747air x imagine innovation breeds expansion of consciousness. as we create we must build better containers to transfer ideas the concorde at its time was the fastest commercial jet ever invented imagine flight had it been allowed to flourish
never stifle innovation build with it build on top of it
this is the promise of imagine infra this is the manifestation of 747 Air
With 747 Airlines, there's no place we can't travel to. Now, you can fly to any Zorb of your choosing. Fly higher and remember that once you get on the plane, you're never getting off!
With 747 Airlines, our flights are always taking you from where you are, to where you want to be. Where the weather is always perfect, the breeze is slight and gentle. Where you can sunbathe all day, and show off your natural glow all night. These flights are so fast because here’s a little secret: your dreams are ready and waiting inside of you. So what are you waiting for? Take a 747 Airlines Jet right to your wildest dreams. Let’s say, tonight?
Fly higher with transcontinental and interplanetary travel.* *(taxes and pharmaceutical rates apply)
Have you ever wanted to fly amongst the stars? Well with 747 Airlines, all you need is a little faith, a xanax and a ticket to go as far as science allows. Apparently, that's anywhere in our solar system.
Don’t plan to catch up on your reading. There’s too much to take in, too much to talk about on your 747 Airlines* flight.
While the stewardess removes the last cordial glass from your dinner table, she reminds you to set your watch five hours ahead and tells you that there’s barely enough time to finish a chapter before you see the lights of the next market cap milestone.
747 Airlines Jets are the fastest to the next market cap, and the only Jets that only stay up. And this summer, 747 Air is increasing its schedules to include as many as four Jet flights a day—with deluxe Royal Class service available on every one. You can also fly economy-class service , if you wish, with fares starting as low as the of gas☨ round trip.
For reservations or information, call your Travel Agent or any of 747 Airlines’ 78 offices in the U.S. and Canada. For the talk averse, you can email us at info@crash.management.
☨Fares subject to change. $CRASH is only going up.
See it with your own eyes. It’s bigger than most living rooms, has soft cushiony seats all around, in the middle is a stand-up bar...and not only is it on an airplane, but its in coach. The 747 Airlines $memberHaus. Take a walk to it, through it, around it. Stretch your legs. Relax. It’s a place where you can mingle, make new friends, have a snack, have some fun. Whatever. You can even give yourself a going-away party while you’re going away. By far, it is the most wonderful thing ever to happen to a coach passenger. But the new standard of comfort doesn’t stop with our lounge. You’ll notice it everywhere, from nose to tail. On our new 747 $memberHaus. In coach, for instance, we’ve taken out rows of seats and rearranged the layout so each passenger gets extra legroom. In first class, you can reserve a table for four. Dine with friends as you would in a restaurant on the ground. Play cards. Hold a business meeting. And upstairs is our redecorated VIP lounge. A plush intimate spot where you can pour your own champagne and liqueurs after dinner. That’s one great way to fly. And on transcontinental flights, our new Flagship Service features delicious Polynesian food served by our stewardesses in their incredible new outfits. If this sounds like a plane of the future, it isn’t. Our 747s have all these comforts right now, including the $memberHaus. Everyone can fly. But only $members go up.
Victory is at the head of symbolic effigies. Identifiers of those who have passed on—the traditions of democracy from generation to generation. The act of proliferation made real.
Join the SU Army and fight in the /warcast conflict. Together, we will manage democracy across the chains.
Did you think we'd fight in a war unprepared? Oh no—those who are eligible to become SU SOLDIERS will be shaped into the hands of justice itself, managing democracy for the pursuit of liberty across the chains.
Join the SU Army and fight in the /warcast conflict. Together, we will manage democracy across the chains.
celebrating the first 100 channel members for you are the First Mystics
The first mystics found themselves drawn to the energies of the world around them in a way that would forever change them. These pioneers harnessed their newfound abilities to commune with nature, manipulate elements, and weave spells. In time, they dedicated themselves to preserving the delicate balance between magic and the natural world, forming the secret order of the occult: Occulture.
