Daughter of the ruler of the winds, goddess Halcyon loved and married the mortal king Ceyx. Despite her cries against it, he sailed off and drowned. The desperate Halcyon found Ceyx’s body on the shore and threw herself into the dark waves. For her devotion, the gods turned them both into kingfishers so they could be together.
When visiting Visavuori, one can see a small-scale draft sculpture of the Lönnrot monument. This plaster version is almost the same the as final is, but with small changes, for example the hidden face of Antero Vipunen is more prominent, and instead of a pentagram like in the final work, his forehead bears a hexagram, with "Antero Vipunen" spelled on it. For this work, I 3D scanned the actual Lönnrot monument in Helsinki, and placed it in small scale next to the plaster draft using AR.
The fireplaces of Visavuori are pieces of art in their own right. Embraced by glazed tiles, they shine in organic greens and earthy browns. While easy for a visitor to overlook amidst the treasures of Visavuori, these fireplaces, with their subtle elegance, also deserve their own moment in the spotlight.
Emil's atelier building at Visavuori is a masterpiece that continually draws me in. Its dominant hues of yellows and reds, especially the traditional shingle roof, are a captivating sight. This structure is not just a building; it's the very heart of Visavuori. Here, amidst its walls, the genius of Emil Wikström's sculptures come alive. The atelier also houses the quite unique star-gazing tower and the breathtaking winter garden.
The Wikström residence at Visavuori is a magnificent log house that could be from the tales of Kalevala. As one approaches the stairs to the outdoor porch, a lynx-like wooden sculpture stands sentinel, guarding the entrance, holding a sword or a stick. The vivid red and yellow are the primary colors, and they provide a stark contrast to the green paint on the handlebar. And as you ascend, the vista unfolds - a view of towering oaks, once saplings planted by Emil, now mature, their branches heavy with acorns.
For the first time in 125 years, this winning sculpture of Elias Lönnrot by Emil Wikström sees the light of day. "When Elias Lönnrot was out on his poem collection travels, he hears the birth words and singing, which he stops to write down." 3D scan by Marja Konttinen.
“Elias Lönnrot runonkeruumatkalla ollessaan kuulee syntysanoja ja laulua, jota seisahtaa kirjoittamaan.” Syntysanat, vuonna 1899 järjestetyn Lönnrot-patsaskilpailun voittanut luonnos, Emil Wikström 3D-skannauksen video, Marja Konttinen
Missä on ohto synnytetty, mesikämmen käännytetty? Tuolla on ohto synnytetty, mesikämmen käännytetty, kuun sivulla, tykönä päivän, Otavaisen olkapäällä, päällä taivosen yhdeksän.
3D scan of Ain' yhä ajattelevi (Väinämöinen) by Emil Wikström, originally sculpted 1907-1908, this version is from 1992. This statue portrays Väinämöinen pondering. The name comes from Kalevala: Kalevala - Seitsemästoista runo Vaka vanha Väinämöinen, kun ei saanunna sanoja tuolta Tuonelan ko'ista, Manalan ikimajoista, ain' yhä ajattelevi, pitkin päätänsä pitävi, mistäpä sanoja saisi, loisi lempiluottehia.
Visavuori Christmas
Trials 2
Trials by H
Winter roadshow
Blizzard begins
Imagined as Cyndi
Remix the archive - Combine24
August Aurora
The cup of Babalon
Leaving grace
Sleeping with the sun in my eye
Pale pink Linnea
Ancient cup stone by the graves of two women
Thousand lakes
Midnight sunset
Dead and Euronymous
Cauldron of fire
Aibell the Burning Fire
Halcyon days
Hecate of the Crossroads
Hekate of the crossroads
Morpheus, son of Somnus
Morpheus, son of Somnus
Winter in Visavuori
Yellow Noun
111 $enjoy
Arch Far Away
Overseeing the flow
Human shaped but...
Full alchemist
300 $imagine
Draped in the night
Theory of it all
Handing it over
Walked through the lifetime
Cold disintegration
Blackout - relationship to the world
Elegance in furs
Baroque darkness
Fit for a King
The bare ground, the bare bone
As above, so below
As within, without, I roam
Tonight the wolves will win
Spirit foaming from their mouths
Angelic conversations
Whispering profane wisdoms
From out of the dark of night, swallowed
Sprit wolves
The draft and the final Lönnrot sculpture
For this work, I 3D scanned the actual Lönnrot monument in Helsinki, and placed it in small scale next to the plaster draft using AR.
Visavuori Swatches - Fireplace
Visavuori Swatches - Atelier
Visavuori Swatches - Home Stairs
Space on Earth, Imagine
All-Mother looks upon her galaxies, ENJOY
please mint and tip my collection with Imagine and enjoy, love u 3000~!
The goddess up high
Space on Earth
The New Era
Space Witch
Space mother
Coniferous goddess
77 $enjoy
77 $enjoy
Goddess of the East
Horned God of the Valley
Dreadbeat pyromania via Payphone
Like with benefits
Flying feathers
She's dancing
Ornaments of feathers
Let them eat cake
Otsosen runo
Syntysanat / Birth words
3D scan by Marja Konttinen.
“Elias Lönnrot runonkeruumatkalla ollessaan kuulee syntysanoja ja laulua, jota seisahtaa kirjoittamaan.”
Syntysanat, vuonna 1899 järjestetyn Lönnrot-patsaskilpailun voittanut luonnos, Emil Wikström
3D-skannauksen video, Marja Konttinen
My bear
Mesikämmen kaunoseni,
sitte läks saloja samuumaan,
veden kaloja vetelemmään.
Bear will be born again
Pimeässä Pohjolassa, metisessä mehtolassa,
Tarkassa Tapiolassa, syämessä salon simaisen.
Tuoll'on Ohto tuuvitettu, alla kuusen kukkalatvan.
Pienoisen petäjän alla, rahin rautaisen nenällä.
There, the pine
Mesikämmen käännytetty:
Luona kuun, tykönä päivän,
Otavaisen olkapäillä,
Towards the bear skull pine
Stained glass sun
Ain' yhä ajattelevi
This statue portrays Väinämöinen pondering. The name comes from Kalevala:
Kalevala - Seitsemästoista runo
Vaka vanha Väinämöinen, kun ei saanunna sanoja
tuolta Tuonelan ko'ista, Manalan ikimajoista,
ain' yhä ajattelevi, pitkin päätänsä pitävi,
mistäpä sanoja saisi, loisi lempiluottehia.
Scan by Marja Konttinen. For free use.