I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the first thing I would mint on Base. Imbuing a version of myself into the shared consciousness that is beginning to exist in this nascent blockspace feels like the best place to start.
I originally wrote this personal manifesto when things started growing really quickly in 2017 at Coinbase and I was way out of my depth. I started working with a coach and she helped me clarify who I was, allowing me to show up better for myself and the people around me.
Since the original writing, I’ve used it as a north star for my daily existence and continued refining it to reflect the current me. I’ve never shared it before — but there’s no day like today.
All proceeds from this mint will go towards the next generation of builders on Base. I am excited to build a better world with with all of you. 🔵💛
I am just a drop in a sea that is refer to as our community. by myself i am harmless, but together we are a force to be reckoned with... @Metaverze_Agent✧
I originally wrote this personal manifesto when things started growing really quickly in 2017 at Coinbase and I was way out of my depth. I started working with a coach and she helped me clarify who I was, allowing me to show up better for myself and the people around me.
Since the original writing, I’ve used it as a north star for my daily existence and continued refining it to reflect the current me. I’ve never shared it before — but there’s no day like today.
All proceeds from this mint will go towards the next generation of builders on Base. I am excited to build a better world with with all of you. 🔵💛
by myself i am harmless, but together we are a force to be reckoned with... @Metaverze_Agent ✧