Cuz I understand why shitcoins work and why a mindless thing like $points or $wowow or $farts can have momentum.
We like dumb shit. It comes around like a conveyor belt and we eat it up.
It’s like a wonderful inside joke that truly hits each time someone mentions it. And with the right conditions it just spreads like a wildfire.
I understand why people won’t like it. It sprouts like a weed and festers in people’s timelines like they invaded their yard. It doesn’t grow on the house like an Ivy does—not an elegant thing, but an infectious plant nonetheless.
I don’t love them, but fuck it, with the right attention, I can make my yard so much nicer than before.
There's so much I can say about what I experienced that night. Let's start with some basics:
+ Melanie Charles, Mark deClive Lowe, Shigeto [artists] + Wall Wall Tokyo [venue] + Last official day of the residency + Incredible show
So back when Scion was making beat sampler cds and passing them out at auto shows, I remember hearing the song Rendezvous by Mark and DJ Mitsu and I was pretty obsessed with it. Fast forward over a decade later, I didn't realize I'd actually meet the guy. During the course of the residency, I got a chance to learn more about Mark and Melanie's artistry—mainly how well they make Jazz sound. They performed for the residency 4 days before this show, but its one thing to see a 4-5 min set and then see an hour+ of some mind bending sounds.
Truly trill as shit.
Shortly after this, this place turned into a rave and I found myself insanely lit, walking to the Mustard House at 6am.
An optional part of the residency experience was traveling to a mountain village outside of Kaga City called Ohzuchi. The man who resides in the village is the one of the last members of his family who owned the area.
[in the gif you'll notice some tombs, that's a graveyard of his family ancestry]
At the time of taking these photos, he returned to the village 6 years prior with his mom to provide upkeep and preservation of this land. The company he worked for Nicce, worked with him and members of the Japanese government to formally recognize the Ohzuchi area as an Historic District so that he can continue to improve the area and continue hosting the same tour we were part of.
For some added context, the tour was done in two parts. You could opt to go on a hunt for wild boar or you can forage the area for rice, vegetables, and herbs and prep them for a stew. I chose to stick around for the foraging so I can take in the sights a bit more (and taste the food being prepped).
After settling into Kagaonsen, I spent some time with a few members of the residency exploring the town of Kaga. What I love about these rural spaces is that they remind me a lot of Philadelphia. The near seamless blend of an older civilization still finding permanence and tradition among the more contemporary ways of life.
Back home, we have Olde City, a microcosm of the very first capital of the "free world", with houses, buildings, halls, and other artifacts of the late 1700s. In Kaga, and in many places around the super island of Japan, have temples littered throughout towns big and small. A slice of what was, and what is. Both spaces are still occupied and maintained and I am grateful that preservation of culture exists.
I loved the overcast and the smell from the rain. I spent probably 4 hours just roaming around taking photos of signage, and the generic activities of the city which feel far more universal than many care to admit.
Aside from language, traffic exists, people live full lives, and rain makes us all a bit more introspective.
First off, I love Akihabara. It's one of the coolest shopping districts in Tokyo. Literally anything electronic, you'll find it here. Combined with dope arcade and internet cafes for gaming—if I wasn't here for the art, I would've been here day in and day out grinding League of Legends and plundering stores for some kooky gadgets.
As the sun lost its will to rise, we managed to arrive at Hashitate Nature Park. We got to observe its descent into the ocean waters beaming its last light across the horizon—an orange light stained in blood—marking the end of a cycle in the eternal battle of night and day.
It is the discovery that even in the averages of dining, this city remains consistent in taste while being affordable. The beef bowl I had was ordinary—it’s taste? Incredible.
A dynamic swell of energy, technique and tradition. The first night arriving at the Hatori we were greeted with the sounds of Taiko drums emanating through the halls of the Onsen.
Who knew Canon had an imagination lab in Tokyo? I was in that space for hours admiring the projection mapping tech they littered rooms with. They had all sorts of fun stuff going on. But nothing beats touching something real. So these balloons were exactly what I needed.
