Based Friends Forever is a Mini Art Collection by talented Brazilian cartoonist Ilustradora.eth, commissioned by The Yellow Collective. Dora has created some amazing custom & colorful illustrations of 10 of her favorite Collective Nouns and we've worked together to give them each some unique lore!
Each Free Mint will give you 1 of her 10 Editions at random, but warning-- some of these characters are more elusive than others! Be one of the first 10 people to Collect all 10 Editions and post your wallet address as proof in the /yellow Channel on Farcaster (, and you will automatically win a tip of 20000 $DEGEN (worth ~$700 USD.)
All Creator Rewards will be split between the artist (Dora) and The Yellow Collective on BASE (where they will be used to further our mission of supporting and empowering artists and creatives on chain.)
Each Free Mint will give you 1 of her 10 Editions at random, but warning-- some of these characters are more elusive than others! Be one of the first 10 people to Collect all 10 Editions and post your wallet address as proof in the /yellow Channel on Farcaster (, and you will automatically win a tip of 20000 $DEGEN (worth ~$700 USD.)
All Creator Rewards will be split between the artist (Dora) and The Yellow Collective on BASE (where they will be used to further our mission of supporting and empowering artists and creatives on chain.) ✧
100000 $enjoy ✧