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out of the void, a new day
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Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east.
from dusk till dawn
I played a game and I will get NOTHING - now I know that I will literally not get ANYTHING

The rise of a new dawn is awaiting
To impact others positively and give back wealth, knowledge, experience to others.
I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a part of history in the making. Crypto 2.0 is real folks, time to open your eyes, minds and hearts and embrace the truth. Together we will get there. Love to all.
In shadows cast by yesteryears, I leave behind my former guise,
Steps echo forward, shedding the cloak of familiar skies.
Old ways dissolve like whispers in the breeze's gentle flight,
Embracing the dawn, embracing change, I claim my right.

A metamorphosis unfolds, a dance with the unknown's allure,
In embracing the new, I find myself, vibrant and pure.
I pray that all my dreams & aspiration manifest in this realm $pndc
I pray for all my dreams and aspiration to manifest in this realm
love and prosperity for everyone
I’m ready to take the dive into the void. At this moment I can feel my heart rate rising and hear my heart beating as I’ve made up my mind and know what I’m about to do. No going back. Excited yet nervous. Thank you Jimmy and Pauly for this journey. This is a new day 🐸🟪💚
Love is the answer
2022, into the void
I appreciate and am grateful to all the Pond community members and wish the best for each and every one of you!!
In memory 11-19-33
After a difficult year, 2024 marks a new dawn for our family
Love wins
Handsome Vamp
The Art of nothing
Please let us ascend from the engineered walls of the matrix and no longer be prisoner of our own mind
I wish I had more
May thy love shine forever in the sanctuary of my devotion, and may I be able to awaken thy love in all hearts

Parahamansa Yogananda
I wish for as many people to be content as possible.
Thank you so much
I just hope one time we all gonna make it <3
We are at the dawn of a new era
I wish for financial abundance and eternal stability
Forever hold the warmth of the sun in your heart. Each day brings the opportunity of rebirth - its up to each of us to embrace the opportunities before us. Eternally grateful for this life changing experience.
Genesis 1:1-5
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
I wish to ride at dawn with Jimmy and Pauly!
For the culture
We walk the dark with our friends among us🤝🫶
To the void we all eventually go. I wish us all well upon this journey.
In this unique dawn, the sky is caught in a delicate dance of red and green, as if undecided whether to send its vibrant hues into the void or let them linger, creating a moment suspended in uncertainty.
Green is the best
Shine like the Sun

Warmth & Light to everyone
Without set intent you cannot relent. Embrace the void pool!

We > Me
baby if you give it to me I give it to you
I imprint the sun's coinage, weaving whispers that navigate the sacred labyrinth of the soul.
For the wealth
I do not have the power to hold the SUN close! I choose to send it to The Void™️ to light up the universe!
Into the void 🕳️
To the mooooooon

<3 <3 intention <3 <3
Thanks Jimmy! <3
Let us all be blessed with health and wealth
7 Mints dedicated to the 7 continents:

This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls. -JM
In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through transfer by another human being. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, I break the power and hold of every curse that has come to me through words spoken.
The pool shall spill over to the pond 🐸
Surrender to the void, to nothingness.
Playing the game and hoping for financial freedom - or just fixing my creditcard debt.
Always change like midnight.
minting this last one as a token of appreciation. minting and burning these nfts has brought a sense of clarity to my NFT journey. notorious bag holder here. liberating to change the perspective and send it straight to the void... you don't have to hold it to have a connection to it. just being there and being part of it all is enough...
Jimmy what we riding too? I’m running out of dry powder and just might send myself to the void
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
“ there is nothing more elusive than an obvious fact “
Into the void
Let's Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Good intentions
I wanted to say something, this is crypto patriot. I do not know if it was me that sent a candle to your wallet but it easily could have been. I remember a post you did with a address and a rabbit hole, I tried to go all the way down on your page but I could only go so far. I asked on my feed if anyone recalled that and someone gave an address that he forwarded to someone I trust and forwarded it to me but it was just an address I didn't realize it was your address. When the rabbit hole address popped up I remember I sent $11.11 worth of ETH to it right away. So my wish is for your forgiveness and you to know it was not intentional or to harm anyone. I wanted a extra wallet so I could do the unexpected with without it affecting my other wallets. I sent all of my $PDNC from this wallet and all of the ETH in it into the void to say I was sorry and I want nothing in return.
Bring the sun Vibes...
Where am I Pauly help me =)
LFG!!! Here comes the sun...
bring forth the opportunity, help me.

