"...share a platform's overall value with all its contributors, big and small. [...] For vibrant creative scenes to function, the value must flow to everyone." Yes! I've dreamed of creative scenes with this sort of value flow all my life, yet extractive systems have made it ever-elusive. For the first time, I'm seeing reason for real hope, and you articulated this vision so beautifully. Thank you. May a thousand creative scenes bloom. 214129 $ENJOY
A moment for the movement.

120000 $enjoy
/ 🔟 · 👓 🔵 · 101010 $Enjoy
I love this mindset. 🎓 This is a beautiful way to explain the importance of slowing down. Enjoying the process and exploring the what if. Well done
Excellent and provocative questions here. Even a cursory glance at them immediately brings up additional questions:

Why is it so rare to see these things discussed, while advice from the 10x productivity gurus is rehashed endlessly? What kind of barriers (psychological, social, cultural, economic) must we navigate with /10 thinking? How might we facilitate /10 thinking by, say, setting up our surroundings to ease the way?

Thank you. This piece is destined to become a classic of early Slowcore literature. 493410 $ENJOY
A Slowcore Zorb! ⚪