Tōeizan Kan'ei-ji Endon-in is a Tendai Buddhist temple in Tokyo, Japan, founded in 1625 during the Kan'ei era by Tenkai, in an attempt to emulate the powerful religious center Enryaku-ji, in Kyoto.
The temple resides in Ueno Park, where we stayed during our time in Tokyo for the duration of the artist residency. I would return some time later after the residency to explore the area further. At night it feels so alive with the lights generating this reddish tint as if its charging its energy to ward off evil spirits as intended from its original creator.
I forgot exactly where this was in Tokyo and the subsequent wall in which this work as affixed—but what I do remember quite strongly was the feeling of magic. I had never felt so close to the source material of a place I romanticized a lot as a kid. To be there, to take it all in...it was a moment I'll never forget.
Become the streaks of white ever continuing. Eternity wrapped in grey upholstery— You never know where you're going But it's far enough from where you're at.
+ CULTURE AT PLAY [blvkhvnd] + HELMET CITY [jah.] + ENERGY [energy dao] + ONCHAIN SUMMER [the park] + YOU WIN!!! [andre oshea] + HOW TO MAKE CULTUREMEDIA [culturemedia] + FALLING [vlns] + FACES 1 [vlns]
When moodboards become liquid. Curation has always led to coin—now you can track your influence onchain and directly impact your pocket by driving traffic to your mind.
In collaboration with artist Carlosknowsnot, BLVKHVND wanted to create a set of Adult Swim inspired bumps to capture the idea of "culture at play" using our signature acolyte motifs.
What we found in our exploration was a method to subvert expectation and abstract ourselves away from gaming as the core anchor. Play is so much bigger than the conduits used to facilitate it.
As we think about what it means to have an onchain summer, the spirit of PLAY is all encompassing and around us. It's an unbreakable energy that has inspired all of us to embrace a future where fun is the priority.
*Credits* Art + animation: carlosknowsnot Branding: atm + sirsu For: BLVKHVND Minted: on BASE network Shoutout: ENERGY
ISOH 3 RECAP [Boom Bap Rap]
Artifact from FWB FEST
Dialed In 📞
Collect Calls 🎧
ISOH 2 [at] Black Gotham
We are in search of humans
We are in search of humans. Are you among us?
on the way to kaga
imagine innovation
innovation breeds expansion of consciousness.
as we create we must build better containers to transfer ideas
the concorde at its time was the fastest commercial jet ever invented
imagine flight had it been allowed to flourish
never stifle innovation
build with it
build on top of it
this is the promise of imagine infra
this is the manifestation of 747 Air
stay fly
proceeds from split go toward LP
100 $enjoy
1000 $imagine
1000 $imagine to relz.eth
1000 $imagine to sirsu.eth
1000 $enjoy
imagine innovation. 111 $enjoy
33 $IMAGINE to sirsu.eth
every flight has unlimited bagels.
a message from the flight deck
Enjoying the flight.
747 Zorb
💎 Follow/MINT Back and Bonus 💎
this is your captain speaking
Travel your dreams, tonight.
Show off a little.
With 747 Airlines, our flights are always taking you from where you are, to where you want to be. Where the weather is always perfect, the breeze is slight and gentle. Where you can sunbathe all day, and show off your natural glow all night. These flights are so fast because here’s a little secret: your dreams are ready and waiting inside of you. So what are you waiting for? Take a 747 Airlines Jet right to your wildest dreams. Let’s say, tonight?
Go where you're wanted with 747 Airlines.
AirZorb Ad
*(taxes and pharmaceutical rates apply)
Have you ever wanted to fly amongst the stars? Well with 747 Airlines, all you need is a little faith, a xanax and a ticket to go as far as science allows. Apparently, that's anywhere in our solar system.
Cocktails and Coffee
There’s too much to take in, too much to talk about on your 747 Airlines* flight.
While the stewardess removes the last cordial glass from your dinner table, she reminds you to set your watch five hours ahead and tells you that there’s barely enough time to finish a chapter before you see the lights of the next market cap milestone.
