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crazy feedback friendd!
Hypnotic one 👀🌀
!trippy af, me encantaaaaa <3
Muy mágico! Psicodelia de alto nivel! Me encanta!
899 $enjoy
Nice trippppp
130000 $ENJOY
Take me to villa gessell 🐝🌈☀️
130000 $ENJOY
villa glitchsell
I was there, totally cool place Villa Gesell, indeed (?
4042 $enjoy
villa gesell es un flash! 99000 $enjoy
Awante estos hermosos glitches y Villa Gesell!!🖤
love it 200 $Enjoy
Vamo romper la zorra, zarpada pieza
Muy bueno Lucasooo
20000 $enjoy sintiendo el presente
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Fast minting gas swap fomo glory
un lujo!
71015 $enjoy
𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒃𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒇𝒕 𝑷𝒖𝒏𝒌 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 70000 $ENJOY
ke tremennn 111111 $enjoy
Muy buen proceso! Hermoso resultado! 69692 $enjoy
jajaja noooo, my cereal! 33333 $Enjoy
this is so good lucas
Damn! Love it! 🔥 111111 $Enjoy
nunca me voy a cansar de estos Zorbs !!

125350 $Enjoy
soo trippy frend !!
So good Lucaso🔥 111111 $Enjoy
uhh zarpada pieza amigo 3000 $Enjoy
anticareta siempre! gran pieza y gran colección amigo!
113330 $enjoy
que flashhhhh amigo
amazing artwork lucaas !! :D nice trippy 111111 $enjoy
It's an eternal eye. The one created by the machine and now computes all the data from humanity 60000 $enjoy
Tranca ese trip.
50000 $enjoy
91000 $enjoy
Tremenda serieeee!!!
84415 $Enjoy
uoooo, alto trip ahah. love you Lucasoxxx
algo asi se sintio cuando cole mi priner cartoooonnn xD tremenda pieza amigoooo
55000 $Enjoy
No estas muerto, estás de viaje 52860 $enjoy
sickkkkkk₊˚ෆ⊹₊ ⋆₊˚ෆ⊹₊ ⋆₊˚ෆ⊹₊ ⋆ 50111 $enjoy
hermosa pieza amigo!! me re ceba esta nueva colección!! 50420 $enjoy
Mesmerized here. 50000 $Enjoy
it's fun we can create all the masks we want 👹 25555 $enjoy
I'll take one 🔥 30200 $Enjoy
trippy af! 144441 $enjoy
love thiss !!
70000 $enjoy
we really do be living in a society. like???????
hnggg this is so good
wtf is that mask jajaja I need one (? - Love you Lucasoxx, seguí creando! <3
Wow! this is amazing
thank you masked man . 5555 $ENJOY
ufff buenisima!!! 90000 $enjoy
trippy shit 25436 $ENJOY
Super cool!
101010 $Enjoy
lets mask all
30000 $enjoy
Larga vida a la montaña 333333 $enjoy
agree with the statement 1000 $enjoy
224787 $Enjoy
beautiful my friend <3
Percibo vibras patagónicas 😊 71243 $enjoy
The subject's expression is captivating and realistic.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋✧˚.🟢˚˖𓍢ִ໋✧˚. loveee it!
I love this super trippy Zorb 🥹 111111 $enjoy
Muy bueno! Me encanta la textura que tiene, le da algo medio retro/analógico difícil de definir. 2555 $enjoy
serious ball 454 $enjoy
500 $enjoy 50 $imagine
Dynamic light waves
yellow zorb 12 $imagine 15 $enjoy
tremenda hermano!
1111 $enjoy
zorbbb 5000 $enjoy
Woooo!!! Zorbish!
51515 $Enjoy
Tremenda dupla! Tremenda obra!
And it was aalll yellowww
great one lucasoxx !!
me gusta mucho como c ve esto !! \(^ω^\)
que flashero me re gusta
i love that green my friend! this is the most beautiful mutant zorb ive seen
I love this piece
I always wonder where we are going to go with technology +++!!!
I always wonder where we are going to go with technology +++!!!
wanna see it IRL ASAP!
I was there, full supporter of mi amorcitooooooo
amigo me encanta! que ganas de verla en vivo
this is a piece of histoy <3
This is excellent!
I love how you can materialize concepts lucas
I am enjoying this
this is awesomeeee
no me gusta el azul porque es el color de los cobanis, pero esta zorb me encanta <3
This is sick
La montaña mágica. 💙
very good work
you can feel the heartbeat in this piece
I love this one
this zorbs are going crazy damn
Love the texture! Super trippy!
Yellow Zorbmarine (?
fake zorbs are the new real zorbs
Fake or real, I don't care. Just gimme one.
super peposo trippy dope af
Enamorada de esta montaña trippy
This is a mindblowing zorb
I felt in love with that sky 💕
A great duo, an incredible job.
Wow! This is crazyyyy
Amazing chain collage application <3
How beautiful, it is like a microscopic X-ray
Amazing piece 🖤
uou this is a level up collage <3
What a pleasure of collab ❤️🌳
uffff tremendo 1000000 $DEGEN
Wooo lucaso i love this piece! omg beautiful texture and colors
This landscape is amazing
I like this magic landscape!👌
Any day on my dreams
