As a first dynamic for this channel, join and post a link to a NFT of the following collections on Zora, along with your portfolio address. You will receive a welcome airdrop of that NFT.
I wanted to take advantage of the night, but in the end I could not finish recording because the rain came and the roof of my house is not very good at mitigating the noise, I guess I should go to sleep :V I'll continue with my work another time.
P.S. CDLL are the initials of this song for the EP, but I can't reveal the full name yet. (:
Ilum ha existido desde siempre, así como lo ha hecho Kasbeel, solo que, nunca ha hablado. Quiso manifestarse cuando Verónica presentó su primera obra de arte al mundo, tratando de expresar todo lo que lo agobiaba, pero no pudo. Verónica siempre evitó que él fuera visible, temiendo que la gente lo odiara.
Cuando su arte se volvió más robusto y ruidoso, Ilum susurró al oído de Verónica. Sin embargo, ella decidió darle su voz a Kasbeel, la mejor versión de sí misma. Esto resultó ser una decisión acertada, ya que la voz de Kasbeel comenzó a tener un impacto significativo.
Un impacto que mejoró la percepción que el mundo tenía de Verónica, algo que no habría logrado con Ilum. A través de la voz de Kasbeel, el arte de Verónica comenzó a resonar más, e Ilum dejó de insistir en aparecer.
No obstante, Verónica decidió tomar algunos de los pensamientos de Ilum y representarlos a través de la voz de Kasbeel, pero no de la manera en que lo haría Ilum. Esto también resultó exitoso y será reconocido con el tiempo.
En los últimos tiempos, Verónica y Kasbeel han estado presentes, demostrando su voz y registrando cada idea artística que tienen.
Entre estas ideas, Kasbeel propone permitir que Ilum muestre su voz. Claramente, Ilum tomará la oportunidad, y el mundo podrá conocer la psique de este ser que busca su libertad.
ILUM contará con la ayuda de todo un equipo de personas que con su talento y experiencia, harán un trabajo colaborativo que permitirá que su mensaje sea claro y llegue a los oídos de quien lo quiera escuchar. Ya sea de forma artística y/o creativa.
I'm happy to tell you that I've advanced a lot in the conceptual construction of my first music EP: ILUM. this document is a bit long maybe, in fact, I'm missing more things to tell you, but for now I'll give you a preview of what I'm working on with my team.
This week I continue in the process of building the songs for my first musical Ep with this edition. Today I share with you an audio that shows how the melodies of a song are coming into my head. This was recorded at 1am, so please ignore the out of tune problems you will hear here hahahahahaha. This kind of work I usually keep to myself as I'm a bit embarrassed to see myself vulnerable at times when I'm creating music, this is very intimate for me; but today I dared to make the exception because this is part of my Artistic Process in the Onchain.
The lyrics went something like this:
How bad would it be if a knife went through you? Or maybe a big sword Or a 100% sharp machete How bad could it be to cry with a null chest? And with a broken and thirsty soul?
NOTE: Many thanks to all the people who have collected my art in the last few weeks, how about telling me in the comments of this edition what other things you would like to see from my Art Process in the Onchain each week?
Last week I shared with you the demo of my second track for my first music EP, this time as part of my onchain artistic process, I share with you a little bit of the mix of my song ‘Debo Hacer Más’ which will be released this May 17th, more info here:
This edit is made with Streamz. If you are a creator keep in mind this address in your Split. 0xa5e68ade446ab5280ef07a591c7d156b13a14c1a
A week ago I shared with you a draft of the conceptual work I'm doing for the EP, and I'm going to give you a Spoiler: the next draft may be very different, my mind has offered me new ideas that I feel are great.
This is one of the tracks that will be on the EP. I don't know what number I'll officially place it on yet, but today I'm presenting it to you as a short demo of what I'm working on with it.
We've been working on this project for a long time now, thanks again for your help, patience and understanding in this process, I really hope we can have a final product that we all like, this is one of the most important steps I've done in my career, and I'm very grateful to you because you got on my boat and decided to row with me, hugs from Buenaventura.
The file I'm sharing with you today is a draft where I've made some notes that I've considered important for the construction of the concept of my EP, at the moment it's a bit messy because I've got a lot of information, but being a draft means that it's in the process of creation. I left only some points of the first phase (I think it will be three phases) happy sunday to you and your family.
