an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings, spiritual connection, dreams or any other way rather than facts
the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning
hybrid body lab
29/10/24, 12:37
1000 $enjoy ✧
29/10/24, 12:37
desire for an image
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ ✧
And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner,
And fly with more affection🕊️ 🔵 ✧
stronger wind
Life and Death necklace by occulted
33333 $enjoy ✧
don't ever look inside the shadow
33333 $enjoy ✧
an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings, spiritual connection, dreams or any other way rather than facts
the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning
my words to myself are protection
my way to the light is forgivable
i'm here for you +++
i'm here for you +++
cling to what strengthens you
One Way, The Calm Way: Sign
Calm Way Sign, part of "One Way, The Calm Way" artwork, specially featured on O.R.B Exhibition in São Paulo with Artdao and Zora.
"One Way, The Calm Way" :
The O.R.B Exhibition:
77 $enjoy 11 $imagine ✧
we should only live once
Natural Evolution ⭕🔜🔴🔜🌐
fell in love at o.r.b
It's all been done
33333 $enjoy ✧
Becoming Z.O.R.B
if it's not a sign, tell me what it is
these nicknames are not mine, I'm occulted#BR1
Keep Calm And Mint The O.R.B
An ORB is just an evolved CIRCLE
+++???!!! ✧
one way, the calm way
<3 66666 $enjoy
✧unfolding paths
4320 x 4320
Keep Calm & Be Yourself
It seems a key to something bigger
occulted, 2023
3840x3840 Pixels
Format: .mp4
3840 x 2160 pixels .png 2023
Commissioned by Gemma