Ⓜ️inted Title: “cloud_watching” Collection: “touching grass” Creator: @notnan Mint Notes: Have frequently experienced the very message this work conveys. 👓 🔵
Ⓜ️inted Title: “Innumerable Questions” Collection: “Blue IRL” Creator: @seeingblue Mint Notes: Minted own work to send to @notnan as gesture of appreciation.* 👓 🔵
Title: “cloud_watching”
Collection: “touching grass”
Creator: @notnan
Mint Notes: Have frequently experienced the very message this work conveys.
👓 🔵
Title: “Innumerable Questions”
Collection: “Blue IRL”
Creator: @seeingblue
Mint Notes: Minted own work to send to @notnan as gesture of appreciation.*
👓 🔵