wow like an ayuhasca trip
this is so cool and I am chuffed I could be a contributor to it.
this is brilliant and I'l use it in my upcoming course
fantastic: a new ↑ primitive - the *highku*
Moxie feels different, like a personal commitment to other builders and creators. Felt great to buy fan tokens for a good dozen, let's see how it feels when it comes to selling or rotating...
it was the first time I felt part of something big AND meaningful in crypto
minting this bc best crypto journo
Looks like teeth via x ray while on lsd
looking fw to some LSD IRL
that might be the *killer feature*
I finally made it as an OG then, somewhere, somehow, sometime:-)
nice one. have you considered aligning with @louder and using @boostxyz to make this go viral on @sound-xyz or somewhere else?
was this is trippy and dope. what a glitch in the matrix:)
I am getting bullied by the benevolent dictator so I have to drop them this mint. If I disappear call Vitalik.
imho this might be it: the mascot plus the sign = ↑ logo
love this, reminds me of *reality distortion field* (Steve Jobs)
athletes push the human race forward 50000 $ENJOY
wow there is sth. net new here can't put it in words 48000 $ENJOY
on higher
looks like a double slid experiment 10000 $ENJOY
absolutely spring time blossom ↑higher optimism 10000 $ENJOY
This is higher brow😀
sadly don't have an enjoy allowance this week
wow video suggests this will be a game changer
the cat is not just cute but also cool
From human beings to inter becomings 100000 $ENJOY
standing together against violence towards all workers exploited by (neo) colonial forces 50000 $ENJOY
absolutely brilliant fusion of two iconic NFTs 10000 $ENJOY
this NFT might be important onchain artefact for future cyborg anthropologists 7000 $ENJOY
like a Banksy just ↑higher 10000 $ENJOY
100% agreed: it's degen AND regen and I am proudly both 10000 $ENJOY
the clear eyes amidst the myriads of things to see in the jungle 1000 $ENJOY
what a creature my niece would love this 20000 $ENJOY
Let’s aim for a colourful summer and higher 10000 $Enjoy
Let’s aim for a colourful summer and higher 10000 $Enjoy
love this 30000 $ENJOY
30000 $ENJOY
on 🦄
Tech is Sexy. 5000 $ENJOY
magical dreemy 5000 $ENJOY
Dope. Reminds me a bit of Sakia Olde Walbers "Interloper" ca. 2000. 5000 $ENJOY
Dope. Reminds me of Peter Fischli and David Weiss photos. 5000 $ENJOY
5000 $ENJOY

glitch in the matrix only that trinity is asian which I like. fantasies abound...
wowwow audacious 5000 $ENJOY

hypothetical question with semi-serious intent, for when higher is a global social brand with value that others want to attack: what is our future decentralised IP / copyright department saying to this? :-)
Minted - and - re-mixed, check on Warpcast 5000 $ENJOY
1000 $ENJOY to create higher levels of consciousness x /innerwork
111 $ENJOY to get higher
psychedelic experience trapped in a glitch 10000 $ENJOY
so lush and fluid smooth yet sharp 10000 $ENJOY
shrooms give me eagle eyes into reality 10000 $ENJOY
the cats are cute 10666 $ENJOY
Love this intersection of innerwork x higher self 50000 $ENJOY
Humans have only evolved to this high performance bc of collaboration. Let’s go higher
Human Feelings = fractured light into millions of colours, hues, and shades
fluffy, playful elastic figure dancing itself into trance in the quest to ascend into another dimension
Wow, like japanese kanji x glitch art 1000 $ENJOY
Push yourself HIGHER bc no one is gonna do it for you
Wen Vogue?
Spectacular reminds me of artist Tony cragg
Love how it vanishes into dark matter.
Coincidentally, ruv and I label each other as builders since Sep 23, before we found our home on base. Yes, I am a net new builder and y'all find out what in due course.
this is dope. As an org dev of 25 years, I have never been so excited to be an intern again!
coo, this feels like 1995 again
Love a good house party...and want to host a party for web2 normies here soon!
It's time we all accept that everything is connected, and that humans are not the end of evolution...beautiful and meaningful art piece for peace on Earth.
intriguing artistic visualisation of diamond hands
Love this play on F500 companies
Love this play on F500 companies
