✅ Offer ends March 16, 2025 to get 100% free Gnosis Pay VISA Card. ✅Your will get 10 EURe in credit!!! ✅ Cashback rewards (until 5%) ✅ 0.00% fees for early users ✅ Web3 IBAN (International Bank Account Number). ✅ Google Pay, Apple Pay (soon). ✅ Completely self-custodial: pay directly from your blockchain address. ✅ Pay anywhere VISA is accepted. ✅ You can print your ENS name on your Gnosis Pay card ✅ 100% discount ref. link: gnosispay.com/oginvite?rcc=c31ed598e547&utm_source=referral&utm_campaign=clwkkx16i00hv11pcdmumdb7s
edited be meee. i love this one.
access code: 5G6U1K
Our Base
✅Your will get 10 EURe in credit!!!
✅ Cashback rewards (until 5%)
✅ 0.00% fees for early users
✅ Web3 IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
✅ Google Pay, Apple Pay (soon).
✅ Completely self-custodial: pay directly from your blockchain address.
✅ Pay anywhere VISA is accepted.
✅ You can print your ENS name on your Gnosis Pay card
✅ 100% discount ref. link: gnosispay.com/oginvite?rcc=c31ed598e547&utm_source=referral&utm_campaign=clwkkx16i00hv11pcdmumdb7s
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