recently one of my favourite things about the onchain objects i create is the ability to update them after release. coming from physical media, where the point of publishing and sale is the end point for creation, this is huge.

in the software sector, this is of course nothing new, and utilised on the protocol level. so why not bring it to the media level too?

there are lots of potential unlocks here. for example, increasing the lifecycle of a mint. currently, when i mint work, it often ends up in an “archived” state, both as a consumer and producer. i rarely revisit what i collected, effectively reducing the lifecycle of the work to the point of minting.

this is partly a browsing and display issue in wallets, and partly a lack of incentive to revisit. introducing periodic novelty can foster a more continued engagement with a piece, similar to how games or other software are patched, and new content is added.
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📶 1 comment • 10,000 est. $enjoy tips
cool idea. you should look into what jack butcher is doing with opepen. its become like a nft billboard 10000 $enjoy
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