0x09711A9e501e03769F32A0F8fC09Aa517337b388. Buying this NFT so you can help me reach higher TVF on DeBank. Thanks for the suggestion mate! Good luck with everything!✧
Hello!!! Usually people seek advice, - said Athos, - only in order not to follow it, and if someone follows the advice, then only in order to have someone to reproach later.✧
and web3 id: xWeb3x ✧
debank.com/profile/0x7d5bec15de5378e31040b9fded942c3f18066586 ✧
chris ✧
Thank you very much ! ✧
My debank address, could you folow me back. Thanks you so much ✧
Thanks ✧
Please follow me on Debank: Rothschild
debank.com/profile/0x82b171ccadf43fc453b428b428693be638d62843 ✧
This is my profile: debank.com/profile/0x610469ba6cc257565da25dd46c8d3c960f5135a6 ✧
debank.com/profile/0xfb81414570e338e28c98417c38a3a5c9c6503516?t=1690357012323&r=74602 ✧