A Generative collage from elements of DoomsdayNFT game plus Banksy's Shredded 'Girl with Balloon' plus the yellow Cowboy Hat and various bastard vintage NFT metadata in aleatoric arrangement using cryptographics.app algo "There is always hope"
A Generative collage from elements of DoomsdayNFT game plus Banksy's Shredded 'Girl with Balloon' plus the yellow Cowboy Hat and various bastard vintage NFT metadata in aleatoric arrangement using cryptographics.app algo "There is always hope"
A Generative collage from elements of DoomsdayNFT game plus Banksy's Shredded 'Girl with Balloon' plus the yellow Cowboy Hat and various bastard vintage NFT metadata in aleatoric arrangement using cryptographics.app algo. "There is always hope".
KURT VONNEGUT JR. published a short story in 1959 ‘The Big Trip Up Yonder’ The story is set in the year 2185, where medical breakthroughs have extended human life expectancy significantly. The world is dealing with overpopulation, and the government has put strict birth control measures in place to manage the situation. The protagonist of the story is Harold Ryan, a 172-year-old man, who lives with his extended family in an overcrowded New York City. The central theme of the story is to consider the long-term implications of technological advancements and the importance of balancing progress with ethical considerations, which has little to do with this artwork, but it's an important takeaway nonetheless
A Generative collage from elements of DoomsdayNFT game plus Banksy's Shredded 'Girl with Balloon' plus the yellow Cowboy Hat aleatoric arrangement using cryptographics.app algo "There is always hope"
Rats in our midst
Hero Collector
The big yonder
The story is set in the year 2185, where medical breakthroughs have extended human life expectancy significantly. The world is dealing with overpopulation, and the government has put strict birth control measures in place to manage the situation. The protagonist of the story is Harold Ryan, a 172-year-old man, who lives with his extended family in an overcrowded New York City.
The central theme of the story is to consider the long-term implications of technological advancements and the importance of balancing progress with ethical considerations, which has little to do with this artwork, but it's an important takeaway nonetheless
It's Raining Meh
Safu/Unsafu 8bit
RGBAnksy x Jack Butcher