A few years ago I went into a crisis where I thought I was totally useless, with no hope of achieving good things. I don't know what life is like for young people in other parts of the world, but here in Colombia and especially in my hometown, the desire to progress and have a stable life is great, but social and political conditions tend to constantly intervene in the possibility of young people fulfilling their dreams and having a dignified life with simple things like a minimum wage job and a house from which they can never take you away.
We have reached a point where we feel the pressure to achieve many things from an early age, and one of those is the ideal life where financially nothing is lacking. I wrote this song years ago thinking about that and facing that crisis.
I'm sharing my artwork every week, if you can't collect it, don't worry, if you share this you will also be helping my artistic process.
Visual illustration by: Fernando Santana Executive Direction by: CXY Music Production by me.
Hello to all. Some time ago I shared with you an edition containing the QR code of the music NFTs I have made so far, following the route I already mentioned, this time I share with you another code but of my Video NFTs, you can read more about it on the QR page. Thank you very much for the support.
For those of you who dont know me, Hi - My name is Kasbeel. I live in the pacific coast town of Buenaventura, Colombia. Three years ago, I discovered that I wasn´t an artist that wanted to follow the “rules of the industry”. Together with my team, we started exploring Ethereum and minted some of my most important work there in the form of 1/1 Nfts. When the market changed, so did we, and we started experimenting with new formats like free and open editions. For the past 8 months, I have been logging in my work and progress onchain and eventhough I am not outgoing and loud about my story, the evidence of how Web 3 transformed my artistic project and my life is now onchain.
Crafting the sound and feel of my music and artistic proposal is the next priority on our roadmap. Up until today, Me and my team we have collaborated with incredible artists which have brought their own visions and sounds to my project, making it varied and experimental. For this we are thankful. It is now time to work with talented musicians and engineers In a type of relationship that fits the goal of bringing to life the ideas in my head. Todays drop is the first experiment to be conducted in order to specifically try and achieve this goal.
I consider myself a native web3 artist and I want to keep my music sovereign.I will be more present in the Base network.
I will be releasing an edition of ZEKE to all collectors from the first demo of this song and the most recent collectors. Collectors who mint 50% of the available editions will earn a special credit as Executive Producer. This song will be part of my first EP, I'm looking for alternatives for this project to have a quality sound and with a good creative work.
For this second demo we present a shorter version so that you can see a little of the progress that has been made in terms of musical production, if you want to listen to the first version, you can do it here:
If you want to be part of this you can collect that first demo or the current one, either way you will be part of this process.
Current production is being made in the company of Colombo. Visual art by Fernando Santana
What's up my people? Thank you very much to all the people who have collected the videos of this song called Puedo Ser Mejor, you have really contributed to my work as an artist.
In this new edition I share the song in the Base network, network in which I will be publishing more often, I want to include myself in different ways in the ecosystem of the web3.
I will make an airdrop to the collectors of the videos of this song from last week, and also to those who collect any of the videos from now on. And if you mine this song you will also get an edition in your wallet of one of the videos of "Puedo Ser Mejor".
This song doesn't have a sophisticated production, but it does have an interpretation and a feeling that captures the hardness of letting go of a person while you are in a dependent relationship; it is made with love and with my music production tools from a few months ago. The sound of this song can be taken as a live performance, since personally it is in that way that the feeling is transmitted more.
Finally, a few months ago I told you that I was in the construction of a new EP, EP that I am still working on, for the people who collected the demo version of my song called Zeke, I am happy to announce that you will also have an edition of its sonic evolution next week, and you can listen to what has been worked so far, it will be a new demo minted by the Base network, and what is collected will go directly to the production of the EP.
I wrote this song some time ago, inspired by the experiences of the people around me, it was a little difficult to write it, because it is very dense to imagine everything that a person lives when they have emotional dependence, I think it's like losing a little love yourself and your dignity, I hope that if you are one of those people who have not yet managed to get out of that relationship, you can do it soon. Best of luck to you and hugs.
Hello to all of you. Thanks for getting here. I thought it would be interesting to make you a compilation token where you can find all the songs I have minted on web3 so far, this includes demos and finished songs that many of you have listened to, if you are new here and you are getting familiar with my music, I am very glad you are here, I hope you like it, likewise you are welcome to collect my art.
