The web is jittery. the user experience is a lot of switching apps, copy/paste, and manual actions to use your own data. You can’t surf across apps because your accounts get in the way. let’s make browsing faster and wallets safer.
the web is jittery. The web is a lot of switching apps, copy/paste, and manual actions to use your own data. you can’t surf across apps because your accounts get in the way. speed up the onchain and off web make it safer, too.
The web is a lot of switching apps, copy/paste, and manual actions to use your own data. You can’t surf across apps because your accounts get in the way.
Surfing the web is jittery: You have to do everything one by one. The offchain and onchain web is a lot of switching apps, copy / paste, and manual actions to use your own data. You can’t surf the web across apps. Why? It’s because your accounts get in the way.
the web is a lot of switching apps, copy / paste, and manual actions to use your own data. you can’t surf the web across apps. why? your accounts get in the way. it's because they are not safe, smart, and yours.
Activity is multi account
The web is a lot of switching apps, copy/paste, and manual actions to use your own data. You can’t surf across apps because your accounts get in the way.
let's make browsing faster and wallets safer.
the web is jittery
twenty twenty web three
it’s about damn account time
1time session keys and sessions and ephemeral settings by default. let user change as they wish.
be the change you preach
consumer web
how much you care about mattering
artist 1
artist 2
my god, its full of signatures