Been in crypto for 4-5 years. I don't know what pump .fun is, i don't like token launchers (still waiting for one that I see the point of I mean (clanker the closest)) & I just feel like it's diluting hard acquired users & volume. And making a large amount of users have a bad experience with crypto for the benefit of a few. Change my mind.
It’s all about lowering the barrier to entry & helping non-technical chainizens find ways to be rewarded for their interactions onchain. I think pumpfun doesn’t really fit that thesis, but the new Zora meta, Clank, and a couple others that I’ve seen seem to serve it well. Like, I don’t know how to write a smart contract … but I do know how to upload to Zora, lol.
Day 112 of asking /matcha to support limit orders on /base
YES2Crypto, heir to the “Limit Orderlands,” flees after his father Basefasa’s liquidity pool is drained by Scar - /matcha's manipulative CEO who allies with FUD hyenas (Shenzi: “No limit orders? Stay hungry!”).
Exiled to the “DeFi Savannah,” YES2Crypto adopts a carefree bored ape lifestyle until Nala, a yield-farming lioness, drags him back: “While you meme in shadows, /matcha’s FUD turns cubs into paper hands!”
Enter ancient memelord Rafiki, who smacks YES2Crypto with a Ledger: “Remember who you are. You’re not just a degen. You’re a trader of LIMIT ORDERS.”
A blockchain stampede ensues - Scar’s hyenas (FUD tweets) swarm, but YES2Crypto rallies degens: “Remember: limit orders aren’t just our right… they’re our responsibility.”
YES2Crypto’s viral memes mint a new apex predator - limit orders on base.
rain 5112 $DEGEN To qualify, *guess if I'm going to ETHDenver or not*
Day 112 of asking /matcha to support limit orders on /base
**guess the movie**
YES2Crypto discovers a glitched DeLorean smart contract buried in /matcha's GitHub history.
With Doc Memett Brown - a disgraced memelord scientist - they blast back to 2020 to ensure “limit orders on Base” is coded into /matcha's genesis block.
But meddling breaks the timeline: /matcha pivots to a JPEG-staking casino, and YES2Crypto’s mom (a pepe farmer) falls for him in a Discord DM.
Racing against ETHDenver’s deadline, they hijack a liquidity tornado, reroute it into a $DEGEN lightning bolt, and reboot the roadmap.
“Great Scott! If we don’t hit 1.21 gigawei of gas, we’ll never get back to 2025… AND LIMIT ORDERS WILL BE ERASED FROM HISTORY!”
Final scene: “Market orders? Where we’re going, we don’t NEED market orders...”
Let's see if Zora works today and try to mint this below, show proof and tell me someone who should be in the story.
Similar to the Defi Forger, liquidity architect and API sniper, who would YOU add to the story? (don't tag strangers and remember - notification spam is worse than most spam)
Day 108 of asking /matcha to support limit orders on /base
On a remote digital island, YES2Crypto, a battle-hardened limit order evangelist, is lured by @matchaxyz to audit their flashy new "DEX Park," a trading hub claiming flawless cross-chain execution and low fees.
YES2Crypto joins forces with a chaos trader (Malcolm), an old-school degen (Grant), and a yield-farming specialist (Sattler) to assess the market order-ridden system.
When rogue dev Nedry sabotages the code, liquidity pools morph into Veloci-slippage bots, MEV raptors stalk order books, and a glitchy T-Rex-sized “404 Error” stampedes through $DEGEN farms.
YES2Crypto races to reboot the system, screaming at @matchaxyz: “You were so preoccupied with whether you COULD deploy, you didn’t stop to think if you SHOULD!”
When Velociraptor-like MEV attacks corner the team, an unlikely savior emerges, a frog DNA-inspired "auto-fill" exploit, proving Malcolm right: “Traders, uh, find a way.”
Day 107 of asking /matcha to support limit orders on /base
In a future where on-chain liquidity is drying up, YES2Crypto, a retired trader, struggles to keep engagement alive.
The world is plagued by outdated trading tools and market order technology. A mysterious on-chain ghost delivers a coded message, leading YES2Crypto to a secret lab of degens seeking salvation beyond the liquidity wormhole.
YES2Crypto forms an elite squad to find a new trading frontier, navigating multiple chains with false hope. They face challenges, including's betrayal, and YES2Crypto barely survives as the crypto years pass quickly - as if one year were 30 in normie terms.
