Imagine bidding on a painting as it's being made, or a song as it is perfomed, a generative piece as it ebbs and evolves.
This is an idea.
Liveminting, a frame. Screenshare or stream digital art, living generative pieces, music, applicable mediums. Auctioned contemporaneously. Mint stills or place a bid on final piece, before it is finished.
The art represented in this piece is a still from a gif demonstrating the possibility of Liveminting on Warpcast.
Roy Lichtenstein, No. 1
Stats - K I N G O F P O P V I S I O N
Roy Fox Lichtenstein, No. 1
Seasons Played - 1923 to 1997
Stats - King of POP
Mayowa Lawal, No. 2
Stats - The Once and Future K I N G
Mayowa Lawal, No. 2
Stats - The Once and Future K I N G
Marina Abramović No. 1
Seasons Played - 1946 through Present
Stats - Conjurer of the Myriad Emotional Form
Diego Robot, No. 1
The Myth of Art, Ed. 1
Genesis Video -
Mayowa Lawal, No. 1
Vincent van Gogh No. 2
Art League, Ed. 21
Amazing 5000 $enjoy
✧Vincent van Gogh, No. 1
Art League Ed. 20
Seasons Played - 1853 to 1890
Love! 5000 $enjoy
✧Basquiat, No. 1
The Undisputed King
Frida Kahlo, No. 2
Art League Ed. 18
Seasons Played - 1907 to 1954
Stats - Survived Impalement
Request - @catswilleatyou
Alexander Calder, No. 1
Seasons Played - 1898 to 1976
Stats - Master of Circus, Assuredness of Line
Alexander Calder, No. 2
Seasons Played - 1898 to 1976
Stats - Master of Circus, Assuredness of Line
Social Surealism: A Manifesto
Robert Montgomery, No. 2
Seasons - 1972 to Present
Stats - Undisputed Champion of Art
The Custodian
Little Brother and Me
L'Arcade Extatique
This is Soup
Yayoi Kusama, No. 2
Seasons Played - 1929 to Present
Mixed Media
Katherine Bernhardt, No. 2
Katherine Bernhardt No. 2
Open Mint
Katherine Bernhardt No. 1
Seasons Played - 1975 through Present
Stats - Color, Chanel, Vogue
Composition - Mixed Media
Egon Schiele, No. 2
Art League Ed. 5
Seasons Played - 1890 through 1918
Facts - Inspired album art for David Bowie's Lodger.
Composition - Generated output from original paintover.
Egon Schiele, No. 1
Seasons Played - 1890 through 1918
Facts - Inspired art for the cover of David Bowie's 1979 album, Lodger
Art League is a series of celebrated painters depicted as baseball players in their own style.
Roadmap - Fun
Marcel Duchamp, No. 2
Seasons Played - 1887 through 1968
Teams - Cubism, Dada, and conceptual
Art League is a series of celebrated painters depicted as baseball players in their own style.
This is an AI generated output from original work with a found object.
Marcel Duchamp
Seasons Played - 1887 through 1968
Teams - Cubism, Dada, and conceptual
Art League is a series of celebrated painters depicted as baseball players in their own style.
This is an original work with a found object.
Roadmap - Fun
Alice Neel
20000 $enjoy ✧
This is an idea.
Liveminting, a frame. Screenshare or stream digital art, living generative pieces, music, applicable mediums. Auctioned contemporaneously. Mint stills or place a bid on final piece, before it is finished.
The art represented in this piece is a still from a gif demonstrating the possibility of Liveminting on Warpcast.
The Treachery of Mimesis, 2024