World Chain is a new blockchain that prioritizes humans and is designed to scale with the growth of the Worldcoin project in support of all of humanity.
The launch of the World Chain Developer Preview provides a unique opportunity for developers around the world to reach more than 10 million people across 160 countries who are using compatible wallets, starting with World App, built by project contributor Tools for Humanity (TFH).
Reth, a high-performance Ethereum execution client developed by Paradigm, will operate in shadow mode during the developer preview, marking a first for Optimism.
1, 인간임을 증명 2, 기본 소득 3, 월드코인 기본 소득을 주기적으로 추징할 수 있는 시스템 4, 신용 대출 시스템 - 채무 불이행의 경우 기본 소득을 정기적으로 추징 5, 대출금과 이자 상환시 소각 6, 대출금 상환시 월드코인 또는 USD 선택 가능 7, USD로 상환한 자금은 월드코인의 가치가 상환 가격으로 내려 왔을 때 월드코인으로 교환 후 소각
1. Proof of humanity 2. Basic income 3. System to periodically withdraw basic income from Worldcoin 4. Credit-based loan system - in case of default, basic income is periodically withdrawn 5. Burn loans and interest upon repayment 6. Option to repay loans in Worldcoin or USD 7. Funds repaid in USD are exchanged for Worldcoin when its value drops to the repayment price, then burned✧
World Chain is a new blockchain designed for humans. Verified humans will get priority blockspace over bots and an allowance of gas for casual transactions. Developers will be able to reach millions of these real users around the world, with apps focused on utility for everyday life. The network will be deeply integrated with the Worldcoin protocol to accelerate growth and leverage World ID’s Proof of Personhood. It will also be secured by Ethereum as an L2 and engineered for scalability alongside the Superchain ecosystem. Importantly, it will be permissionless, open source, and intended to ultimately be independently governed by the community. World Chain is expected to launch later this summer.
#BIC Beincom (BIC) is a social community network powered by both Web2 and Web3 (Blockchain) technology - a great platform for those who want to build their own small inner circle, company/organization, or even huge fan community, to connect people truly and deeply.✧
World ID is a human passport that lets you prove you’re a unique human on the internet while keeping your identity private. It’s designed to protect your sovereignty, and is built as an open protocol meant to be owned by all people. World ID 2.0 is the first major upgrade to the protocol, which will bring enhanced privacy controls, Apps, Levels, and an enterprise-grade Developer Portal. We’re excited to celebrate this milestone with the Worldcoin community.
Announcing World Chain Developer Preview
The launch of the World Chain Developer Preview provides a unique opportunity for developers around the world to reach more than 10 million people across 160 countries who are using compatible wallets, starting with World App, built by project contributor Tools for Humanity (TFH).
Reth, a high-performance Ethereum execution client developed by Paradigm, will operate in shadow mode during the developer preview, marking a first for Optimism.
2, 기본 소득
3, 월드코인 기본 소득을 주기적으로 추징할 수 있는 시스템
4, 신용 대출 시스템 - 채무 불이행의 경우 기본 소득을 정기적으로 추징
5, 대출금과 이자 상환시 소각
6, 대출금 상환시 월드코인 또는 USD 선택 가능
7, USD로 상환한 자금은 월드코인의 가치가 상환 가격으로 내려 왔을 때 월드코인으로 교환 후 소각
1. Proof of humanity
2. Basic income
3. System to periodically withdraw basic income from Worldcoin
4. Credit-based loan system - in case of default, basic income is periodically withdrawn
5. Burn loans and interest upon repayment
6. Option to repay loans in Worldcoin or USD
7. Funds repaid in USD are exchanged for Worldcoin when its value drops to the repayment price, then burned ✧
Introducing World Chain
Verified humans will get priority blockspace over bots and an allowance of gas for casual transactions. Developers will be able to reach millions of these real users around the world, with apps focused on utility for everyday life.
The network will be deeply integrated with the Worldcoin protocol to accelerate growth and leverage World ID’s Proof of Personhood. It will also be secured by Ethereum as an L2 and engineered for scalability alongside the Superchain ecosystem.
Importantly, it will be permissionless, open source, and intended to ultimately be independently governed by the community.
World Chain is expected to launch later this summer.
150 $IMAGINE ✧
111 $Enjoy ✧
10000 $Enjoy ✧
10000 $Enjoy ✧
100 $Enjoy great💚
✧CCOOOLLL 9999 $Enjoy
✧777 $IMAGINE ✧
777 $IMAGINE ✧
best project Great 10000 $Enjoy
✧5555 $ENJOY LFG
100 $Enjoy ✧
10000 $Enjoy ✧
yes ✧
1000 $enjoy ✧
!!! ✧
Introducing World ID 2.0
World ID 2.0 is the first major upgrade to the protocol, which will bring enhanced privacy controls, Apps, Levels, and an enterprise-grade Developer Portal.
We’re excited to celebrate this milestone with the Worldcoin community.