With time running out, YES2Crypto makes a high-stakes maneuver around slippage-inducing trades, proving a universal truth:
Cast by afrochicks
#1 on the leaderboard for the first time ever!!
and a top 30 finish for my brother @natogb3 farcaster’s first professional football player
what an honour also i think my parents should frame this cast and put it in their living room
Cast by superanon
Cast by yes2crypto.eth
YES2Crypto, heir to the “Limit Orderlands,” flees after his father Basefasa’s liquidity pool is drained by Scar - /matcha's manipulative CEO who allies with FUD hyenas (Shenzi: “No limit orders? Stay hungry!”).
Exiled to the “DeFi Savannah,” YES2Crypto adopts a carefree bored ape lifestyle until Nala, a yield-farming lioness, drags him back: “While you meme in shadows, /matcha’s FUD turns cubs into paper hands!”
Enter ancient memelord Rafiki, who smacks YES2Crypto with a Ledger: “Remember who you are. You’re not just a degen. You’re a trader of LIMIT ORDERS.”
A blockchain stampede ensues - Scar’s hyenas (FUD tweets) swarm, but YES2Crypto rallies degens: “Remember: limit orders aren’t just our right… they’re our responsibility.”
YES2Crypto’s viral memes mint a new apex predator - limit orders on base.
rain 5112 $DEGEN
To qualify, *guess if I'm going to ETHDenver or not*
Cast by camilags
Cast by sartocrates
Cast by edit
Cast by yes2crypto.eth
**guess the movie**
YES2Crypto discovers a glitched DeLorean smart contract buried in /matcha's GitHub history.
With Doc Memett Brown - a disgraced memelord scientist - they blast back to 2020 to ensure “limit orders on Base” is coded into /matcha's genesis block.
But meddling breaks the timeline: /matcha pivots to a JPEG-staking casino, and YES2Crypto’s mom (a pepe farmer) falls for him in a Discord DM.
Racing against ETHDenver’s deadline, they hijack a liquidity tornado, reroute it into a $DEGEN lightning bolt, and reboot the roadmap.
“Great Scott! If we don’t hit 1.21 gigawei of gas, we’ll never get back to 2025… AND LIMIT ORDERS WILL BE ERASED FROM HISTORY!”
Final scene: “Market orders? Where we’re going, we don’t NEED market orders...”
rain 5112 $DEGEN
Cast by mleejr
Cast by dwr.eth
Cast by yes2crypto.eth
Similar to the Defi Forger, liquidity architect and API sniper, who would YOU add to the story? (don't tag strangers and remember - notification spam is worse than most spam)
Cast by yes2crypto.eth
On a remote digital island, YES2Crypto, a battle-hardened limit order evangelist, is lured by @matchaxyz to audit their flashy new "DEX Park," a trading hub claiming flawless cross-chain execution and low fees.
YES2Crypto joins forces with a chaos trader (Malcolm), an old-school degen (Grant), and a yield-farming specialist (Sattler) to assess the market order-ridden system.
When rogue dev Nedry sabotages the code, liquidity pools morph into Veloci-slippage bots, MEV raptors stalk order books, and a glitchy T-Rex-sized “404 Error” stampedes through $DEGEN farms.
YES2Crypto races to reboot the system, screaming at @matchaxyz: “You were so preoccupied with whether you COULD deploy, you didn’t stop to think if you SHOULD!”
When Velociraptor-like MEV attacks corner the team, an unlikely savior emerges, a frog DNA-inspired "auto-fill" exploit, proving Malcolm right: “Traders, uh, find a way.”
rain 5108 $DEGEN (see below for rules)
Cast by ifewasabi
Cast by yes2crypto.eth
In a future where on-chain liquidity is drying up, YES2Crypto, a retired trader, struggles to keep engagement alive.
The world is plagued by outdated trading tools and market order technology. A mysterious on-chain ghost delivers a coded message, leading YES2Crypto to a secret lab of degens seeking salvation beyond the liquidity wormhole.
YES2Crypto forms an elite squad to find a new trading frontier, navigating multiple chains with false hope. They face challenges, including's betrayal, and YES2Crypto barely survives as the crypto years pass quickly - as if one year were 30 in normie terms.
With time running out, YES2Crypto makes a high-stakes maneuver around slippage-inducing trades, proving a universal truth:
Limit orders on Base are key to saving DeFi.
He also discovers he was the ghost all along.
rain 5107 $DEGEN
- see first reply for rules
Cast by podom.eth
Cast by jessepollak
most people buy and sell them because they think my content is cool, some to speculate on my content going viral.
content coins can be fun, cool, and positive sum.
Cast by theonlycakeone