At the time of the pandemic, art education took another direction, many of us had to adapt to the new conditions, making our creativity was conditioned by the new era. This video is one of those artistic exercises that I made thinking about reflecting what was hurting me, and was the anxiety that I lived at night, I thought this could be a perfect opportunity to share this with you. Thank you very much for everything.
Have you ever wondered how close our dreams are to reality? If maybe they belong to some past life? Or are they things that will happen to us? It is difficult to understand why we dream, but if there is one thing we can be sure of, it is that dreams give us a lot of mixed feelings that we can hardly let go. Next with you "Landa Espectro"
I recently released PLEGARIA; as I usually do with my songs, I decided to give it a performance, maybe I'll do more, I hope you like it. Have you enjoyed PLEGARIA?
A few days ago, my mind started to come up with different ideas on how I can give some visual and interpretative elements to the videos where I promote my music, and it occurred to me that I should do something that I really identify with and am satisfied with.
The videos I'm making right now are part of that search, and I personally feel good about it.
I want to give my performances something that only I can do.
LUNA, was one of the first songs I wrote, and it is a very personal and intimate song, in this video I talk about some things you probably didn't know about this song.
How are you? This is my first Christmas song. The first one I've ever written in my whole life. I hope you enjoy it, it was made with feeling, Merry Christmas.
If Santa comes to my house And he plans to bring me a present Whether it's for the New Year Or for the night of December 24th I don't want any toys For my childhood is over This one has left me with traumas That I haven't healed yet Maybe I'll bring a box Of the best metal in the world As strong as that desire I had To take death as my course And I want in that box Put the things That all year have burdened my soul
I don't want to see any negativity I want that box to hold all the things that now make me sick And let them stay there And they can't get out.
Christmas has been around for a long time And this one doesn't seem to have been able to connect with me It's been so many years here I don't see the change in me
I can't see the change in me So much crying There must be a time When that change in me must come.
Another heavy day, Damn I must settle and get money If decent living is what I want I've got till 6 o'clock for you With what little energy I've got here I've got to conjure you, I'm gonna break you And pray to your heaven for it to be so
Because I must use my extra hours of time With which I show my discontent They're not for dross or the miserable work that I have Just because it's my turn it's my turn to come
Being in the office sucks all the way down the line Being human and working is a great torment to me But I believe in the good and all the rules I must eliminate you angurriento eyesore
And well Let's start with the basics Where you think you're in control Where you show a vain attitude And you think you're gonna take me down
And no, you You're too predictable You show off too much and you show off too much And instead of really intimidating me You only strengthen my ritual.
I'm not clear why I'm still here I always wonder what I was born to do I've had enough of you, don't make my life miserable You have no right to be in front of me
You think you're in a gala You see me calm, you underestimate my dagger Don't relax your time here is running out You interrupted me now you put up with me
This song was written from the point of view of a character named Sukuna, he is the antagonist of the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. I personally find him an interesting character, so I made this as if I was writing a monologue said by Sukuna. I hope you like it. I will write more songs about anime characters.
El Semillero de Teatro por la Vida is an artistic process that was born in 2014, in order to create a theatrical work called Tocando la Marea (Playing the Tide). This play was created from a document called *Buenaventura a Port Without Community* that tells the history of violence in Buenaventura from the 90's until 2013.
As a result of this first play, there was a consolidated artistic process that has allowed several young artists to know different ways of doing theater in our territory bonaverense (I have been part of this process since 2014). This seedbed is a rotating group that is made up of different artists of all kinds at different times, at this time this group is made up of a group of young people from other processes such as the Young Entrepreneurs of Peace Association.
I am currently its theater director and I wanted to share a little of my artistic life beyond music, the actions shown in this video are part of a project that seeks to tell the story of the water problem in Buenaventura and its leaders, this will result in a graphic story, a 3d short film and a play. We as a theatrical seedbed have had several months of rehearsal and now we must move forward in other stages of the project, such as the 3D animation process for the short film. To be continued.
Audiovisual production process made by Fernando Santana.
0xSPLIT: 0x152385dd9bc9f17bace477c08e74b473d910f110
METADATA: ipfs://bafybeigkrg6myy2eqatvja3ydlvif54wddidpgc4qlgjatvg25lr3fadba
powered by Mesa
This is a demo inspired by an anime character named ZEKE. It's in production process. I hope you like it.
