So proud of you & grateful to know you. You managed to pull off something I’ve been manically trying to execute for 6 years. You took the brave experimental leaps while I festered in analysis paralysis, searching for workarounds to the what seemed like impossible task of creating a chronological historical vault of proof of life and proof of creative work. From upload size limits, hosting, limited customization, UI incompatibilities, fear of committing to a platform or service that has the all too realistic chance of not existing or being sun-set in a year, 5, 10…. And not being around anymore to migrate that history and it become lost and forgotten.
So to say watching you take the brave steps and chances while I obsessed over perfect execution has been inspirational doesn’t quite convey how impactful watching this unfold has been. Infinite love to you, C Y Lee & Anna Wang for valuing the process of Documentation in a way it truly deserves to exist.
❤️❤️❤️ 11111 $enjoy
"inspect ya Deck" 333333 $enjoy
<33333 574798 $enjoy
ILY & I <3 Hiroshi 🫂 333333 $enjoy
280,017 $enjoy
🌱🫂🌱 111111 $enjoy
Ily 137,195 $enjoy
let that new life in !!
Loop Sessions. "Sings the Smallville theme song" 131313 $enjoy
200000 $enjoy
M3 🤗💐 137137 $enjoy
moving from imaginary to material enables the shift from personal to collective
11111 $enjoy
Graph-itti 7777 $enjoy
Fantastic Vol. 2 11111 $enjoy
So to say watching you take the brave steps and chances while I obsessed over perfect execution has been inspirational doesn’t quite convey how impactful watching this unfold has been. Infinite love to you, C Y Lee & Anna Wang for valuing the process of Documentation in a way it truly deserves to exist.
Love, Light & All That Jazz.
Sincerely, Dutch (Dutchyyy / Dutchmassive)