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Hybrid Arts

Collection from Advanced Digital Creation - Hybrid Arts Masters Course from laSalle University, Barcelona.
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4:11 1920x1080 221MB View on Zora


Track release at Sónar+D 2024 with Revelator Labs utilizing their new web 3.0 - web 2.0 seamless distribution chain.

I had a nightmare peace as a word was censored everywhere. Been building stories and characters for a game/story coming out this year. Here's a first demo showing some of my peace warriors.

Peace without justice is privilege.
Peace without privilege is justice.
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📶 5 comments • 119,000 est. $enjoy tips
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I could feel the bass through my floor

50000 $enjoy
69000 $enjoy
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2:16 1920x1080 116MB View on Zora

Climate Chronicles: 1940-2024

World Temperature Anomalies 1940-2024 data sonified and visualized by Portrait XO.

This is the sound of a synth modulated by world temperature anomalies from 1940-2024. The sonic translation of the exponential curve from 2000-2024 aligns with the latest AI summer we're currently living in. As AI continues its rapid growth, humans must continue to stay alert with critical analysis of how AI impacts us individually, societally, collectively, economically, and environmentally. From data privacy, transparency, and protection, to how AI impacts our wellbeing and the health of the entire planet with all living species, it's our duty as humans to look after ourselves and the home we inhabit. Seeing the correlation between the impact of AI and climate change, we need to question how and why it makes sense to support such rapid growth, and how we can push for sustainable solutions.

Part of TEMPORAL TIDE at Sónar Festival 2024:
Temporal Tide installation translates critical data into audiovisual narratives, spotlighting the complexities and interconnections of global challenges. Aimed at fostering dialogue, it calls for awareness, reflection, and collective action toward a sustainable future.
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2:41 1912x1080 81MB View on Zora

Codes of Nature

Portrait XO & Ali M. Demirel 'Codes of Nature' - USA. An excerpt from the audiovisual performance of World Temperature Anomalies 1940-2024 premiered at Nobel Prize Museum 12th April, 2024.

As Nobel Prize Laureate Sir Paul Nurse stated over 10 years ago, climate change is a real human-caused problem. Evidence and causes have been documented by leading climate scientists published by The Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences over a decade ago. If proof exists that continues to go unseen, how much longer will Earth keep humans as we continue to cause so much damage at exponential speed? The data of USA temperature anomalies have been sonified to feel data and continue to build awareness and call to action for changemakers, policymakers, and rest of humanity to understand the urgency of our current climate crisis.

Part of TEMPORAL TIDE at Sónar Festival 2024:
Temporal Tide installation translates critical data into audiovisual narratives, spotlighting the complexities and interconnections of global challenges. Aimed at fostering dialogue, it calls for awareness, reflection, and collective action toward a sustainable future.
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2160x2160 401KB      


All creator rewards to ethevacuations.eth to help evacuate families in Gaza
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2052x2052 602KB      


All proceeds will go to ethevacuations.xyz to help evacuate families out of Gaza.

There will always be injustice until
there is peace for all of humanity

Releasing privileges to liberate peace for all
means to deeply understand how and why
peace is taken from lives that
should be treated as equals
but are not
and it is our duty as humans
to understand why some are dehumanized
and what we can do about it to
stop further acts of violence

never has there been such a time
when acts of humanity,
compassion, empathy, and generosity
have led to punishment

as painful and exhausting it has been
the power of collective healing
is and will set a new precedent
for the next generation

and that’s been my daily heartbreak
surrendering and accepting that this tunnel
is currently very dark and so long
and perhaps the paradigms shift
of actual unconditional love won’t happen
societally soon enough

This is for everyone who’s been actively
working tirelessly from media literacy
to on the ground help to surviving all the mental
and emotional turmoil this has been causing

For the daily mourning ❤️‍🩹🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉
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M3RR0R is an experimental social hybrid research piece by Portrait XO. In collaboration with Thomash Haferlach, they designed a multilingual chatbot available on WhatsApp trained on Portrait XO's voice with a slightly absurdist personality. Images generated in this piece are from interrogating ChatGPT4 to test how well it knows their works, identity, and bias. Portrait XO AI responds to text, audio, and emojis: +4915208578397. New features are constantly updated e.g. soundtrack, image generation, etc.

Music and visuals by Portrait XO
AI chatbot voice trained by Thomash Haferlach
AI Personality designed by Portrait XO and Thomash Haferlach

Hover over the piece to reveal the control menu. Click the play button to start audio and video, click circular layer toggles to interact. Best viewed on desktop using a Chrome-based browser.