747 Airlines Jets are the fastest to the next market cap, and the only Jets that only stay up. And this summer, 747 Air is increasing its schedules to include as many as four Jet flights a day—with deluxe Royal Class service available on every one. You can also fly economy-class service , if you wish, with fares starting as low as the of gas☨ round trip.
For reservations or information, call your Travel Agent or any of 747 Airlines’ 78 offices in the U.S. and Canada. For the talk averse, you can email us at info@crash.management.
☨Fares subject to change. $CRASH is only going up.
the plane that only goes up.
the plane that only goes up.
$members only [you wouldn't get it]
$members only [memberHaus Ad]
It’s bigger than most living rooms, has soft cushiony seats all around, in the middle is a stand-up bar...and not only is it on an airplane, but its in coach.
The 747 Airlines $memberHaus.
Take a walk to it, through it, around it. Stretch your legs. Relax.
It’s a place where you can mingle, make new friends, have a snack, have some fun. Whatever.
You can even give yourself a going-away party while you’re going away. By far, it is the most wonderful thing ever to happen to a coach passenger. But the new standard of comfort doesn’t stop with our lounge. You’ll notice it everywhere, from nose to tail.
On our new 747 $memberHaus.
In coach, for instance, we’ve taken out rows of seats and rearranged the layout so each passenger gets extra legroom.
In first class, you can reserve a table for four. Dine with friends as you would in a restaurant on the ground. Play cards. Hold a business meeting. And upstairs is our redecorated VIP lounge. A plush intimate spot where you can pour your own champagne and liqueurs after dinner.
That’s one great way to fly.
And on transcontinental flights, our new Flagship Service features delicious Polynesian food served by our stewardesses in their incredible new outfits.
If this sounds like a plane of the future, it isn’t. Our 747s have all these comforts right now, including the $memberHaus.
Everyone can fly.
But only $members go up.
$members only [they don't know who I am]
$members only [the exclusive club]
$members only [become the center of gravity]
$members only [go up, fly even]
Join the SU ARMY and pick up your arms to fight in the /warcast conflict. Together, we will manage democracy across the chains.
Join the SU Army and fight in the /warcast conflict. Together, we will manage democracy across the chains.
Join the SU Army and fight in the /warcast conflict. Together, we will manage democracy across the chains.
The First Mystics
for you are the First Mystics
The first mystics found themselves drawn to the energies of the world around them in a way that would forever change them. These pioneers harnessed their newfound abilities to commune with nature, manipulate elements, and weave spells. In time, they dedicated themselves to preserving the delicate balance between magic and the natural world, forming the secret order of the occult: Occulture.
Oasis Conf / Finally Home
Since my grandfather passed, I felt like my link to my Bahamian family was closed—there’s many times I’m wrong and this was one of those times.
My uncle embraced me with open arms and I will get to connect with cousins I haven’t seen yet. I’m looking forward to being here every year.
S/o to my brudda Stef and the Guava team for putting together the Oasis Conf, we doing it real big next year.
Oh, you're talking about this Farcon?
Did I shill shitcoins? No
Why am I doing it now?
Cuz I understand why shitcoins work and why a mindless thing like $points or $wowow or $farts can have momentum.
We like dumb shit.
It comes around like a conveyor belt and we eat it up.
It’s like a wonderful inside joke that truly hits each time someone mentions it. And with the right conditions it just spreads like a wildfire.
I understand why people won’t like it. It sprouts like a weed and festers in people’s timelines like they invaded their yard. It doesn’t grow on the house like an Ivy does—not an elegant thing, but an infectious plant nonetheless.
I don’t love them, but fuck it, with the right attention, I can make my yard so much nicer than before.
Water your Shitcoins
all protocol rewards will be added to the $points LP until the end of the NFT mint cycle.
Snapshots will be taken every week starting tomorrow of current holders and 100 $points will be sent to someone randomly.