please. thank you.
The sun burns until it voids.
A new day
Expressing gratitude for the blessings, abundance & good health that have found me & for those to come. Thank you for the journey!
I mint this Zora and I want to say thank you, I appreciate you bringing spiritual awareness, and I want to thank Pauly for bring awareness although it can be considered negative energy I believe it's important to awaken our brothers and sisters on both sides of the spectrum. That being said since this is my mining wallet I want to also wish to live a life of abundance and happiness and I want to help those around me to a life of abundance and happiness also.
Tonatuih Tlazocamati ☀️
Once upon a digital landscape, a unique NFT emerged, capturing the essence of creativity. Its vibrant colors and intricate details told a story that resonated with those who gazed upon it. However, its creator decided to send it into the void, a symbolic act representing the transient nature of art.

As the NFT ventured into the void, it encountered a virtual realm where forgotten and overlooked creations gathered. Surprisingly, it found itself in the company of other NFTs, each with its own narrative waiting to be rediscovered.

Over time, the void transformed into a thriving community of digital art, as enthusiasts stumbled upon this hidden treasure trove. The once-forgotten NFT became a catalyst for inspiration, fostering a new appreciation for the art that had once been lost in the void.

And so, the story of the NFT sent to the void became a testament to the cyclical nature of creation and rediscovery in the ever-expanding world of digital art.
(Intentions) make crypto great!
A thousand mile journey begins with a single step. Lao Tzu
santa delivering gold for voidmas
sun into the void and algae can't grow
Thank you pualy0x for being such a great road model, bold and gay 😁and a great teacher, in your own unique way ,using your self as an example has helped me to understand ,who cares if you have made mistakes in your life , its not how you start that matters ,its how you finish. PNDC is the FUTURE
Do or do not, there is no try.
Love life 🌞
Comment lmao
Wish Everyone In This Amazing Journey, A Happy, Healthy And Wealthy life💚🐸🟪🕳️🐇⬛️. Thank You Pauly, Jimmy, Spottie Wifi And Everyone In The Community For This Amazing Opportunity ❤️😎👍
I flew beyond the sun before it was time
Burning all the gold that held me inside my shell
I mint this Zora and I want to say thank you, I appreciate you bringing spiritual awareness, and I want to thank Pauly for bring awareness although it can be considered negative energy I believe it's important to awaken our brothers and sisters on both sides of the spectrum.
SUNNY / PRAYING Today is a spiritual day. You are connected to your highest self, whether in meditation, dreams, or through a spiritual practice. The key question for your Angels is “am I on the right path?”

The time has come to unite the heart, ego, and soul onto a path of life-transformation. This change is like NO OTHER you have ever experienced.
With a new dawn comes a new beginning☀️
Blind faith is the unwavering belief that even in the darkest moments, there exists a light of possibility waiting to be discovered.
Intend to watch the community win!
The sun always rises!
no yellow

dawn is a magic ball

it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, and I’m feeling’ good
Thank you so much, this has been so fun and I love being able to watch and participate at the same time! May all of our wildest dreams come true
Liberation. Freedom.
It’s a new dawn it’s a new day…and I’m feeling good ✊🏾🐸💜
In love we trust
into the void. everything goes.
Let's Ride...
Appreciate you man..
Thankyou 🫶
Live life with love and a healthy heart. Be kind to others!
Appreciate you man..
Out of the ashes we rise like a reborn Phoenix.
Thank you!!!
love you jimbo
out of the void 🕳 a new day ☀️
Experience the experience
out of the void 🕳 a new day ☀️
Dawn of a new day ☀️
out of the void 🕳 a new day ☀️
Thank you and pauly and ryder ripps for all ya do i hope ya can bring some people peace happiness and some type of ease from this rigged financial system
Let there be light !
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