monastery of Zorbtopia, the library at the end of the cloister walk is a favorite retreat spot. Bookworms often savor time in this secluded corner with its cushy reading chair, Zorbish lamp, and view of the lush courtyard statuary gardens. 📚 ⚪ 59370 $ENJOY
try and try again
10000 $ENJOY
In the central square at the renowned Zorbitecture Institute lies a Mirror Zorb monument in honor of the school's most beloved professor and Zorboisseur. Locals say it's the luckiest place on campus to toss a coin and make a wish-on-a-Zorb. 💰 111111 $ENJOY
10000 $enjoy
This one has great significance as it marks the initial discovery of a great artist, builder, and contributor · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
8888 !enjoy
Edit is the Best
15000 $enjoy
Some Zorbs need time to contemplate their existence, and then arrive when the time is just right · 👓 🔵 · 11111 $Enjoy
100000 $ENJOY with 50 $imagine
In da box 11111 $enjoy
One wing of the guest quarters at Black Stone Sanctuary opens out onto a secluded mini-courtyard draped in lush greenery. A translucent amber Zorb, lit from within, serves as a central focus for meditation and reflection. 🟠 51254 $ENJOY
777 $ENJOY
Deep inside the Mountain of Medicine lies a therapeutic cave-like incubation chamber that's been hailed as "the joy of the sick and the wounded." Retreatants can soak in hydrothermal mineral waters, $enjoy Zorbish salt therapy, and recline on loungers flanked by glowing aromatic Zorbs. Nothing like basking in warm Zorbish atmospheres to soothe weary spirits. ⚪ 111111 $ENJOY
5000 $Enjoy Incredible achievement, I love this atmosphere :))+++
9 is mine? 🫡🤝💚☘️
1000 $enjoy
5000 $enjoy
100 $DEGEN
42069 $ENJOY
Many tourists paused at the airport newsstand, when they caught glimpse of the debut issue of “Zorbish Fashion” · 👓 🔵 · 55555 $Enjoy
Visitors to the Library of Central Zorbtopia can relax in one of the most inviting Zorb chill rooms in the city. Decorated by associates from the Zorbitecture Institute, this corner features colorful framed Zorbish art, a half-Zorb reading chair in brushed suede, Zorbish vases atop the credenza, and even a golden Zorb footstool. 58973 $ENJOY
Nice job bro
Lest GO
500 $ENJOY
Based 🎩
Minted 10 $Enjoy 10 $Imagine to 0xD68eF2980D0b5eae13E44e4BAf6Dc6a2AFA62524
100000 $ENJOY
There were plenty of skeptics when the project started, but the Zorb addition at the top of the most historic building in town was unveiled to wide acclaim · 👓 🔵 · 5555 $Enjoy
25000 $ENJOY
1000 $enjoy
1000 $ENJOY 1000 $IMAGINE
700 $enjoy
While Burning Man is still months away, pre-orders for “95” are through the roof, and the luggage pieces nearly impossible to find · 👓 🔵 · 5555 $Enjoy
1000 $enjoy
10000 $ENJOY
100 $Enjoy
We so bloody early!
111 $DEGEN
500 $ENJOY
Witnessing a total solar eclipse requires staking out a viewing location early, braving the elements, and wearing your most prepared outfit (#127) · 👓 🔵 · 040824 $Enjoy
420 $ENJOY
on 164
3000 $Enjoy
on 164
I see a zorb, I mint zorb🫡
on 164
/co airdrop
on 164
The allure of “Zorbtopia #164” is the immediate sense of peace and calm one experiences when viewing · 👓 🔵 · 222222 $Enjoy in appreciation for all your efforts and those of the bot
33333 $enjoy for zorb room
10000 $ENJOY and keep on and $IMAGINE !!!
1000 $ENJOY
1000 $ENJOY
Just before winter tourist season begins at the ice hotel in northern Sweden, a few rogue sculptors carve out a hidden Ice Zorb Room in a different location every year. The intrepid photographer who found it this year shall not be named. ❄⚪❄ 23931 $ENJOY
on 254
3000 $Enjoy
Meetings of Zorbish secret societies often include a stealth visit to the Blue Zorb Room for renewed inspiration. 🔵 22222 $ENJOY
on 425
I'm here to enjoy
So 20000 $ENJOY
Enjoying this Zorb
Love the use of colours here! 🌸
on 425
An unforgettable trip to Zorbtopia
on 425
22222 $Enjoy · The discovery of Zorbtopia #425, in the high grass just beyond the outfield at a local baseball field, had the town talking for weeks · 👓 🔵
22222 $Enjoy · No matter how remote the destination, cherry blossom season is worth it · 👓 🔵
Feeling optimistic! 🔴
22222 $Enjoy · Some find the dress rehearsal for the solar eclipse (where each planet learns their role) equally impressive and far less crowded · 👓 🔵
on 212
A stroll through Zorbish Park
on 212
on 212
With its minimalist aesthetic and atmosphere of quietude, this corner of the Zorbish Park invites contemplation. ⚪⚪
11111 $ENJOY
degen base!!
500 $degen
Minted with Jeeves!
10000 $enjoy
Minted with Jeeves!
1000 $ENJOY
12345 $Enjoy · Any concerns about what to wear on that boat excursion this summer can be resolved with “149” · 👓 🔵
keep up the good work bud!
faaaaam! $DEGEN!
In for one Degen
Minted with Jeeves!
Minted with Jeeves!
Minted with Jeeves!
Minted with Jeeves!
Minted with Jeeves!
on Nyx
so cool!
on Nyx
on Nyx
What started in art class as a basic paper mache assignment, took a dramatic turn when the tallest student suggested: “Higher” · 👓 🔵
Legend has it that if you approach the Mirror Zorb from just the right angle, you may find a portal that opens into great Zorbish worlds of the imaginal realm.
As legend has it, the giant Znowball could be stopped by just one person if they were wearing the “163” suit · 👓 🔵
That travel layover just became a whole lot easier · 👓 🔵