I know I seem approachable and silly
I don't make a fuss and I don't make trouble
Innocent, quiet without so much malice
The wolf's prey, the little hood
Since I know that's how you see me
I dare to tell you maybe
That things are not what you think
You may be in for a surprise.
You think you're a wise man with a chair of gold
Untouchable as the devil and with some decorum
With first class servants who even sing choruses for you
And you don't look like that, of course not.
I should tell you that I adore your ideas
And despite that too colorless brain of yours
That you have and display like a great treasure
You've given me reason to throw you in the mud.
You make me like that titan
Who wanted to defeat Levi Ackerman
A tremendous crash he took
He was left without dignity and arms.
And you'll get worse
much worse...
You are nothing
Zeke is your name?
Say a prayer to yourself
Ask for a good blessing
You will be a mouse of a great python
A helpless animal with no gift
There's no one to defend you if you run into the bush
Looking for a savior. Bis
You love knives
Or so you say to show off
You see the blood dripping on your hands
And scared to death you run in grief
Since I know that's how you look
I dare to tell you maybe
That things are as I think they are
Nothing good will happen to you
You'll be the mouse of a great python
A helpless animal without a gift
There's no one to defend you if you run in the bush
Looking for a savior. Bis
It bothers me a lot
To see how you underestimate
What you don't know
What you haven't seen. Bis
Simple creations session #1
I would like to ask the gentleman who is here
and also to the rest of the people
how do you see the woman in front of you?
I hear you want them to be decent
No stretch marks, no very frequent bleedings
No beauty or gigantic features
he wants a tender girl who looks fresh
and that she will take care of him efficiently.
He has explained to me that it's just a matter of taste
since the opposite has only caused him scares.
He wants women who look very small
and with a tender face also show him their nice busts.
Who are pink in their v-zone and look nice.
who are Innocent and inexperienced and who are legal.
Because 13 year old girls can denounce them.
They look for look-alikes so they don't get in trouble
If they put it in that it feels very narrow
If it's the opposite, it's because they've already done it a lot
That woman would no longer deserve respect
She'd be a crazy whore with easy access.
And I ask what else?
What else?
I know it's a bigger list
For your kind of girl.
And I ask what else?
What else?
I think you should recognize
That maybe you're not looking for a woman
And that's not all and I know it
You're looking for a maid for the house and for sex
And also a mom
because they must chase you for a dish to wash up
I wonder what you think of life
How do you feel and see others
How do you feel about these demands
And if you're really going to meet them
And I ask what else?
What else?
I know it's a bigger list
For your kind of girl.
I walk in the street with my steps very heavy My face very bitter, I think I dislike it A little hat that covers all my hair The clothes I wear look like garbage cans
And I have some clothes in the house I've got some clothes in the house, I've got some make-up and perfume I've got shoes that make me look like an alpha if it's to fix me up it's not that I'm missing anything
I think they must think I smell really bad I'm on some kind of drug I must be lost I think they must think that because I look bad I'm a crazy homeless woman in the terminal
But as I tell them that every morning My battle Starts when I open my eyes and my mind talks to me I lose the motivation to get out of bed Because even getting ready becomes a burden.
I did this writing with the intention of showing part of my thoughts regarding the art of musical composition. This process will be one of the things I will be sharing little by little.
In this video I show you how I moved out of my mom's house to start an independent life that allows me to concentrate more on my artwork. I am achieving this thanks to the opportunities that have presented themselves to me on the Web3. As an artist I am grateful and want to continue to improve my lifestyle and that of my family. Gracias a todos. 🌼 Subtitled by: Fernando Santana
Dia edición de contenido
writing for GUT
ILUM animation rehearsals for GUT.
And to our illustrator Fernando Santana for joining this process.
Executive Producer: CXY
Composing lyrics for GUT
CDLL Demo 3
CDLL Demo 2
CDLL Demo 1
Creation of the main cover of GUT
Follow me on twitter:
Poses for GUT: Génesis de una Trinidad
Many thanks to Fernando Santana for the wonderful work he is doing for this project.
Executive Producer: CXY, MESA 🫶🏿
As a first dynamic for this channel, join and post a link to a NFT of the following collections on Zora, along with your portfolio address. You will receive a welcome airdrop of that NFT.
