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1290x2293 839KB     

your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. keep going!

your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. your mind will get you for what you want. feed it with a vision. keep going!
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1290x2293 630KB    

you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind

you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind
you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind you are capable of creating the things in your mind

keep going, David T Phung and stay heartFULL!
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1249x831 161KB     

write poetry. send eth to davidtphung.eth

write poetry. send eth to davidtphung.eth

📍los angeles, ca, usa
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documenting thoughts onchain is necessary. keep going, David T Phung and creating everyday. stay heartFULL!
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1080x1080 67KB     

888_black SQUARE_20240808

888_black SQUARE_20240808

created on 08/08/2024

📍 highland park, los angeles, ca, usa
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888 on 08/08/2024
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1067x1107 172KB    

keep going prayer 001

keep going prayer:
God only knows where we’ll end up,
with hearts so full, we’ll never stop.
through every mountaintop and valley,
we’ll continue on mile after mile.

keep going!

stay heartFULL,

David T Phung

📍 palm springs, ca, usa
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connect wallet
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1290x2293 61KB     

stop breaking promises with yourself. keep going!

stop breaking promises with yourself. keep going!
stop breaking promises with yourself. keep going!
stop breaking promises with yourself. keep going!
stop breaking promises with yourself. keep going!
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connect wallet
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600x600 38KB    

keep going! (brat aesthetics edition)

keep going! (brat aesthetics edition)
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📶 1 comment
connect wallet
keep going!
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1290x2293 158KB    

the muse whispers_download 001

**the muse whispers_download 001**

the muse does not count hours or even keep a scorecard.
it counts commitment and observes the heart
whether you’re all in or all out.
keep going!

the muse does not count hours or even keep a scorecard.
it counts commitment and observes the heart
whether you’re all in or all out.
keep going!

the muse does not count hours or even keep a scorecard.
it counts commitment and observes the heart
whether you’re all in or all out.
don’t give up. keep going!

the muse does not count hours or even keep a scorecard.
it counts commitment and observes the heart
whether you’re all in or all out.
keep going!

stay heartFULL,

David T Phung
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the moon makes sense because of you.
the moon makes sense because of you (because i lost my words).

oh luna oh luna where are you now?

the moon makes sense because of you (could it be just the two of us?)

the "moon is the oldest tv"

stay heartFULL,
david t phung
53 words 267B Read on Zora

the moon makes sense because of you (because i lost my words)

i'm outdoor right now, next to you look at the moon. and the moon makes sense because of you. could it be just the two of us?

other inspo reference quote: nam june paik's documentary: "moon is the oldest tv"

the moon makes sense because of you.
the moon makes sense because of you (because i lost my words).

oh luna oh luna where are you now?

the moon makes sense because of you (could it be just the two of us?)

the "moon is the oldest tv"

stay heartFULL,
david t phung
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build character in every season, but when it's a season like the "dark days," go deep and keep going.

stay hydrated,

david t phung 12/19/2023

in response to the song below by reo cragun and heno on base. www.sound.xyz/base/based?referral=0x1a1c37c145a1eab58c43f003ebb55c18083b5987&referral_source=link
58 words 313B Read on Zora

build character in every season, but when it's ...

build character in every season, but when it's a season like the "dark days," go deep and keep going.

stay hydrated,

david t phung 12/19/2023

in response to the song below by reo cragun and heno on base.
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Dig Deep ⚡️
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