Learn more about Metamedia at: meta-media.club
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so good
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6:02 1332x750 354MB View on Zora

Virtual Unreality

For this release, Pan-Pot collaborated with independent researcher and transdisciplinary artist Portrait XO to materialize a unique audiovisual piece that’s about what it means to co-create with AI in the context of our hyper-digital realities. Since the pandemic challenged humanity with socializing being limited and pushed further into digitizing the way we stay connected, ‘Virtual Unreality’ were words that came together to express the current state of redefining what reality even means within this hyper virtual state of living.

There were several layers of AI approaches for this piece using a synthetic voice designed by Birds on Mars of Portrait XO’s talking voice, and several tools from Pollinations.AI in 2022 when there were several open source AI models available. First, the fabricated words ‘Virtual Unreality’ were used as input for GPT-NEO on Pollinations.AI - an AI text generator. Based on the answers, Pan-Pot and Portrait XO curated their favourite outputs:

‘Virtual unreality is the space around us
Unreality is an illusion of light and movement, suspended in space
Where it’s hard to tell the difference between your dream and reality
Life is a dream and we are the dreamers’

These official lyrics were then translated into AI-generated audio reactive 3D sculptures created by Iv with their custom 3D font.

Once the track was finalized and mastered by Henne Müller, the audio was used as data input to create the official music video. The video was created using 2 AI Google Colab notebooks on Pollinations.AI: Lucid Sonic Dreams and Text-to-Image VQGAN+CLIP (Video) by Portrait XO.

The audio reactive 3D sculptures of the AI voice were generated by an untrained custom-made AI model by Iv showing the underlying way of thinking and processing data that machines use. Created as a way to visualize randomly initialized neural networks, these sculptures became digital entities symbolizing the essence of ‘virtual unreality’.

As the word ‘metaverse’ is constantly being redefined with the birth of Web 3.0, ‘Virtual Unreality’ also has a portal on newart.city/show/virtualunreality where people are invited to fly through a 3D online space and leave us comments. Concept by Portrait XO and designed by Iv, this space offers an experience of the track in 3D with spatial audio, a beautifully coded environment, and fly through 3D AI sculptures in 360. We would love to hear how you feel about your state of virtual unreality.


Music by Pan-Pot feat. Portrait XO
AI audiovisuals + Concept by Portrait XO
AI-generated audio reactive 3D sculptures by Iv
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0:15 1920x1080 18MB View on Zora

Portrait XO: the 1st AI singing voice by Dadabots (custom SampleRNN)

This is the 2nd digital collectible from 'Sittin on a' 'Wire' music video feat. the 1st AI singing voice designed by Dadabots based on 1-hour recording of my vocals.

When I collaborated with Dadabots in 2019 during our artist residency at Factory Berlin x Sonar+D, I was really intentional about using my own recordings as training data without any pre-trained models. I wanted to understand what concentrated biased data of just my voice would sound like through AI. I also wanted to have full agency over the use of my voice with AI.

As I've been using different technologies to challenge my craft as a musician and visual artist, I've faced a lot of misconceptions about what it means to use AI as an artist. One of the main misconceptions is that everyone who uses AI wants creativity to be automated and replace roles. My answer: why would I ever want to replace myself? I wish I was faster with my work. In a lot of ways, using AI to co-create lyrics and melodies with my 'other' self has been the most inspiring new approach to songwriting; I'd love to see other singers/songwriters try this out. I've tried a few other AI models like RAVE and MelSpecVAE audio generators and still have yet to hear anything like this custom SampleRNN model by Dadabots. This combination of output never fails to astonish me: lyrics + melodies + vocal techniques I've never sung before.

Recently most asked question:

Q: Was there any text-to-audio involved for lyrics?
A: No, it's pure audio. The soundbite to this video is an example of one of the AI-generated audio of my voice

I think whatever methods we use to help us finish creative endeavours should ultimately enhance, push, or challenge our skills to better our human skills. If we become better writers, producers, and artists with our own minds, hands, and execution then I think tech as tools have done their job to assist us.

I finished writing and producing this album in 3 months which is a record for me because I usually take so much longer until I'm 'happy' with anything. Finalizing the mixes, conceptualizing all the visuals for live performances, music videos, and audiovisual collectibles for on-chain to vinyl production has taken a lot longer than I expected. I've expanded a lot of new skills and grateful to have new visions of future work through this project.