This action will be valid this week only.
We will have a community
Genesis of A Trinity will be...
Some visual ideas for Genesis of a Trinity
ILUM's next illustration
The illustration is ready, see it here:
Concept Plan for Latest Release
This is the beginning.
Workspace for ILUM in Trello
I hope the information here doesn't seem confusing, this is how our creation process for ILUM is going.
Soon I will be launching the ILUM meme, I hope you like it.
Initiative led by: Andres Botero
Executive Producer: C.Y. Lee
Creative team:
Fernando Santana
Gabriel Lago
Giuliana Rosero
Cesar Vazquez
Background Song: ¿Qué Más?
CDLL recording for GUT
I'll continue with my work another time.
P.S. CDLL are the initials of this song for the EP, but I can't reveal the full name yet. (:
Executive Producer: C.Y. Lee
TOPE (This is how this song was born)
TOPE (Visual Reel 2)
TOPE (Visual Reel)
Tope (Performance 4)
Tope (Performance 3)
Draft of Monologue for TOPE_
Tope (Performance 2)
Tope (Performance 1)
Tope Mix (Experimental Version)
TOPE (Visual 1)
Kasbeel - TOPE (Official Video)
Mixing vocals from the ILUM track 2
Why did I compose -Debo Hacer Más-?
Executive Director: CXY
Based in Colombia
Cuando su arte se volvió más robusto y ruidoso, Ilum susurró al oído de Verónica. Sin embargo, ella decidió darle su voz a Kasbeel, la mejor versión de sí misma. Esto resultó ser una decisión acertada, ya que la voz de Kasbeel comenzó a tener un impacto significativo.
Un impacto que mejoró la percepción que el mundo tenía de Verónica, algo que no habría logrado con Ilum. A través de la voz de Kasbeel, el arte de Verónica comenzó a resonar más, e Ilum dejó de insistir en aparecer.
No obstante, Verónica decidió tomar algunos de los pensamientos de Ilum y representarlos a través de la voz de Kasbeel, pero no de la manera en que lo haría Ilum. Esto también resultó exitoso y será reconocido con el tiempo.
En los últimos tiempos, Verónica y Kasbeel han estado presentes, demostrando su voz y registrando cada idea artística que tienen.
Entre estas ideas, Kasbeel propone permitir que Ilum muestre su voz. Claramente, Ilum tomará la oportunidad, y el mundo podrá conocer la psique de este ser que busca su libertad.
ILUM contará con la ayuda de todo un equipo de personas que con su talento y experiencia, harán un trabajo colaborativo que permitirá que su mensaje sea claro y llegue a los oídos de quien lo quiera escuchar. Ya sea de forma artística y/o creativa.
EP ILUM: Who is it? what is it?
I'm happy to tell you that I've advanced a lot in the conceptual construction of my first music EP: ILUM.
this document is a bit long maybe, in fact, I'm missing more things to tell you, but for now I'll give you a preview of what I'm working on with my team.
Why did I compose -Puedo Ser Mejor-?
Based In Colombia
Listen to the song here
Based In Colombia
More of it here:
Puedo Ser Mejor (Official Visualizer)
¡¡¡Ready with Streamz!!!
Composition ideas for track 3
The lyrics went something like this:
How bad would it be if a knife went through you?
Or maybe a big sword
Or a 100% sharp machete
How bad could it be to cry with a null chest?
And with a broken and thirsty soul?
NOTE: Many thanks to all the people who have collected my art in the last few weeks, how about telling me in the comments of this edition what other things you would like to see from my Art Process in the Onchain each week?
Debo Hacer Más performatic Visualizer 1
Debo Hacer Más Performatic Visualizer 3
Debo Hacer Más Performatic Visualizer 2
Debo Hacer Más (Official Visualizer)
44444 $ENJOY
Mix of my song ‘Debo Hacer Más’
This edit is made with Streamz. If you are a creator keep in mind this address in your Split. 0xa5e68ade446ab5280ef07a591c7d156b13a14c1a
Model of my track 2
This is one of the tracks that will be on the EP. I don't know what number I'll officially place it on yet, but today I'm presenting it to you as a short demo of what I'm working on with it.
Have a good week.
