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✎ 80 21 20 NEW COMMENTS
on bliss
oops, I did the press and hold thing - oh well, $enjoy the 100k+ Sparks 🤣 - I do like the piece!
oh yeah this one is gonna hit
cool piece 👁️🔵👁️
potentially my favorite piece I’ve ever seen on here
I’m fly as Hell and you hate it!
can’t believe I rugged myself out of like 5k Sparks with this one 😂 😭 😭 😭
missed opportunity to call it “pimp.fun”
I’m a simple man - I see wibbins, I mint 👁️🔵👁️
“babe I’m not buying tastefully suggestive pictures of women online - I’m trading coins”
on ⚫️
really like this one
It’s all about lowering the barrier to entry & helping non-technical chainizens find ways to be rewarded for their interactions onchain. I think pumpfun doesn’t really fit that thesis, but the new Zora meta, Clank, and a couple others that I’ve seen seem to serve it well. Like, I don’t know how to write a smart contract … but I do know how to upload to Zora, lol.
lght is incapable of making bad art
bro is writing crypto fanfics 🤣 - love it.
this is officially my iPad Pro wallpaper, now.
Beyond stunning piece - how’d you make this?
I see what you did here.
When I visit the URL, I get an error: 404: NOT_FOUND Code: DEPLOYMENT_NOT_FOUND ID: pdx1::4n6qc-1740511916764-065a6ca7db29 :(
“LGHT try to make something not beautiful challenge || Impossible!!! || (GONE WRONG???)
Appreciate the boost - I needed this today. I *will* end up joining the team, Jesse. 👁️🔵👁️
finally, a phone i can bark at people on
absolutely BALLER shot 🤩
on doge
I’m a simple man - I see Kabir, I see cute dog, I mint. Loved chatting w you at Basecamp dinner- hope we bump into each other in Denver, man!
on SD01
I’ve never wanted something to be a real physical object more in my life.
on suupa
for anyone who wants to try out the Suupa beta on iOS, this appears to be the TestFlight link: testflight.apple.com/join/P6L5ZlFJ
ok now this is epic
I’m a simple man - I see Audi, I mint. 🤣
on RED
ok now this is epic
why did this surge so hard? glitch maybe?!? lol
on melt
This piece *really* spoke to me. So cool.
on home
oh yeah, this one speaks to me
ok the site is beautiful tho
10000 $enjoy
on #1545
249000 $enjoy
on DD71
241983 $enjoy

this is wild 
this is so sick
390,000 $enjoy
on FAM
250000 $enjoy
5000 $enjoy 

love it 
7777 $enjoy - love to see this.
3500 $enjoy - much love man.
6969 $enjoy
I love this piece so, so, so, so, so much. Wowowoow.
much love from the growth cult
ok we ball - drop me a line on Farcaster - @greyseymour - would love to help w $FDAO
Michael Jackson

A million dollars

You feel me?


77 $enjoy
holy shit this is stunning - I’d love to explore commissioning a piece if you’d DM me on farcaster/warpcast? @greyseymour on there :>
666 $enjoy (can’t wait to do this fr - rn I’m just building up the muscle memory while minting, ykwim, J?)

brilliant piece.
125 $enjoy - I love this.
250 $enjoy - love this sm
500 $enjoy - yes yes yes, yes yes yes, mmm ice cream so good
love this - would love to potentially collab? @gogokikaider on X, @greyseymour on Farcaster :)
would love to collab if you’re open to commissions - @gogokikaider on X :) DMs are open
I’m in love with this. Would love to collab/commission a piece? @gogokikaider on Twitter :)
wtf how did you do this?! amazing
amazing! much love from grey & $FRAME :)
ok we ball - sent by @guapolocal
ok we ball
would love to work with you guys! @greyseymour on Farcaster & @gogokikaider on X!
much love from the Base gang
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