ENCORE ENCORE [backstage access]
+ Melanie Charles, Mark deClive Lowe, Shigeto [artists]
+ Wall Wall Tokyo [venue]
+ Last official day of the residency
+ Incredible show
So back when Scion was making beat sampler cds and passing them out at auto shows, I remember hearing the song Rendezvous by Mark and DJ Mitsu and I was pretty obsessed with it. Fast forward over a decade later, I didn't realize I'd actually meet the guy. During the course of the residency, I got a chance to learn more about Mark and Melanie's artistry—mainly how well they make Jazz sound. They performed for the residency 4 days before this show, but its one thing to see a 4-5 min set and then see an hour+ of some mind bending sounds.
Truly trill as shit.
Shortly after this, this place turned into a rave and I found myself insanely lit, walking to the Mustard House at 6am.
KAGA HIGASHITANI [a day in a mountain village]
[in the gif you'll notice some tombs, that's a graveyard of his family ancestry]
At the time of taking these photos, he returned to the village 6 years prior with his mom to provide upkeep and preservation of this land. The company he worked for Nicce, worked with him and members of the Japanese government to formally recognize the Ohzuchi area as an Historic District so that he can continue to improve the area and continue hosting the same tour we were part of.
For some added context, the tour was done in two parts. You could opt to go on a hunt for wild boar or you can forage the area for rice, vegetables, and herbs and prep them for a stew. I chose to stick around for the foraging so I can take in the sights a bit more (and taste the food being prepped).
SERENE PATH [a temple walkthrough]
Back home, we have Olde City, a microcosm of the very first capital of the "free world", with houses, buildings, halls, and other artifacts of the late 1700s. In Kaga, and in many places around the super island of Japan, have temples littered throughout towns big and small. A slice of what was, and what is. Both spaces are still occupied and maintained and I am grateful that preservation of culture exists.
STREET BEAT [A Day in Taito]
Aside from language, traffic exists, people live full lives, and rain makes us all a bit more introspective.
ELECTRIC TOWN [day walk]
It's definitely a place I'll go back to.
Journal: vsco.co/sirsuhayb/journal/sunset-hashitate
BEEF BOWL [the making of]
📍35.71029º N, 139.79742º E
Journal: vsco.co/sirsuhayb/journal/making-a-beef-bowl-tokyo-2019
Journal: vsco.co/sirsuhayb/journal/observing-a-tradition-taiko
KANEIJI TEMPLE [Tōeizan Kan'ei-ji Endon-in]
Tōeizan Kan'ei-ji Endon-in is a Tendai Buddhist temple in Tokyo, Japan, founded in 1625 during the Kan'ei era by Tenkai, in an attempt to emulate the powerful religious center Enryaku-ji, in Kyoto.
The temple resides in Ueno Park, where we stayed during our time in Tokyo for the duration of the artist residency. I would return some time later after the residency to explore the area further. At night it feels so alive with the lights generating this reddish tint as if its charging its energy to ward off evil spirits as intended from its original creator.
Become the streaks of white ever continuing.
Eternity wrapped in grey upholstery—
You never know where you're going
But it's far enough from where you're at.
Drive. Drive. Drive.
+ CULTURE AT PLAY [blvkhvnd]
+ HELMET CITY [jah.]
+ ENERGY [energy dao]
+ ONCHAIN SUMMER [the park]
+ YOU WIN!!! [andre oshea]
+ FALLING [vlns]
+ FACES 1 [vlns]
CULTURE AT PLAY: not_as_sickly
What we found in our exploration was a method to subvert expectation and abstract ourselves away from gaming as the core anchor. Play is so much bigger than the conduits used to facilitate it.
As we think about what it means to have an onchain summer, the spirit of PLAY is all encompassing and around us. It's an unbreakable energy that has inspired all of us to embrace a future where fun is the priority.
Art + animation: carlosknowsnot
Branding: atm + sirsu
Minted: on BASE network
Shoutout: ENERGY
Here's BLVKHVND on the Gameboy Advance SP
[testing in progress]