Keep documentiing 🫂
33333 $enjoy
DRAFT_ Annotations for my first EP
The file I'm sharing with you today is a draft where I've made some notes that I've considered important for the construction of the concept of my EP, at the moment it's a bit messy because I've got a lot of information, but being a draft means that it's in the process of creation. I left only some points of the first phase (I think it will be three phases) happy sunday to you and your family.
Debo Hacer Más
We have reached a point where we feel the pressure to achieve many things from an early age, and one of those is the ideal life where financially nothing is lacking. I wrote this song years ago thinking about that and facing that crisis.
I'm sharing my artwork every week, if you can't collect it, don't worry, if you share this you will also be helping my artistic process.
Visual illustration by: Fernando Santana
Executive Direction by: CXY
Music Production by me.
I invite you to share my work
Zeke Demo 2:
Zeke Demo 1:
Kasbeel Video NFTs
Kasbeel - Zeke Demo 2
Crafting the sound and feel of my music and artistic proposal is the next priority on our roadmap. Up until today, Me and my team we have collaborated with incredible artists which have brought their own visions and sounds to my project, making it varied and experimental. For this we are thankful. It is now time to work with talented musicians and engineers In a type of relationship that fits the goal of bringing to life the ideas in my head. Todays drop is the first experiment to be conducted in order to specifically try and achieve this goal.
I consider myself a native web3 artist and I want to keep my music sovereign.I will be more present in the Base network.
I will be releasing an edition of ZEKE to all collectors from the first demo of this song and the most recent collectors. Collectors who mint 50% of the available editions will earn a special credit as Executive Producer. This song will be part of my first EP, I'm looking for alternatives for this project to have a quality sound and with a good creative work.
For this second demo we present a shorter version so that you can see a little of the progress that has been made in terms of musical production, if you want to listen to the first version, you can do it here:
If you want to be part of this you can collect that first demo or the current one, either way you will be part of this process.
Current production is being made in the company of Colombo.
Visual art by Fernando Santana
Thanks for the good vibes 🙂
Kasbeel - Puedo Ser Mejor (Song)
In this new edition I share the song in the Base network, network in which I will be publishing more often, I want to include myself in different ways in the ecosystem of the web3.
I will make an airdrop to the collectors of the videos of this song from last week, and also to those who collect any of the videos from now on. And if you mine this song you will also get an edition in your wallet of one of the videos of "Puedo Ser Mejor".
This song doesn't have a sophisticated production, but it does have an interpretation and a feeling that captures the hardness of letting go of a person while you are in a dependent relationship; it is made with love and with my music production tools from a few months ago. The sound of this song can be taken as a live performance, since personally it is in that way that the feeling is transmitted more.
Finally, a few months ago I told you that I was in the construction of a new EP, EP that I am still working on, for the people who collected the demo version of my song called Zeke, I am happy to announce that you will also have an edition of its sonic evolution next week, and you can listen to what has been worked so far, it will be a new demo minted by the Base network, and what is collected will go directly to the production of the EP.
You can listen to Zeke's previous demo here:
Videos of this song
Many thanks for everything.
Art made by Fernando Santana
Kasbeel - Puedo Ser mejor (Video 2)
Executive production by: CXY
Translation and subtitles by: Fernando Santana
Music and video production by: Kasbeel.
Kasbeel - Puedo ser mejor (Video 1)
Kasbeel's Music NFTs QR
This video is one of those artistic exercises that I made thinking about reflecting what was hurting me, and was the anxiety that I lived at night, I thought this could be a perfect opportunity to share this with you.
Thank you very much for everything.
Have you ever wondered how close our dreams are to reality? If maybe they belong to some past life? Or are they things that will happen to us? It is difficult to understand why we dream, but if there is one thing we can be sure of, it is that dreams give us a lot of mixed feelings that we can hardly let go.
Next with you
"Landa Espectro"
Music: Cypher pt 4. of BTS
PLEGARIA (Video perfomance)
TOPE - Scanning version - audio teaser
Plegaria (video letra)
Yo Soy Dios (Performance 1)
The videos I'm making right now are part of that search, and I personally feel good about it.
I want to give my performances something that only I can do.
Reflejo Video Playback
Particularities of LUNA
Particularities of La Caja
La Caja
The Box
How are you? This is my first Christmas song. The first one I've ever written in my whole life. I hope you enjoy it, it was made with feeling, Merry Christmas.
