✎ 40 37 9 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 0 / 105,271 (0%) $ENJOY
on Link
secured 104841 $enjoy
on Car
meow 25000 $enjoy
I've been wanting a dog from you for a while, super happy to finally collect one
love 152731 $enjoy
love this
wow 43055 $enjoy
beautiful triz 100000 $enjoy
amazing 100000 $enjoy
really enjoy this 100000 $enjoy
love this 28421 $enjoy
nounish 10000 $enjoy
I fw this 100000 $enjoy
wow 50000 $enjoy
essentials 50000 $enjoy
agreed 8228 $enjoy
cool idea. you should look into what jack butcher is doing with opepen. its become like a nft billboard 10000 $enjoy
love 10000 $enjoy
on HOT D
merica 11111 $enjoy
love this 10000 $enjoy
thank you for the inspo I think I'm going to try mix some of my media mixed in using p5.js 26000 $enjoy
<3 11000 $enjoy
love 10000 $enjoy
such a cool piece. will be referencing this for some future projects/mints for sure!
im loving it 5829 $enjoy
higher 10000 $enjoy
vibe 20000 $enjoy
love 10000 $enjoy
so sick 1000 $enjoy
really enjoy this 2000 $enjoy
1000 $ENJOY
this animation gives me hope for the future