For this music video, I wanted to express my personal journey and hybrid approach to co-creating with AI. Filmed during the severe lockdown in Berlin winter, it was illegal to be indoors or outdoors with more than a few people. Thanks to all the great humans who helped bring this vision to life.

Full credits:

Original music and production: Portrait XO AI-generated vocals of Portrait XO: Dadabots Filmed, Directed, and Edited: Mikael Brain (Schwarz & LUX) Wardrobe: Bonnie Bones AI visuals: Alexandre Silveira and Portrait XO 3D animated sonic object: Harriet Davey

'Wire' on-chain to Vinyl: collect individual tracks + remixes or bundle to get the vinyl here - bit.ly/45cOneC.

FULL VIDEO 48hr AUCTION LIVE from 18.08.2023 www.soundobsessed.com/tokens/35

TY <3
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0:13 1920x1080 13MB View on Zora

'Sittin on a' 'Wire'

This is the 1st pre-release digital collectible of 2 music videos in 1 from my debut research-based AI audiovisual album 'Wire'.

This music video took 2 1/2 years to finish. It involved a lot of going back and forth between me and the director of this video - Mikael Brain (Schwarz & LUX). This video was filmed during lockdown in a forest in Berlin, October 2020. Germany was in pretty severe lockdown and there were limited people who could be together indoors and outdoors. Made possible with a passionate team of humans I'm forever grateful for who donated their free time to help me bring this hybrid vision to life.

I invited Mikael to go on a journey with me as he had never used any form of AI in his work. As a traditional cinematographer, this was a big experiment for him. There were moments when we aligned, other times we clashed because maybe I went a little too far that maybe stripped away the original cinematography. We made so many edits and changes until we finally compromised in a way that stayed true to the story I wanted to tell about hybridity.

The 1st song from this album 'Sittin on a' is titled after the AI-generated audio that sung these lyrics and melodies I've never sung before combining vocal techniques in such a way I can't replicate. But it inspired me to write the next track which is what birthed this new way of co-writing with my AI 'other' self.

The 2nd song 'Wire' which is also the name of the album is me finishing the AI-generated phrase and responding to the way this whole process felt. 90% of this album was co-written like this - a game of call and response.

There are still copies of the album that currently only exists as on-chain to Vinyl, you can collect individual tracks + remixes or bundle to get the vinyl here: bit.ly/45cOneC.

I couldn't have done this without my collaborators.

Full credits:

Original music and production: Portrait XO
AI-generated vocals of Portrait XO: Dadabots
Filmed, Directed, and Edited:  Mikael Brain (Schwarz & LUX)
Wardrobe: Bonnie Bones
AI visuals: Alexandre Silveira and Portrait XO
3D animated sonic object: Harriet Davey

Thank you so much for supporting me, this entire project has been an experiment from the creation of it to the execution.

LIVE 18.08.2023
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Cool art
love ittt
Oh my god, i love this
very cool!
is great
mint now
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2:59 1280x720 98MB View on Zora

Portrait XO: AI as a Collaborative Sparring Partner (A Film by Zora)

How can AI challenge and augment human creativity?

At the heart of this documentary is an exploration of Portrait XO's hybrid approach to human-machine collaboration. Delve into her investigations and interrogations of various technologies that question the boundaries of artistic expression. Her debut research-based AI audiovisual album, 'Wire,' serves as an example of this approach, as she collaborates with her "other" AI self.

This twin entity was birthed by pioneering AI audio data scientists at Dadabots, originating from 1-hour audio of her vocal recordings. Different to text-based approaches, this method of using her own audio for input and output has resulted in what Portrait XO defines as a revolutionary application for songwriting and music making.

She’s been researching and exploring the boundaries of bias in data, identity, sound, art, science, and AI. Join us as we explore 'Wire,' her intricate AI audiovisual project, and immerse yourself in the vibrant 'Sound Obsessed' hybrid arts community she has cultivated.

‘There isn’t any AI model I’ve tried that does this: pure audio of unpredictable, unexpected lyrics and melodies I’ve never sung before that combines vocal techniques in really fascinating ways. I’d love to collaborate with my favourite vocalists with this approach. We need to regularly step out of our comfort zones and allow our limitations to be pushed beyond what we ever imagined to create something new that inspires us.’ - Portrait XO
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very good
This is insane! Mad respect!
referrer 2 r's
so goood
nice vid
Very inspiring!
Mint mint mint
Very cool
Very Innovative
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