If Santa comes to my house
And he plans to bring me a present
Whether it's for the New Year
Or for the night of December 24th
I don't want any toys
For my childhood is over
This one has left me with traumas
That I haven't healed yet
Maybe I'll bring a box
Of the best metal in the world
As strong as that desire I had
To take death as my course
And I want in that box
Put the things
That all year have burdened my soul
I don't want to see any negativity
I want that box to hold all the things that now make me sick
And let them stay there
And they can't get out.
Christmas has been around for a long time
And this one doesn't seem to have been able to connect with me
It's been so many years here
I don't see the change in me
I can't see the change in me
So much crying
There must be a time
When that change in me must come.
Kasbeel - Creation of ¿Qué Más?
Kasbeel - ¿Qué Más? (Official VIdeo)
The Basis
Tha Basis of Evolution
Kasbeel - Nanami Song
I must settle and get money
If decent living is what I want
I've got till 6 o'clock for you
With what little energy I've got here
I've got to conjure you, I'm gonna break you
And pray to your heaven for it to be so
Because I must use my extra hours of time
With which I show my discontent
They're not for dross or the miserable work that I have
Just because it's my turn it's my turn to come
Being in the office sucks all the way down the line
Being human and working is a great torment to me
But I believe in the good and all the rules
I must eliminate you angurriento eyesore
And well
Let's start with the basics
Where you think you're in control
Where you show a vain attitude
And you think you're gonna take me down
And no, you
You're too predictable
You show off too much and you show off too much
And instead of really intimidating me
You only strengthen my ritual.
I'm not clear why I'm still here
I always wonder what I was born to do
I've had enough of you, don't make my life miserable
You have no right to be in front of me
You think you're in a gala
You see me calm, you underestimate my dagger
Don't relax your time here is running out
You interrupted me now you put up with me
Draft publication in networks
Te presento mis demos
Kasbeel - Sukuna Demo Audio
Kasbeel - Sukuna - Lyrics video
Cover drawing made by Fernando Santana.
Kasbeel - Stand with Crypto
3d animation with the theater for life seedbed.
As a result of this first play, there was a consolidated artistic process that has allowed several young artists to know different ways of doing theater in our territory bonaverense (I have been part of this process since 2014). This seedbed is a rotating group that is made up of different artists of all kinds at different times, at this time this group is made up of a group of young people from other processes such as the Young Entrepreneurs of Peace Association.
I am currently its theater director and I wanted to share a little of my artistic life beyond music, the actions shown in this video are part of a project that seeks to tell the story of the water problem in Buenaventura and its leaders, this will result in a graphic story, a 3d short film and a play. We as a theatrical seedbed have had several months of rehearsal and now we must move forward in other stages of the project, such as the 3D animation process for the short film. To be continued.
Audiovisual production process made by Fernando Santana.
Zeke demo
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METADATA: ipfs://bafybeigkrg6myy2eqatvja3ydlvif54wddidpgc4qlgjatvg25lr3fadba
powered by Mesa
Kasbeel - Qué Mas? *Playback version*
Kasbeel - Results of my week
Simple creations session #1
Kasbeel - BUL acapella
Looking for a light (BUL)
I walk in the street with my steps very heavy
My face very bitter, I think I dislike it
A little hat that covers all my hair
The clothes I wear look like garbage cans
And I have some clothes in the house
I've got some clothes in the house, I've got some make-up and perfume
I've got shoes that make me look like an alpha
if it's to fix me up it's not that I'm missing anything
I think they must think
I smell really bad
I'm on some kind of drug
I must be lost
I think they must think that because I look bad
I'm a crazy homeless woman in the terminal
But as I tell them that every morning
My battle
Starts when I open my eyes and my mind talks to me
I lose the motivation to get out of bed
Because even getting ready becomes a burden.
Kasbeel - Pero Conmigo No (Recording)
P.S. Every time I'm going to record a song I try to make everything more comfortable for me. The name of this song was voted by my fans. (:
Kasbeel - CN
Composition Is Life
My House Move Part. 2
My house move
Subtitled by: Fernando Santana
Kasbeel - CSSTP
Kasbeel Sucursal Fest Video Blog Part 1
Kasbeel Live Teatro Colon part 1